Brother PS-2300 user manual

User manual for the device Brother PS-2300

Device: Brother PS-2300
Category: Sewing Machine
Manufacturer: Brother
Size: 1.13 MB
Added : 1/13/2014
Number of pages: 93
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Brother PS-2300 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Brother PS-2300. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1


Summary of the content on the page No. 2

"IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS" When using the sewing machine, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: "Read all instructions before using." DANGER – To reduce the risk of electric shock: 1. The sewing machine should never be left unattended when plugged in. Always unplug this sewing machine from the electrical outlet immediately after using and before cleaning. 2. Always unplug before relamping. Replace bulb with same type rated 12 volts 5 watts (for Models

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

“IMPORTANTES INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD” Cuando se usa una máquina de coser, debe seguirse unas precauciones básicas y que vienen incluidas a continuación. “Leer las instrucciones antes de usar” PELIGRO – Para reducir el riesgo de una descarga eléctrica. 1. La máquina no debe dejarse nunca desatendida mientras esté conectada. Desconectar la máquina de la red eléctrica inmediatamente después de su uso y antes de limpiarla. 2. Antes de cambiar la bombilla, asegúrese siempre de que la máquina de co

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

FOR USERS IN UK, EIRE, MALTA AND CYPRUS ONLY. If your sewing machine is fitted with a 3 pin non-rewireable BS plug then please read the following. IMPORTANT (in the United Kingdom) Always replace the fuse cover. Never use plugs with the fuse cover removed. Main supply (AC 230/240V~, 50Hz) WARNING: DO NOT CONNECT EITHER WIRE TO DO NOT cut off the mains plug from equipment. If the THE EARTH TERMINAL WHICH IS MARKED WITH plug fitted is not suitable for the power point in your THE LETTER ‘E’, BY THE

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

(Model PS-2200, STAR110) 1 2 1. Connect the power cord or three-prong plug into Turn on or off the switch for the main power and sew- the machine. light. 2. Connect the electrical supply plug into a wall outlet. 1 Turn on 2 Turn off - When leaving the sewing machine unattended, the main switch of the machine must be switched - When servicing the sewing machine, or when off or the plug must be removed from the socket removing covers or changing lamps, the ma- outlet. chine or the electrical set m

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

TABLE OF CONTENTS KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE BUTTONHOLE AND BUTTON SEWING Principal parts ..................................................... 1 Making a Buttonhole ................................ 51 Principal parts ..................................................... 3 Odd-shaped buttons that Accessories ......................................................... 5 do not fit into the button holder plate ....... 53 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ............................... 6 Buttonhole Fine Adjustm

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

INDICE CONOZCA SU MÁQUINA DE COSER OJALES Y COSTURA DE BOTONES Elementos principales ......................................... 1 Para coser ojales ..................................... 51 Elementos principales ......................................... 3 Botones con formas extrañas que no Accesorios........................................................... 5 caben en el soporte del botón ................. 53 Funcionamiento de la máquina de coser ............ 7 Ajuste fino de los ojales .........

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE CONOZCA SU MÁQUINA DE COSER Principal parts Elementos principales Modelos PS-2500, PS-2400, PS-2300, Model PS-2500, PS-2400, PS-2300 STAR 140E, STAR 130E y STAR 120E STAR140E, STAR130E, STAR120E 5 4 3 2 1 M F 0 J 6 9 7 H 8 I E G L A C N K B D 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

1 BOBBIN WINDER DEVICE 1 Dispositivo de bobinado de la canilla Winds the thread onto the bobbin to be used for Hace bobina para la canilla que va a ser utilizada the lower thread. como hilo inferior. 2 STITCH LENGTH DIAL 2 Selector de largo de puntada Controls the length of the stitches. Controla el largo de las puntadas. 3 SPOOL PIN AND SPOOL HOLDER 3 Eje del carrete y porta carretes 4 STITCH WIDTH DIAL 4 Selector de ancho de puntada Controls the stitch width. Controla el ancho de las puntadas.

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE CONOZCA SU MÁQUINA DE COSER Principal parts Elementos principales (Model PS-2200, STAR110) (Modelo PS-2200, STAR110) 5 4 3 2 1 C H 6 8 7 F G B D J 9 0 A I E 3

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

1 BOBBIN WINDER DEVICE 1 Dispositivo de bobinado de la canilla Winds the thread onto the bobbin to be used for Hace bobina para la canilla que va a ser utilizada the lower thread. como hilo inferior. 2 STITCH LENGTH DIAL 2 Selector de largo de puntada Controls the length of the stitches. Controla el largo de las puntadas. 3 SPOOL PIN AND SPOOL HOLDER 3 Eje del carrete y porta carretes 4 STITCH WIDTH DIAL 4 Selector de ancho de puntada Controls the stitch width. Controla el ancho de las puntadas.

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE CONOZCA SU MÁQUINA DE COSER Accessories Accesorios 1 X59370-051 2 XA3811-051 3 X57117-051 4 X59296-001 XA3812-052 5 XA4973-051 6 X59375-051 7 130012-053 8 130013-053 0 130920-051 B X54243-001 9 X59476-051 A X55467-051 1 Zipper Foot (1 pc.) 1 Pata de cremalleras (1 pza) 2 Bobbin (3 pcs.) XA3811-051 (For U.S.A) 2 Canilla (3 pzas) XA 3811-051 (para EE UU) XA3812-052 (For other countries) XA 3812-052 (para otros países) Replacements (10-piece set) Recambios (paquet

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Parts Code for Zigzag Presser Foot: XA5530-051 Código del prensatelas para la puntada zigzag:XA5530-051 Model PS-2500, PS-2400, PS-2300 STAR140E, STAR130E STAR120E Modelos PS-2500, PS-2400, PS-2300, Foot Controller: Model N5V STAR 140E, STAR 130E y STAR 120E Parts Code: XA3931051 Pedal: modelo N5V Note (For U.S.A. only) Código: XA3931051 This foot controller can be used for sewing machine Nota (sólo para EE UU) Models PS-2500, PS-2400, PS-2300. Este pedal puede utilizarse para los modelos de máq

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE CONOZCA SU MÁQUINA DE COSER Funcionamiento de la OPERATING YOUR máquina de coser SEWING MACHINE Conexión de los enchufes Connecting Plugs 1. Conecte la clavija del cordón de alimentación a la 1. Connect the power cord plug into the machine. máquina. 2. Connect the power supply plug into a wall outlet. 2. Conecte el enchufe de alimentación a una toma de corriente. CAUTION 1. When changing the needle, bobbin or light ATENCION: bulb or when the sewing machine is not in 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Main Power and Sewing Interruptor principal Light Switches y de luz This switch turns the main power and sewing light on Este interruptor permite apagar y encender la má- or off. quina y la luz. 1 Turn on (toward the “I” mark) 1 Encender (hacia la marca “I”) 2 Turn off (toward the “O” mark) 2 Apagar (hacia la marca “O”) 2 1 1 2 Foot Controller Pedal When the foot controller is depressed lightly, the Al presionar ligeramente el pedal, la máquina fun- machine will run at a low speed. When the pres

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE CONOZCA SU MÁQUINA DE COSER Replacing the Needle Cambio de la aguja 1. Remove the power supply plug from the outlet. 1. Retire el enchufe de alimentación de la toma de corriente. 2. Raise the needle bar to its highest position. 2. Levante la barra de la aguja a su posición más 3. Lower the presser foot. alta. 4. Remove the needle by loosening the needle 3. Baje el prensatelas. clamp. 4. Retire la aguja, aflojando la abrazadera de la 5. Insert a different needle as far

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Changing the Presser Cambio del prensatelas Foot It may be necessary to change the presser foot Según sus necesidades de costura, puede ser nece- according to your sewing needs. sario cambiar el prensatelas. SNAP-ON TYPE Tipo de enganche de golpe 1. Raise the needle to its highest position by turning 1. Levante la aguja a su posición más alta, girando the balance wheel toward you (counter clock- la ruedecilla hacia usted (en el sentido contrario wise) and raise the presser foot lever. al de las

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE CONOZCA SU MÁQUINA DE COSER 0 1 VARIOUS CONTROLS Distintos mandos Pattern Selection Dial Selector de puntadas To select a stitch, simply turn the Pattern Selection Para seleccionar una puntada, sólo hace falta girar Dial, located on the right side of the machine. The el selector de puntadas, situado en la derecha de la Pattern Selection Dial may be turned in either direc- máquina. Este selector se puede girar en cualquier tion. The following page shows the recommended

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

RECOMMENDED WIDTHS AND LENGTHS FOR STITCHES RECOMMENDED WIDTH RECOMMENDED INSTRUCTION PATTERN STITCH NAME [mm(inch)] LENGTH [mm(inch)] MANUAL PAGE 1-STEP AUTOMATIC 3-5 (Dial 4~6) F-1.5 46 BUTTONHOLE (1/8-13/64) (1/64-1/16) 6 1-4 STRAIGHT STITCH 36 (1/4) (3/64-5/32) 0-5 F-4 ZIGZAG STITCH 40 (0-13/64) (1/64-5/32) 3-6 F-2 BLIND HEM STITCH 41 (1/8-1/4) (1/64-5/64) 3-6 F-3 SHELL TUCK STITCH 42 (1/8-1/4) (1/64-1/8) 3-6 F-2.5 ELASTIC STITCH 43 (1/8-1/4) (1/64-3/32) 3-6 F-1.5 STRETCH BLIND STITCH 41

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE CONOZCA SU MÁQUINA DE COSER Anchos y largos recomendados para cada puntada ANCHO LARGO PÁGINA DEL RECOMENDADO EN RECOMENDADO EN PUTADA NOMBRE MANUAL mm (pulgadas) mm (pulgadas) OJAL AUTOMÁTICO DE 3-5 (Dial 4~6) F-1.5 51 1 PASO (1/8-13/64) (1/64-1/16) 6 1-4 PUNTADA RECTA 36 (1/4) (3/64-5/32) 0-5 F-4 PUNTADA ZIGZAG 40 (0-13/64) (1/64-5/32) 3-6 F-2 PUNTADA INVISIBLE 41 (1/8-1/4) (1/64-5/64) 3-6 F-3 PUNTADA ONDAS 42 (1/8-1/4) (1/64-1/8) 3-6 F-2.5 PUNTADA ELÁSTICA 43 (1

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