Samsung GSM Telephone SGH i-900 user manual

User manual for the device Samsung GSM Telephone SGH i-900

Device: Samsung GSM Telephone SGH i-900
Category: Cell Phone
Manufacturer: Samsung
Size: 9.79 MB
Added : 10/7/2013
Number of pages: 101
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Samsung GSM Telephone SGH i-900 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Samsung GSM Telephone SGH i-900. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

1. Safety Precautions
2. Specification
3. Product Function
4. Array course control
5. Exploded View and Parts list
6. MAIN Electrical Parts List
7. Disassembly and Assembly
8. Block Diagrams
9. PCB Diagrams
10. Chart of Troubleshooting
11. Reference data

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

GSPN (Global Service Partner Network) Country Web Site North America Latin America CIS Europe China Asia Mideast & Africa This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. ⓒ Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable International and/or domestic law. 2008. 06. Rev.1.

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

1. Safety Precautions 1-1. Repair Precaution ● Repair in Shield Box, during detailed tuning. Take specially care of tuning or test, because specipicty of cellular phone is sensitive for surrounding interference(RF noise). Be careful to use a kind of magnetic object or tool, ● because performance of parts is damaged by the influence of manetic force. Surely use a standard screwdriver when you disassemble this product, ● otherwise screw will be worn away. Use a thicken twisted wire when you measur

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Safety Precautions 1-2. ESD(Electrostatically Sensitive Devices) Precaution Several semiconductor may be damaged easilly by static electricity. Such parts are called by ESD(Electrostatically Sensitive Devices), for example IC,BGA chip etc. Read Precaution below. You can prevent from ESD damage by static electricity. Remove static electricity remained your body before you touch semiconductor or parts with ● semiconductor. There are ways that you touch an earthed place or wear static electricity p

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

2. Specification 2-1. GSM General Specification GSM850 EGSM 900 DCS1800 PCS1900 WCDMA2 100 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 1 Freq. 824~849 880~915 1710~1785 1850~1910 1922~1977 Band[MHz] 869~894 925~960 1805~1880 1930~1990 2112~2167 Uplink/Downlink UL:9612~9888 0~124 & ARFCN range 128~251 512~885 512~810 DL:10562~108 975~1023 38 Tx/Rx spacing 45MHz 45MHz 95MHz 80MHz 190MHz Mod. Bit rate/ 270.833kbps 270.833kbps 270.833kbps 270.833kbps 3.84Mcps Bit Period 3.692us 3.692us 3.692us 3.692us FrameLength: Time S

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Specification 2-2. GSM Tx Power Class TX Power TX Power TX Power TX Power control GSM850 control EGSM900 DCS1800 PCS1900 control control level level level level 533±2 dBm 533±2 dBm 030±3 dBm 030±3 dBm 631±2 dBm 631±2 dBm 128±3 dBm 128±3 dBm 729±2 dBm 729±2 dBm dBm 226±3 dBm 226±3 827±2 dBm 827±2 dBm 324±3 dBm 324±3 dBm dBm 925±2 925±2 dBm 422±3 dBm 422±3 dBm 10 23±2 dBm 10 23±2 dBm 520±3 dBm 520±3 dBm 11 21±2 dBm 11 21±2 dBm 618±3 dBm 618±3 dBm dBm 12 19±2 dBm 12 19±2 dBm 716±3 dBm 716±3 dBm 814

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

3. Product Function Main Function Homescreen ― PIM - Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Voice Note ― Messaging - SMS, MMS, Email, VoiceRecorder within MMS ― Windows Live! Portal ― Windows Update ― Email Setup Wizard ― Internet Explorer ― Multimedia capability -5 Mega Pixel, Camcorder, Windows Media Player ― Zoomer ― Dialer ― Video Telephony ― Accessary Applications - Alarms, Calculator, NotePad, Task Manager, Smart Converter, World ― Clock, Stopwatch, Smart Search Active Sync ― Bluetooth ― Document View

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

4. Array course control 4-1. Software Adjustments There is 2 set to download the binary image into your device. [First set] 1. JIG BOX (UMTS TEST JIG: GH80-03308A) 2. USB Cable : JIG to PC 3. Test Cable : JIG to SGH-i780 (GH39-00 A) 993 4. Power Cable : JIG to power supply 5. Serial Cable : SGH-i900 to PC 6. Power Supply 7. RF Cable (GH39-00 A): to Agilent 8960 or CMU200 599 8. Test Cable : JIG to SGH-i900 (GH39-00 A) 990 4-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document c

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Array course control [Second set] 1. USB DATA Link Cable : GH39-00922A 2. Battery : GH43-03110A 4-2. Software Download 1-1. Equipment for Software Download 1-2. Pre-requisite for Download ▶ Downloader Program - [Image Version].exe ▶ USB Driver - PDA : Samsung MITs USB Sync [Samsung MITs USB] - Phone : Samsung CDMA Modem [Samsung CDMA] ▶SGH-i900 Mobile Device ▶ Driver Installation 4-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without S

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Array course control 2-1. Driver Installation (PDA) ▶ Make sure that you install drivers. ▶ If you installed the latest ActiveSync program, you don’t need to install the pda d river. Please install the latest ActiveSync program. 2-2. Driver Installation (Phone) When you download the phone image, you need the driver of Samsung CDMA Modem. If you want to download the phone image, install the Samsung CDMA Modem driver. After you install the driver of Samsung CDMA Modem, please restart a hos t comp

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Array course control ble. 6. Turn on your device and wait until 'START' button is activated. 4-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Array course control If ‘START’ button is not activated, terminate the application and reconnect USB dat link cable and retry. a 7. Please click “START” button. 8. When the download is finished, the phone is rebooted automatically. Download Procedure [ Downloading EBOOT ] [ Downloading PDA ] 4-5 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Array course control [ Changing USB PATH] [ Downloading PHONE ] 4-6 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Array course control [ Job Done ] The Display of your Device 4-7 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Array course control Trouble Shooting 1. “PDA Device not found” message Make sure that your device is connected a host computer by USB DATA Li nk cable. 2. “Port Open Failed” message or application hang 4-8 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Array course control After you install “phone USB driver (Samsung CDMA Modem)” at first time, you m ay see Port open failed message or application hang while downloading phone “ …” a image. If so, terminate the application and then try the download again. If USB port is changed, at first time you may see Port open failed message or “ …” application hang. If so, terminate the application and then try the download again. If USB cable to the mobile device is not connected tightly, you may see Por

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Array course control - Reference - How to deal with the an error in the computer USB port of the computer. Symptom: Device is not identified after connecting it. Cause: The device is connected before the previous connection is complete. All devices should be connected one by one. Otherwise, an error may occur in the computer USB port of the computer. Solution: Proceed with the following action in order only when the previous action does not work. 1) Unplug the USB port from the computer and plug

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

5. Exploded View and Parts List 5-1. Cellular phone Exploded View QFR01 QME03 QKP01 QLC01 QJK01 QMI01 QKP06 QBR01 QCR71 QSH02 QMP02 QCW02 QCB01 QVK01 QCA07 QCA01 QMP01 QAN05 QCA02 QSH01 QCK02 QCR71 QCR47 QVO01 QRE01 QCW01 QCR09 QRF03 QRF01 QBA00 QST01 5-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Exploded View and Parts List 5-2. Cellular phone Parts list Design LOC Discription SEC CODE QAN05 ASSY RUBBER-INTENNA CONTACT GH98-08737A QBA00 ASSY COVER-BATT GH98-09310A QCA01 CAMERA MODULE-SGHI900 CIF GH59-05582A QCA02 CAMERA MODULE-SGHI900 5M GH59-05583A QCA07 KEY FPCB-SGHI900 CAMERA FPCB_C GH59-06056A QCB01 CBF COAXIAL CABLE-SGHI900 MHF GH39-01069A QCK02 PMO KEY-POWER FUNCTION GH72-47423A QCR09 SCREW-MACHINE 6001-001670 QCR71 SCREW-MACHINE 6001-002095 QCR71 SCREW-MACHINE 6001-002095 QCW02 P

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

6. MAIN Electrical Parts List SEC CODE Design LOC Discription 0403-001547 D301 DIODE-ZENER 0403-001547 D600 DIODE-ZENER 0406-001167 ZD403 DIODE-TVS 0406-001167 ZD404 DIODE-TVS 0406-001208 ZD402 DIODE-TVS 0406-001215 U502 DIODE-TVS 0406-001215 ZD400 DIODE-TVS 0406-001215 ZD401 DIODE-TVS 0406-001215 ZD405 DIODE-TVS 0406-001231 ZD500 DIODE-TVS 0406-001231 ZD501 DIODE-TVS 0406-001237 U208 DIODE-TVS 0406-001237 U308 DIODE-TVS 0406-001237 U312 DIODE-TVS 0406-001237 ZD406 DIODE-TVS 0406-001254 ZD300 DI

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