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Targeting Target Requirements The 5000 Series operates by locking onto a sharp discontinuity in the intensity of an object’s reflected or emitted light. The target is actually the edge that can be seen at the light-dark interface and can be made up of any combination of reflected, absorbed, or emitted light. The contrast in light intensities should be at least three to one. The greater the contrast, the easier it is to obtain lock-on and the less system output noise is produced. In general, any
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using a small screwdriver. For high light conditions, the high voltage may be reduced, or neutral density filters can be placed in front of the lenses. Note The light source must be DC or the tracker will detect the 60 Hz change in light intensity. Techniques of Targeting There are many ways of illuminating and setting up targets. This section will deal with the two most common: front lighting and back lighting. Front Lighting A target with a discrete light/dark interface can be illuminated fro
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Figure 11 Tracking Prerequisites Single Axis, Vertical or Horizontal The target and its motion should be located in the plane that is perpendicular to the optical axis. For successful lock-on, the target’s width must be greater than 10% of the full-scale measurement range, and its location must be along the tracking axis. Displacement Follower User’s Manual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 11
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Figure 12 The minimum target required for vertical tracking along the vertical tracking axis. Focusing and System Noise Once you have selected a lens system selected and placed an illuminated target in front of the tracking head, open the lens aperture as wide as possible. Focus the target by moving either the head or the target to the proper position along the optical axis. The system locks onto a contrast ratio that is determined by registering the amount of light coming from both the light an
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Equipment and Functions Front Panel Functions 13 LOCK Level Meter 3 10 A B 1 .3 30 100 .1 300 .03 2 OPERATE 12 Diversified Optronix Velocity 3 Time (msec) Single Axis Displacement Follower Controller LIGHT LEVEL Acceleration CALIBRATE Model 5100 3 10 1 .3 NORMAL LT SERVO 30 POWER 100 .1 1 ON 300 .03 11 100HZ 50KHZ 10KHZ ORTHO GAIN DISPLACEMENT VELOCITY ACCELERATION 4 Filter INPUT OUTPUT 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 13 1 Power Indicator Indicates that the system is on. The power switch on th
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4 Output Filter Switch A three-position switch that selects a low pass R/C filter at the displacement outputs. For the best signal-to-noise ratio, select the lowest cutoff frequency possible without compromising operation. 5 Target Phase Switch Allows the system to track either a light-over-dark or a dark-over-light target as seen through the viewer. 6 Ortho Input External orthogonal input used to sweep the tracker along the axis perpendicular to both the tracking and optical axes. When op
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Model 5100 Displacement Follower
Single Axis Tracking System
Diversified Optronix Corp.
116 Quirk Road
Milford, CT 06460
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Table of Contents Introduction, 1 Equipment Supplied, 1 Warnings, 1 System Assembly, 2 Theory of Operation, 3 The Lenses, 5 Lens Systems, 5 Lens Calculations, 5 Precision of the Lens Calculations, 7 Targeting, 9 Target Requirements, 9 Target Illumination, 9 Techniques of Targeting, 10 Tracking Prerequisites, 11 Focusing and System Noise, 12 High-Voltage Adjustments, 12 Equipment and Functions, 13 Front Panel Functions, 13 Model 806 Optical Head, 15 Tracking Axis Alignment, 15 Rea
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Introduction The 5100 Displacement Follower is a non-contact, real-time motion measurement instrument that solves measurement problems where other instruments fail. It can measure the displacement of remote or inaccessible objects. The camera tracks the motion of the target and provides an analog output proportional to displacement. Custom optics allow a range in the field of view from 0.05” up to several feet. Equipment Supplied One Model 5100 Control Unit One Model 806B Tracking Head One 10’ I
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System Assembly 1 Inspect the equipment for damage that might have occurred during shipment. If you find any damage, notify the shipping company immediately. 2 Attach the interconnecting cable from the control unit to the optical head and secure with the lock ring. 3 Attach the lens systems to the optical head. The lens screws into the extension barrel, and the extension barrel screws into the head. The thread system in the head is a standard Leica, 39mm diameter. Note that the 105mm lens come
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Model 806 Optical Head The Model 806 Optical Head is the camera that senses the position of the target. The head contains an Electron Tubes Type 9670B image dissector tube on which the lens system images the target motion. This tube converts the light motion into electron motion. The head also contains a deflection yoke used to deflect the electron motion. A beam-splitting viewer is provided to focus the optical head on the target during all stages of operation. The lens system attaches to the h
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Operating Procedures General Operating Procedure 1 Prepare the target and lighting as specified. Note that the light source should be DC to eliminate the 120 Hz intensity modulation, and that the light intensity should be uniform over the target area to be measured. 2 Connect the optical head to the control unit with the cable supplied. 3 Connect the control unit to a 117 VAC power source. 4 Estimate the maximum displacement you expect from the target during operations. 5 From the Standard Lens
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13 Now, move the target or tracking head so that the circle is totally within the light area of the target. See Figure 15b. Adjust the lens aperture or light source for a reading of +20% on the front panel meter. If this reading cannot be achieved, then the high voltage to the photo tube may need to be adjusted. See Focusing and System Noise on page12). 14 Repeat steps 12 and 13 until the light and dark readings are in range. 15 Set the Light/Operate switch to Operate. Vertical/Horizontal 16 T
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Velocity and Acceleration Measurement Operating Procedure Full-scale output for velocity and acceleration are determined as follows: 1 Note the full-scale range of measurement (FOV) of the lens being used. 2 With the system in operation, that is with the target in motion, set the Velocity Time Constant to 0.03ms and work down until you obtain velocity peaks of just under 10V P-P. Full-scale outputs are 10V P-P and the system will clip above that. 3 When the velocity has been set for just under 1
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Theory of Operation The system is a non-contacting electro-optical displacement follower designed to track the motion of a target along any axis. The moving target under study must show a sharp discontinuity in the intensity of its reflected or emitted light. The tracker is, in fact, locking onto that light/dark interface. The lens system focuses the image of the discontinuity onto the photo cathode of an image dissector tube. A simplified drawing of this tube is shown in Figure 1. The backside
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There are two possible target configurations for measuring target displacement along the vertical axis: light over dark and dark over light. That means it must be possible to alter the phase of the current going through the deflection coils to deflect the electron image back to its original locked-on position and not away from this center position. In the 5000 Series, the target switch on the front panel of the control unit changes the phase. See Figure 2. Failure to set this switch to the targe
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The Lenses Lens Systems To accommodate the working distances and measurement ranges that individual applications may require, the standard lens set supplied is appropriate for a variety of situations. Included in the set are a 105mm enlarging lens, a 50mm variable-focus camera lens, and five different extension tubes. The 105mm lens is capable of focusing at fourteen unique working distances and corresponding measurement ranges depending upon how it is assembled on the tracking head with the pos
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Figure 4 WD = Working Distance, MR = Full scale Measurement Range, fl = Focal Length of Simple Lens, EX = Length of Extension Tube needed, D = Distance from lens to Photo Cathode, A = Magnification (usually < 1) To calculate the size of the extension tube needed: 1 Estimate the expected full-scale displacement for the target under study 2 Calculate the magnification A = 0.15 in MR in or A = 3.775 mm MR mm 3 Calculate the working distance WD = (1+1/A) fl Focal length is most oft
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Example The lens to be used in this example is the 105mm enlarging lens supplied with the system. 1 Assume that the object under study is expected to exhibit a peak-to-peak displacement of one inch. 2 Calculate the magnification: A = 0.15 in. = 0.15 in = 0.15 MR in 1 in 3 Calculate the working distance, WD = (1 + 1/A) fl = (1 + 1/0.15) X 105 mm = 805 mm If you prefer to have the working distance in inches, multiply by 0.03937 to obtain 31.69 inches. 4 Calculate
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Figure 5 shows that the equivalent 105mm lens cannot be considered to be located exactly at the end of the extension tube. Its equivalent position is, in fact, approximately 13mm further along the optical axis than the position used in the calculations. This positioning of the lens in its diaphragm varies with different manufacturers and no one rule will solve the problem. It is best simply to estimate where the plane of the lens might be located on the lens holder and measure the distance from