Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Nutritional Scale
Balance Nutritionnelle
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
E E Nutritional Scale The Salter Nutritional Scale is designed for precise measuring of ingredients or portions and for the better understanding of various nutritional values (fat content, sodium content, cholesterol, carbohydrate, fiber, protein and calories) for food or ingredients in cooking, baking, or just general dietary consumption. This scale offers a complete database on nutritional value information on over 900 foods or ingredients as listed in the USDA National Nutrient Database for
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E TO WEIGH: NUTRITIONAL SCALE - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1) Place metal tray on scale before switching on 2) Press and release key 3) Wait until display shows 0.0 ASSEMBLY: 4) Place item to be weighed on the tray Align the screw thread on the underside of the clear platform with the screw thread socket on the top of the scale. Rotate the platform clockwise to lock the platform in place. 5) Weight is displayed TO ADD & WEIGH: BATTERY: To weigh several different ingredients in one tray, press the ZE
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E TO CLEAR MEMORY: IMPORTANT – ensure the scale is in weighing mode (WT is shown at the bottom of the display). If necessary press the g/oz/WT key to return to weighing mode. 1) Press and hold the CLR/MC key for 5 seconds. 2) The memory is cleared when the memory indicator and memory number are no longer displayed. FUNCTION KEYS: Switch scale on/off zero Set weight to zero M+ Save nutritional values to memory (up to a maximum of 99 values) MR Recall the total nutritional values stored in memory
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E FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER NUTRITIONAL SCALE - FOOD GROUPS & VALUES FOOD # FOOD # Shake, thick, vanilla 099 DAIRY PRODUCTS cont. YOGURT Heavy 062 Lowfat milk, fruit flavored 100 FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER Whipped topping (pressurized) 064 Lowfat milk, plain 101 FOOD # FOOD # CREAM, SOUR Nonfat milk, fruit flavored 102 BEVERAGES Regular 065 DAIRY PRODUCTS Nonfat milk, plain 103 Reduced fat 067 Whole milk, plain 104 Beer, regular 001 CHEESE, NATURAL Fat free 068 Nonfat milk, low ca
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E FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # Oyster, raw meat only 185 Lemons raw, without skin 247 SALAD DRESSINGS, COMMERCIAL FRUITS & FRUITJUICES cont. Oyster, breaded, fried 186 Lemon juice, raw 248 Blue cheese, regular 151 Bananas, raw 217 Lemon juice, canned or bottled, Blue cheese, low cal 152 Pollock, baked or broiled 187 Blackberries, raw 219unsweetened 249 Rockfish, baked or broiled 188 Caesar,regular 153 Blueberries, raw 220 Lime ju
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E FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # Raspberries, frozen, sweetened, thawed 284 Bread crumbs, dry, grated, seasoned, Boston Cream 388 GRAIN PRODUCTS cont. unenriched 320 Chocolate with chocolate frosting 389 Rhubarb, frozen, cooked with sugar 285 Frosted Mini Wheats, regular 355 Bread stuffing, dry mix 321 Strawberries, raw, large 286 Coffecake, crumb 390 Frosted Mini Wheats, bite size 356 Breakfast bar, cereal crust, fruit filling, St
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E FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # CRACKERS Pie crust, baked, recipe 461 Black eyed peas, dry, cooked 529 GRAIN PRODUCTS cont. Cheese 424 Pie crust, baked, frozen 462 Black eyed peas, dry, canned, Taco shell, baked 497 solids & liquids 530 Graham,plain 425 Pie crust, graham cracker 463 Tapioca, pearl, dry 498 Brazil nuts, shelled 531 Graham, crushed 426 PIE, COMMERCIAL Toaster pastries, fruit 499 Melba toast, plain 427 Apple 464 Caro
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E FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # Cooked ham, extra lean 604 Tahini 568 POULTRY & POULTRY PRODUCTS MIXED DISHES & FAST FOODS cont. Walnuts, English, chopped 569 Frankfurter, beef & pork 605 CHICKEN CHEESEBURGER, LARGE WITH CONDIMENTS Frankfurter,beef 606 FRIED IN SHORTENING, MEAT WITH SKIN MEAT & MEAT PRODUCTS Single patty, with mayo type dressing Pork sausage, cooked, link 607 Batter dipped, breast, with bones 662 & vegetables 63
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E FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # Bean sprouts, raw 801 Minestrone 692 SUGARS & SWEETS SUGARS & SWEETS cont. Pea, green 693 Bean sprouts, cooked, drained 802 Dry mix & 2% milk, vanilla, instant 760 Caramel, plain 726 Tomato 694 Beets, slices, cooked, drained 803 Caramel, chocolate flavored roll 727 Dry mix & 2% milk, vanilla, regular, Vegetable beef 695 Beets,whole,cooked,drained 804 cooked 761 Carob 728 Vegetarian vegetable 696 Bee
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E FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD NAME SALTER FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # FOOD # Raw,cooked,drained 886 Vegetables, mixed, frozen; cooked, drained 962 Collards, cooked, drained, chopped, raw 843 VEGETABLES & VEGETABLE PRODUCTS cont. Waterchestnuts, canned, slices, solids, liquid 963 Collards, frozen; cooked, drained, Dehydrated flakes 888 chopped 844 Spring, raw 889 Radishes, raw 927 CORN, SWEET,YELLOW (COOKED & DRAINED) MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Parsley, raw 891 Rutabagas, cooked, dr
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E FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID A GUIDE TO DAILY FOOD CHOICE KEY Fat (naturally occurring and added) Fats, Oils & Sweets Sugars (added) USE SPARINGLY These symbols show fat and added sugars in foods Milk,Yogurt & Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Cheese Group Beans, Eggs & Nuts Group 2-3 SERVINGS 2-3 SERVINGS Vegetable Group Fruit Group 3-5 SERVINGS 2-4 SERVINGS Bread, Cereal, Rice & Pasta Group 6-11 SERVINGS For further information on food groups and nutritional information, please visit the following web
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
F E Balance Nutritionnelle La balance nutritionnelle de Salter est conçue pour peser avec précision des ingrédients ou des portions, et pour mieux comprendre les différentes valeurs nutritionnelles (teneur en lipides, sel, cholestérol, glucides, fibres, protéines et calories) des aliments ou des ingrédients employés en cuisine, pour une cuisson au four ou tout simplement pour une consommation diététique générale. Cette balance propose en fait une banque de données complète de renseign ements nu
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
F POUR EFFECTUER UNE PESEE: BALANCE NUTRITIONNELLE - MODE D'EMPLOI 1) Placez le plateau métallique sur la balance avant de la mettre en marche. 2) Appuyez sur la touche 3) Attendez que l'écran affiche 0.0. MONTAGE: 4) Placez l'article à peser sur le plateau. Alignez la vis filetée sous la plate-forme transparente,et la douille filetée de la vis au-dessus de la balance. Faites tourner la plate-forme dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre pour la verrouiller en position. 5) La masse s'affiche. P
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
F POUR EFFACER TOUTE LA MEMOIRE: REMARQUE – Vérifiez que la balance est en mode pesée (les lettres WT s'affichent au bas de l'écran). Si besoin, appuyez sur la touche g/oz/WT pour revenir en mode pesée. 1) Appuyez et maintenez la touche CLR/MC pendant 5 secondes. 2) La mémoire est effacée lorsque le témoin et le numéro de mémoire ne sont plus affichés. TOUCHES DE FONCTIONS: Mise en marche/Arrêt de la balance zero Remise à zéro du poids M+ Mise en mémoire des valeurs nutritionnelles (jusqu'à 99 v
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Summary of the content on the page No. 17
F ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE SALTER SALTER SALTER SALTER Sésame 145 Flétan, au four ou grillé 181 Raisin, sans pépins, cru 242 FRUITS ET JUS DE FRUITS suite Soja, hydrogénée 147 Hareng, saur 182 Jus de raisin, en cannette ou en bouteille 243 Abricots en conserve, moitiés, fruit et Tournesol 149 Homard, à la vapeur 183 Jus de raisin, concentré surgelé, jus, au sirop 212 sucré, non-dilué 244 SAUCES DE SALADES, DU COMMERCE Pe
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F ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE SALTER SALTER SALTER SALTER Jus d'ananas, sans sucre, en boîte 276 Aux raisins, non grillé 308 Brownies, du commerce, sans glaçage, PRODUITS CEREALIERS suite sans matières grasses 378 Banane des Antilles, pelée, crue 277 Seigle, non grillé 309 Chex, blé 344 Brownies, mélange sec, basses calories 379 Prunes, crues 278 Seigle, basses calories 310 Cinnamon Life 345 Farine de sarrasin, gruau complet
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F ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE SALTER SALTER SALTER SALTER Beurre de cacahuètes, du commerce 409 Matzo, nature 446 Germe de blé, grillé, nature 516 PRODUITS CEREALIERS suite Beurre de cacahuètes, recette MUFFINS Bretzels, standard 482 avec margarine 410 LEGUMINEUSES, NOIX ET GRAINES Aux myrtilles, du commerce 447 RIZ Chocolat, fourré crème 411 Aux myrtilles, mélange 448 Amandes, pelées 517 Blanc, longs grains, cru 483 Sablé,
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F ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE ALIMENT CODE ALIMENTAIRE SALTER SALTER SALTER SALTER Beurre de cacahuètes, standard, Corned-beef 585 GRAND, AVEC CONDIMENTS, SAUCE TYPE PLATS TOUT PRETS ET avec morceaux 551 MAYONNAISE, LÉGUMES "FAST FOOD" suite Bœuf séché, en lamelles 586 Beurre de cacahuètes, allégé, Burger double 646 AGNEAU, CUIT sans morceaux 552 Hamburger végétarien, surgelé, Burger simple 647 Côtelettes, viande et gras 587 MORNINGSTAR FARMS 618 P