Lochinvar A07H00123456 user manual

User manual for the device Lochinvar A07H00123456

Device: Lochinvar A07H00123456
Category: Water Heater
Manufacturer: Lochinvar
Size: 0.15 MB
Added : 7/30/2013
Number of pages: 4
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Lochinvar A07H00123456 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Lochinvar A07H00123456. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Lebanon, Tennessee
615-889-8900 / Fax: 615-547-1000
Warranty Code Explanation
1. Water heater tanks for residential use have a six (6) year limited warranty effective
60 days from date of manufacture as determined by the serial number.
2. Water heater tanks for commercial use have a three (3) year limited warranty
effective 60 days from date of manufacture as determined by the serial number.
3. Storage

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

RESIDENTIAL TANK TYPE ELECTRIC BOOSTERS (SB) (1978-Present) GAS, ELECTRIC & SOLAR ALL YEARS COMMERCIAL TANK TYPE GAS ALL YEARS Booster serial numbers have ten numbers. LIGHT DUTY COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC ALL YEARS The first six numbers are production related. EXPLOSION RESISTANT ELECTRIC ALL YEARS The seventh & eighth number indicates year produced. JACKETED TANKS (RJS & RJA) 1986-Present The final ninth or tenth numbers equal month produced. STANDARD HI-POWERS (HS&HC) 1997-Present Example: 12345697

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

CUSTOM HI-POWER (CHP) 1978-Present STANDARD HI-POWER 1974-Apr. 1997 JACKETED TANKS (TV* & R*A) 1979-Present OIL FIRED (BRE SERIES) 1984-1992 COPPER-FIN (CW & CB) 1981-Present POOL HEATERS (ER, CS & CP) 1981-Present NOTE: This chart is for reference only. See chart on POWER-FIN (PF & PB) 1986-Present page 2 for current standard Hi-Power and Oil-Fired MINI-FIN (RW & RB) 1989-Present serial numbers. COPPER-FIN II (CF & CH) 1991-Present EFFICIENCY+ (EW & EB) 1997-Present The above models have one le

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

NOTE: All charts on this page are reference only. ® COPPER-FIN WATER HEATERS (CFW) 1968-1981 HI-FIRE COMMERCIAL GAS (HF) thru 1986 COPPER-FIN BOILERS (CFB) 1968-1981 OIL FIRED (G-O SERIES) thru 1986 POWER GAS (PG) thru 1986 The Copper-Fin heaters have a number followed by a letter(s) then three numbers. A) 1965-1983 models coded with one letter, followed by five numbers. Example: 5Y013...Built in May 1978 Example: M78013...Built in December of 1978 First number indicates month produce

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