Alesis HR-16 user manual

User manual for the device Alesis HR-16

Device: Alesis HR-16
Category: Drums
Manufacturer: Alesis
Size: 3.09 MB
Added : 11/18/2013
Number of pages: 72
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Alesis HR-16 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Alesis HR-16. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1


Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Dear Alesis Custon€r: You have. purchased powedul a_ rnusic.producliodcomprehensive percussion iust eledronic system. to glancellrough gaiir this manual to a better undeFtanding of the ope;ation ll9":9 l?k".?.Aoment ot the HR-16, the MMT-8, and the HR-16:8. The operating systems of the Atesls HR-16 and the HR.16|B are tdentlcat wlth a few exceptlons. All Instrucilons and descrlpilons ot HR-16 funcilons h thls manual wllt apply to the operatlon of the HR-16:g except for those exceptlo

Summary of the content on the page No. 3


Summary of the content on the page No. 4

L R OUT tN SM/ @r tN w rc ff/OFF oulrur2 tAE mP Lf,tot l __ @rt rtr ttrr4t I | -w E@@ @@@: t,* | _E @EE EEtIEtr] TIEEEE tMt "-,' ::_) ldY,Ll l I IMI ll tr | | lt ll ll ttttttitlttttl t|||l ftft.

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

INTRODUCTION drum machine) iq a user {riendly,.yet The Alesis HR-16 (High sample Rate / 15 bit generation / sound goneralor. The sound. exlremely powerful MlDl drum sequencer "voicss"' drum 6ach of which can bo ot the HR-16 include 16 independent caoabiliti-es and can be routed with a 7 to any ons of 49 digital samples (47 in the HR-1 6:B) , assigned voics can also bs tunsd position pan lo one of two iets of stereb outputs' Each ovor an independentty in 32 oclave and a hal{. incremgnts

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

HR.16 QUICK BASIC SETUP '1. Connecl output (either 1 left right , or both) to a suitable monitorinq system. I outDut 2 is connscted, pads the desired drum must be assigned ro oup"i i rii"iltrl i,,rix;iffi". (See MlX.) tN of rhe.HR-16 jack iack ro the MtDl OUT of a sequencer, an external ?: .9llg1ltt: YlDt orum pao conlrolsr, or a keyboard. jack OUT of rhe HR-.t6 ro orher MtDt sound sources when daisey ll^?:g*lEIlDl cnarnrng MtUt devicos or lo an onernaldrum source. The MlDl j

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

PATTERN MODE (SONG or PATT power on, the HR-l6 will be in SONG or PATT mode When is tirst turnsd power turned off. The on ths mode that was selectod before was LED lii), depending power oft. pattern will also b€ the same as whsn was turned song oi number (pattern) Button PATT pattsrn Now, the display lo 6nter mode. PATT LED will light. Press ttib PATT'button Selectlng a PATTern if a new number is selected with the The 00 is underlined to indicate that it will be changed arrow buttons i

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

RECORDING A PATTern (Atso see LENGTH and QUANT|ZE) ou.lg1teLll press and hold rhe RECORD button, pLAy and rhen prsss the ]o-reco! button. Ihe HR-16 wirr immsdiat.ry bsgin praying back any existing drums in ths currontrv pattsrn s9l99lgq from rhe bsginning, and will iad any new drums piayed on rhe Uutton. o', pLAy via MlDlto the pattern. The and RECoRD LEDs wiil b€ rit, a;d ihe dispray wirr read: T pattern Th€ number is noi underlined, indicaling pattern that a new cannot be sele

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

were beyond lh€ (RECORD), any drum evsnts lhat is ontsred When a new lenqth prev'ous one' tns aoolpnal is bnger than ths It the new length sel lenoth will be;rased. ";iil 1o ihe beginning of to iEmove or add lsngth "ittr "ir"n"e. lf it is disired ffiih 6elirf"J pross and reloase (as described above), and then set the desired length i oitr"rn, first to: The display will change th; PATT button. BEATS LENGTH PressinqthePATTbuttonagainwi||togg|ebackiotheoriginaldisp|ay.|l-RECoRD.

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

01 TOM 1 is now complet^ely_eJased pattern from 1. When erasing a single drum, it is not nec€ssary press to RECORD. In SOI'IG mods, holding the ERASE button will cause tha following display: 01 Pressing the RECORD button will erase the currently selected song number. When erasing pattern a or song, the erass is not executed until RECORD is oressed. and will be aborled if ERASE is released pressing before BECORD. Wtren erjsing a d'r;m, ths erase occurs as soon as the drum buttbn is

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

quantize is set quanlize value (you cannot movg backwards). lf singls steps of the current (lf is set to 50%). to i/16, each step will equal 24196 swing quantize value, it will play as it is lf a drum existed on a slep in between the current that drum. The lower.display shows the stepped pasl, but tho display will not stop on of that drum. Since only one drum can be drum thai was triggered lollowed by lhe volume samo beat, the + arrow button displayed at a time, if more than one drum occur

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

00 STEP 01 T-hE fhst lins ol.ths display. is now.showing the.current song number being played, and lhe curent bear number of the pattsrn prayed. being The iecond rine of ihe disoiau ii showing rh.e_ srep number and ihe patrern iisigneo ro ttre iief triid ptir"riiiiiri" momenr.. wh_en rhe song adv_al:i.s.io_rhe next sGp, rhe disprav ifli[ "no*lrtJfJn"inioi stsp 2, src. Pressing srop/coNTrNUE wiil stop praying the sons, and the ciisorav wirl pressing the select song dis

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

press To del€te a slep lrom a song, and hold lhe DELETE button, and the display will read: STEP 01 PATT 27 To complete the del€tion, the RECORD button must be pressed still holding while the DELETE button. This shifts all patlerns after the bisplayed step down on6 step. After all steps have b€€n deleted, the display will show step 1 being END (empty song). The END step cannot be deleted (RECORD will be ignored). Replaclng a slep / OFFSET Button pattern The OFFSET button is used lo replace the

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

COPY Copylng a PATTern to ltsetf Tho copy button is used to- app€nd a patt€rn or song to anoth€r panern or song. -lf lt only functions while th€ coPY button is held down. the copy button is releised (eilher befor€ or afler the copy is previous execut€d), th€ mode will show up on the display, and copy mode is €xited. When in PATT mode, preised and COpy is and held: - Pressing RECORD completes the operation and the display reads EqE I[E^tlR-1Q COPY COMPLETE. - FOR THE HR-16:8 At poi

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

(pressing is now waiting for a second drum pad lo b€ RECORD Th€ display Press€d pressed, lhe display at lhis point will nothing). lf for example, TOM 1 was .do would read: COPY FROM PATT > CLS HAT IOM 1 can The display of th€ s€cond pad pressed remains underlined, indicaling that it pad. pallerns, once still be changed by selecting anolh€r drum As in copying 'COPY pressed, be compl€te, and tho display will read RECORD is the copy will COMPLETE." pad will not be changed, and the source

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

OFFSET The oFFSET button is used to add or subtract a number of crock purses (384th notes) to a drum or pattern. lf OFFSET is held down, th6 display wili show:' o0/384rh The keypad can be used to enter a two-diglt number (OO_99), or the 'The +/_ arrow buftons can be used lo increment or decrehent the amount. range oi the offset,is 199. Entoring a value with th€ keypad will remain th€ curre;l dispi;y -). or To change ,jasi {1. rhe sign, the +/- buttons must be used to :JSl th

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

= = no swing. Tho range of the swing is shown beside it. O swing 5A% effect quantize value. The swing amount will only determined by tho current shown drum events, like in quantize. The swing amounls are newly recorded below: SWING PERCENTAGE OUANT -24 - % 1t6 oo 50.0 68.8 - 50.0 66.7 % 1ts - 1t12 oo-12 50.0 68.8 % - 66.7 % 00-08 50.0 - 1r24 00-06 50.0 68.8 % - 50.0 66.7 % 1/32 00-04 - "/" 00-02 50.0 62.s 1/48 - 1t64 00-01 50.0 58.3 % 00 50.0 % OFF button doos not function while

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

MODE / DATA ENTRY BUTTONS All MoDE buttons function as on/off switch€s. This means that they are pressed once to ent€r lhe mode, and pressed again to exit the mode. When any of th6 modes hav€ b€en entered, the associat€d LED will b€ lit. For slmpli6ity, any lim€ PATTERN or SONG is pressed, any previously sel€cted mode will be urneO 6tt. The VOICE, TUNE, and MIX settings can bo stored with oach pattern by holding the RECORD pressing button and VOICE, TUNE, or MlX, respeitively. Any

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

pitch pad, The TUNE mode is used to sslect the desired for each drum and the click. When it is pressed, ils LED will llght, and the display will read: =0 This display app€ars when TUNE is first pressed, and the display was not pr€viously in MIX or VOICE mode pad. pitch for a drum lt is used to s€l€ct the of the click (melronom€). The pitch amount can be changed wilh th€ slider,or the -16 +l- anow buttons. The range is from to +15. As with the voice mode, pressing a drum pad will select lhat d

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

The +/- arrows and the SELECT slider can be used to selecr a new lempo, or a dir€crty wilh rhre€ digirs on keypad. Tempo "hiig;, ;r; lTlL.:T_T-:lrer€d -rh €TTecilv€ as soon as th€y are €ntered, and th€ REcoRD bunon does not hav; to be presssd. In SONG mod€, the t€mpo is displayed as a relative amount of change from th€ pr€- programm€d song t€mpo. The display reads: The. current t€mpo (thE one most recenlly recalled within a song) will be displayed in the lower display,.and.

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