Dimplex LA 8MR user manual

User manual for the device Dimplex LA 8MR

Device: Dimplex LA 8MR
Category: Heat Pump
Manufacturer: Dimplex
Size: 3.96 MB
Added : 10/12/2013
Number of pages: 36
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Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Air-to-Water Heat Pump
for Outdoor installation
Order No.: 452159.67.07 FD 8602

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

CONTENTS 1 READ IMMEDIATELY 3 1.1 Important Information 1.2 Legal Provisions and Guidelines 1.3 Energy-Efficient Use of the Heat Pump 2 PURPOSE OF HEAT PUMP 4 2.1 Field of Application 2.2 Principle of Operation 3 SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4 3.1 Baseline Unit 3.2 Control Box 4 TRANSPORT 5 5 INSTALLATION 5 5.1 General 5.2 Condensate Line 6 MOUNTING 6 6.1 General 6.2 Heating-Side Connection 6.3 Electrical Connection 7 COMMISSIONING 7 7.1 General 7.2 Preparatory Steps 7.3 Procedure 8 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

READ IMMEDIATELY 1.2 Legal Provisions and Guidelines READ IMMEDIATELY This heat pump was designed and built in 1 compliance with all relevant EU directives, DIN and 1.1 Important Information VDE regulations (see CE Declaration of Conformity). The electrical connection of the heat pump must be CAUTION! Do not open the unit unless all performed according to and conforming with all re- electrical circuits have been disconnected from the levant VDE, EN and IEC standards. Beyond that, all power supp

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

PURPOSE OF HEAT PUMP SCOPE OF DELIVERY PURPOSE OF HEAT SCOPE OF DELIVERY 23 PUMP 3.1 Baseline Unit The heat pump is deliverd as a compact unit 2.1 Field of Application containing the components listed below. The air-to-water heat pump is intended for use in The refrigerant used is R407C. existing or newly built heating systems. The heat pump is designed for the cooling or heating of water for heating purposes and the supply of domestic hot water! 12 3 The heat pump is suitable for mono-energetic

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

TRANSPORT INSTALLATION TRANSPORT INSTALLATION 4 5 5.1 General The unit should always be installed on a CAUTION! During transport, the heat pump permanently level, smooth and horizontal floor. The must not be tilted more than 45° (in either direction). base frame (with its contact surfaces) should make close contact with the floor in order to prevent any The unit should be transported to the final structure-borne noise from being transmitted. If this installation site on a wooden pallet. The heat

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

MOUNTING 6.3 Electrical Connection MOUNTING The power connection of the heat pump is effected 6 via a standard 3-core (for 1-phase units) or a 5-core 6.1 General (for 3-phase units) cable. The following connections need to be established In the case of the 1-phase units, an additional 3-core on the heat pump: cable must be installed for the electric back-up heater. - supply/return lines of the heating system The cable(s) has (have) to be supplied by the client; - condensate drain the cross-secti

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

COMMISSIONING Heat source temperature max. difference between COMMISSIONING heating water supply and from to return temperature 7 -20 °C -15 °C 4 K 7.1 General -14 °C -10 °C 5 K -9 °C -5 °C 6 K To ensure proper commissioning it should be -4 °C 0 °C 7 K carried out by an after-sales service authorized by the manufacturer. Only then can an extended 1 °C 5 °C 8 K warranty period of 3 years in total be granted (cf. 6 °C 10 °C 9 K Warranty service). 11 °C 15 °C 10 K 16 °C 20 °

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8.2 Control Board FUNCTIONAL 8 DESCRIPTION 8.1 Heat Pump Remote Control Unit The heat pump can be switched on and off by means of the remote control positioned inside the building. Switching off in this case means switching to a "standby" function, i.e. as long as the heat pump is 65 43 2 1 supplied with mains power, the frost protection function of the heat pump remains active. If the water 12 temperature is too low, first the heating circulating pump, and if this is not

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CLEANING / CARE 8.4 Cooling Function CLEANING / CARE Place switch (1) in position On (I) to put heat pump 9 into operation. The cooling mode can be 9.1 Care preselected by placing switch (2) to the Cooling To protect the paint finish, avoid placing objects ( ) position. The desired return temperature can against or on the unit. The external parts of the heat be set using selector dial (4), the relevant call for pump can be wiped with a damp cloth and heat is controlled by

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

CLEANING / CARE MALFUNCTIONS / TROUBLESHOOTING DECOMMISSIONING Caution - Heating Contractors The preset temperature level cannot be reached! Please check whether Depending on the water quality and quantity, in particular in the case of mixed installations and - the permissible operating conditions of the heat plastic pipes, mineral deposits (rust sludge, lime) pump are complied with (air temperatures too high may form impairing the proper functioning of the or too low). heating installation. A c

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

APPENDIX APPENDIX 12 12.1 DIMENSIONED DRAWING 12 12.2 EQUIPMENT DATA 13 12.3 SCHEMATICS 12.3.1 Heating mode LA 6MR 14 12.3.2 Cooling mode LA 6MR 15 12.3.3 Heating mode LA 8MR 16 12.3.4 Cooling mode LA 8MR 17 12.3.5 Heating mode LA 10MR 18 12.3.6 Cooling mode LA 10MR 19 12.3.7 Heating mode LA 12TR 20 12.3.8 Cooling mode LA 12TR 21 12.3.9 Heating mode LA 16TR 22 12.3.10 Cooling mode LA 16TR 23 12.4 WIRING DIAGRAMS 12.4.1 Control LA 6MR-LA 10MR 24 12.4.2 Load LA 6MR-LA 10MR 25 12.4.3 Terminal Diagr

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

APPENDIX: 12.1 DIMENSIONED DRAWING Dimensioned Drawing 12 Heating water Supply G 1” external thread Heating water Return G 1” external thread Feed-through Electric lines Condensate drain Direction of air flow Condensate pan Appliance contact surfaces (stainless steel) 35 (circumferential) Condensate drain Condensate tube Soil (plastic) to sewer Air discharge end Electr. connection box (inspection side) ( Base frame )

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

APPENDIX: 12.2 EQUIPMENT DATA Equipment Data EQUIPMENT DATA for air-to-water heat pumps for heating 1 TYPE AND COMMERCIAL DESCRIPTION LA06MRN LA08MRN LA10MRN LA12TRN LA16TRN 2 MODEL reversible reversible reversible reversible reversible 2.1 Type 2.2 Enclosure type acc. to EN 60 529 for compact unit and/or heating element IP 24 IP 24 IP 24 IP 24 IP 24 2.3 Installation site outdoors outdoors outdoors outdoors outdoors 3 PERFORMANCE DATA 3.1 Operating temperature limits: Heating water supp

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

APPENDIX: 12.3 SCHEMATICS 12.3.1 Heating mode LA 6MR W W aater outlet temperature in [ sseraustrittstemperatur in [°C] °C] Heating capacity in [kW] Heizleistung in [kW] 11 10 35 Bedingungen: Conditions: 50 9 3 Heating water flow rate 1.1 m /h Heizwasserdurchsatz 1,1 m³/h 8 7 6 5 4 40 3 2 1 0 -20 -10 0 10203040 Lufteintritts Air inlet temperature in [ temperatur in [°C] °C] Power consumption (incl. power input to pump) D Pressure loss in [Pa] ruckverlust in [Pa] Leistungsaufnahme (incl. Pumpenlei

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

APPENDIX: 12.3 SCHEMATICS 12.3.2 Cooling mode LA 6MR WW as ater outlet temperature in [ seraustrittstemperatur in [°C] °C] Kühlleis Cooling capacity in [kW] tung in [kW] 14 12 Bedingungen: Conditions: 3 Water flow rate 1.1 m /h Wasserdurchsatz 1,1 m³/h 10 8 18 6 8 4 2 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Lufteintritts Air inlet temperature in [ temperatur in [°C] °C] Power consumption (incl. power input to pump) Pressure loss in [Pa] Leistungsaufnahme (incl. Pumpenleistungsanteil) Druckverlust in [Pa]

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

APPENDIX: 12.3 SCHEMATICS 12.3.3 Heating mode LA 8MR Water outlet temperature in [°C] Heating capacity in [kW] Wasseraustrittstemperatur in [°C] Heizleistung in [kW] 13 12 35 11 Bedingungen: Conditions: 50 3 H Heating water flow rate 1.3 m eizwasserdurchsatz 1,3 m³//h h 10 9 8 7 6 5 40 4 3 2 1 0 -20 -10 0 10203040 LufAir inlet temperature in [ teintrittstemperatur in [°C] °C] Power consumption (incl. power input to pump) Pressure loss in [Pa] Druckverlust in [Pa] Leistungsaufnahme (incl. Pumpenl

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

APPENDIX: 12.3 SCHEMATICS 12.3.4 Cooling mode LA 8MR Wa W sater outlet temperature in [ seraustrittstemperatur in [°C] °C] Kühlleis Cooling capacity in [kW] tung in [kW] 18 16 Bedingungen: Conditions: 3 W W a ater flow rate 1.3 m sserdurchsatz 1,3 /h m³/h 14 12 10 18 8 8 6 4 2 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Lufteintrittstemperatur in [°C] Air inlet temperature in [°C] Power consumption (incl. power input to pump) Leistungsaufnahme (incl. Pumpenleistungsanteil) Pressure loss in [Pa] Druckverlust

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

APPENDIX: 12.3 SCHEMATICS 12.3.5 Heating mode LA 10MR Water outlet temperature in [°C] Heating capacity in [kW] Wasseraustrittstemperatur in [°C] Heizleistung in [kW] 16 35 14 Bedingungen: Conditions: 3 H Heating water flow rate 1.5 m eizwasserdurchsatz 1,5 m³//h h 50 12 10 8 6 40 4 2 0 -20 -10 0 10203040 Lufteintritts Air inlet temperature in [ temperatur in [°C] °C] Power consumption (incl. power input to pump) Pressure loss in [Pa] Druckverlust in [Pa] Leistungsaufnahme (incl. Pumpenleistungs

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

APPENDIX: 12.3 SCHEMATICS 12.3.6 Cooling mode LA 10MR Water outlet temperature in [°C] Cooling capacity in [kW] Wasseraustrittstemperatur in [°C] Kühlleistung in [kW] 22 20 Bedingungen: Conditions: 18 3 Water flow rate 1.5 m /h Wasserdurchsatz 1,5 m³/h 16 14 12 18 10 8 8 6 4 2 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Lufteintrittstemperatur in [°C] Air inlet temperature in [°C] Pressure loss in [Pa] Power consumption (incl. power input to pump) Leistungsaufnahme (incl. Pumpenleistungsanteil) Druckverlust

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

APPENDIX: 12.3 SCHEMATICS 12.3.7 Heating mode LA 12TR W W aater outlet temperature in [ sseraustrittstemperatur in [°C] °C] Heiz Heating capacity in [kW] leistung in [kW] 22 35 20 50 Bedingungen: Conditions: 18 3 H Heating water flow rate 1.7 m eizwasserdurchsatz 1,7 m³//h h 16 14 12 10 8 6 40 4 2 0 -20 -10 0 10203040 Lufteintrittstemperatur in [°C] Air inlet temperature in [°C] Leistungsaufnahme (incl. Pumpenleistungsanteil) Pressure loss in [Pa] Druckverlust in [Pa] Power consumption (incl. po

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