Dimplex LA 12PS user manual

User manual for the device Dimplex LA 12PS

Device: Dimplex LA 12PS
Category: Heat Pump
Manufacturer: Dimplex
Size: 2.36 MB
Added : 10/12/2013
Number of pages: 35
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Dimplex LA 12PS User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Dimplex LA 12PS. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

LA 12 PS
LA 18 PS
Montage- und
Installation and
Operating Instructions
Instructions d’installation
et d’utilisation
Luft/Wasser- Air-to-Water Heat Pompe à chaleur
Wärmepumpe für Pump for Outdoor air-eau pour
Außenaufstellung Installation installation
Bestell-Nr. / Order no. / N de commande : 452149.66.19 FD 8703
Français English Deutsch

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Table of contents 1 Please Read Immediately .............................................................................................................E-2 1.1 Important Information..............................................................................................................................E-2 1.2 Legal Regulations and Directives ...........................................................................................................E-2 1.3 Energy-Efficient Use of the Heat Pum

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

English 1 1.2 Legal Regulations and 1 Please Read Directives Immediately The construction and design of the heat pump complies with all relevant EU directives, DIN/VDE regulations (see CE declaration 1.1 Important Information of conformity). The relevant VDE, EN and IEC standards must be adhered to ATTENTION! when connecting the heat pump to the power supply or carrying Any work on the heat pump may only be performed by authorised and out maintenance work. Any further connection requirements s

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

3.1 2 Purpose of the Heat 3 Scope of Delivery Pump 3.1 Basic Device The heat pump is of compact design and is supplied complete 2.1 Application with the components listed below. The air-to-water heat pump is designed for use in existing or R290 (propane) is used as refrigerant. newly built heating systems. It is designed exclusively for heating domestic hot water and heating water! The heat pump is suitable for mono energy and bivalent opera- tion down to an external temperature of -20 °C. Prope

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

English 3.2 3.2 Switch Box 4 Transport The switch box is located in the heat pump. All electrical compo- ATTENTION! nents are accessible after the front cover and the switch box Never install the device in rooms in which there are any permanent cover have been removed. ignition sources. The switch box contains the supply connection terminals, the plug connector for the control line, as well as the power contac- ATTENTION! tors and the soft starter unit. When transporting the heat pump, ensure th

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

6.2 5Set-up 6 Installation 5.1 General Information 6.1 General Information The heat pump is suited for outdoor installation. The device The following connections need to be established on the heat should always be installed on a permanently smooth, even and pump: horizontal surface and must be aligned vertically. The entire Flow and return flow of the heating system frame should lie directly on the ground to ensure a good sound- Condensate outflow proof seal and to prevent the water-bearing co

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

English 6.3 The control line (not included in scope of supply) is connected to Antifreeze the heat pump controller using the two rectangular plug connec- Manual drainage should be provided for heat pumps which are tors and the single-core wire. The plug connector is located on exposed to frost. The antifreeze function of the heat pump con- the bottom side of the switch box inside the heat pump. More de- troller is active whenever the controller and the heat circulating tailed information can be

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

8.2 8 Maintenance / Cleaning Heat source Max. temperature spread temperature between heating flow and return flow From To 8.1 Maintenance -20 °C -15 °C 4 K To protect the paintwork, avoid leaning anything against the de- -14 °C -10 °C 5 K vice or putting objects on the device. External heat pump parts -9 °C -5 °C 6 K can be wiped with a damp cloth and domestic cleaner. -4 °C 0 °C 7 K 1 °C 5 °C 8 K ATTENTION! 6 °C 10 °C 9 K Never use cleaning agents containing sand, soda, acid or chloride as 11

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

English 8.3 8.3 Cleaning the Air System 9 Faults / Trouble- Evaporator, ventilator and condensate outflow should be cleaned Shooting of contamination (leaves, twigs, etc.) before each new heating period. This heat pump is a quality product and is designed for trouble- free and maintenance-free operation. In the event that a fault ATTENTION! should occur, it will be indicated on the heat pump manager dis- Before opening the device, ensure that all circuits are isolated from the play. Simply consu

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

11 11 Device Information Device information for air-to-water heat pumps for heating purposes LA 9PS LA 12PS LA 18PS 1 Type and order code 2Design 2.1 Degree of protection according to EN 60 529 for compact devices and heating IP24 IP24 IP24 components 2.2 Installation Location Outdoors Outdoors Outdoors 3 Performance data 3.1 Operating temperature limits: 1 Up to 65 / above 18 Up to 65 / above 18 Up to 65 / above 18 Heating water flow/return flow °C / °C Air °C -20 to +35 -20 to +35 -20 to +3

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Anhang / Appendix / Annexes 1 Maßbilder / Dimension Drawings / Schémas cotés................................................................... A-II 1.1 Maßbild / Dimension Drawing / Schéma coté LA 9PS............................................................................A-II 1.2 Maßbild / Dimension Drawing / Schéma coté LA 12PS.........................................................................A-III 1.3 Maßbild / Dimension Drawing / Schéma coté LA 18PS.................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Anhang · Appendix · Annexes 1 1 Maßbilder / Dimension Drawings / Schémas cotés 1.1 Maßbild / Dimension Drawing / Schéma coté LA 9PS A-II

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

1.2 1.2 Maßbild / Dimension Drawing / Schéma coté LA 12PS A-III Anhang · Appendix · Annexes

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Anhang · Appendix · Annexes 1.3 1.3 Maßbild / Dimension Drawing / Schéma coté LA 18PS A-IV

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

2.1 2 Diagramme / Diagrams / Diagrammes 2.1 Kennlinien / Characteristic Curves / Courbes caractéristiques LA 9PS A-V Anhang · Appendix · Annexes

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Anhang · Appendix · Annexes 2.2 2.2 Kennlinien / Characteristic Curves / Courbes caractéristiques LA 12PS A-VI

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

2.3 2.3 Kennlinien / Characteristic Curves / Courbes caractéristiques LA 18PS A-VII Anhang · Appendix · Annexes

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Anhang · Appendix · Annexes 3 3 Stromlaufpläne / Circuit Diagrams / Schémas électriques 3.1 Steuerung / Control / Commande LA 9PS A-VIII

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

3.2 3.2 Last / Load / Charge LA 9PS A-IX Anhang · Appendix · Annexes

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Anhang · Appendix · Annexes 3.3 3.3 Anschlussplan / Circuit Diagram / Schéma électrique LA 9PS A-X

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