Summary of the content on the page No. 1
and Oehumldlfl
Condltloners, Air Room Compaclors. Trash Ovens, MIcrowave Ranges. Units, Surface Ovens Built-In Olshwashers. Makers, Ice Refrlgeralor-Freezers, Freezers. IS.
ED22MM Model
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
to con- It to from to do to do. When o( a Information (from 2. from InformatIon In In a 2 place handy Number Telephone and Company Service together slop sales and warranty your book, this Keep spaces these this Copy Date Purchase sltp sales date Purchase Number Serial shown) as located plate the Numbers Serlal and Model Complete 1. Number Model ready this have question. with call service need you . here.. Numbers Serial and Model your Copy Plate Number Serial and Model
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
3 8 4 4 8 4 8 4 9 ,,,,,,, “. 4 5 9” 5 10 11 5 : : 5 Food 11 6 Food 12 6 15 6 16 IF 6 16 1 for 8 ? 7 2. If 8 17 3. If 17 4. If 01983 Whirlpool l l out of for l In room l on a floor WIII not 55 (13 for l not run l not or not l to of It l not food to l for of l not 01 3 source heat other radtator oven. an near is cold properly refrigerators. home expected jobs only used IS gel time has it before with loaded is used. be should how understand grounding an
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
off It on 9 I. 2 cm) on for of 2. flush 3. If to a to door w A 115 60 15 or 20 It a not cord. a off a or I, 8 2. front, turn to 3. front, turn to 4. 4 level. with Check left. the screw each lower To right. the screw each raise To ) page [see grille base Remove Lower to Lett package. Boise; to Right literature your in sheet instruction grounding and requirements electrical individual See chain. pull switch with turned be cannot which receptacle Use extension an use Do
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
to com- tood. In hours.) In When for for first or firm. @ not on 3 It to 1 to 3 to 3 on door 1 ‘OFF 2 from If fofms forming on of on of If to In l first. or In a Wait 24 hours l If If often 4 of food 3 WARM too If often 3 of food 4 WARM room If not 2 for 3 n If 3 room 4 171. If often 3 WARM of food 2 or room 5 temperatures cold very warm Very Control Air added amount Large TOO are Control Temperature opened Door SECTIONS BOTH @we number Contr
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
crisper flows of In to of morst to or out of for of fruits Adjust morst for of fresh shelves... to door to l Lift out food l Into 1 front on 2 Lift l 3 out 1, 1 II I 1 1 Into In 2 front of front of to Water a a the and lumblrng a ) the the dlspenslng dtspenstng the not used the a bad ularly. thesupply plumbing and ,’ chrllrng to spills. no this not Into from from a In When a It 50 [I 5 L) a When first btn a or a When 2 or 3 (1.9 to 2 8 L) a f
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
2 Lift It OFF no l WIII door l WIII if In l from l When a or from or motor If In too It WIII to run 3 l too 3 Lift front of out 4 hot or to l if to If often. In 5 Wash not or or to 6 When It IS In l If not, or ~111 not for a to or to l If a In to l If not a It 1 from 10,000 hours When It out. from It to rear the slide dealer your another purchase burns about last should and bottom the ‘out panel covering the Pull bulb IO-watt heavy-duty uses light night The r
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
shelves.. covers.. l Lift front I l out to l Lift off l Lift front l In 0 of out l In l In In front For In ,, l out to l Lift front to l out of l on l front out of front of Lrft front l In Lrft off l doors I 1 I a for or for a l l not F off of out Lifl of off a In l l l to 1 l doors a l of from Lrft off a In l a bulb lo-watt heavy-duty with Replace ~ area drspenser the through bulb the Reach - Ilght: Dlspenser order reverse shield Replace - bu
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
to of floor, of to l Soft fan motors l or a It a l When for a It defrost defrost a (from l of l a motor. It WIII run It to run of saving l It a of to l door for a to to to of a If firm In l l door l on OFF door forms on out foods l not to a to for a door food or l fill It defrost a month to odors from Of turn to OFF, It. out to 9 drrectrons. following the according it clean and parts, removable all take unplug Control Temperature the refrigerator, your
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What to to l Wash Mrld a l l Wash a or not or (or l l a or a a soft not on rust l Wash soft or or to mrld (2 [ 26 to 1 [.95 I] l l Wash soft or l or on l Wash a soft or soft, l a soft. or or or Warm l ] l defrost lift if l Wash defrost l l to l l defrost l l l from month l Floor floor l out far l Wash floor l l to rf 10 level. is refrigerator the see Check back. refrigerator Roll allows line supply water as as only refrigerator Roll cleaners
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
or Ir or foil In to on not In o on for We a to 1 to 2 or foods foods 1 to2 _. _. _, to 1 to 2 Ground 3 to 5 7 to 10 or off Wash . . . . . .._..........._........ 5to7 fresh 3to5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to humrd *If to tn. It a to of follow for In 3 In or fish th6 Frults Wash, In In or not or to In In a or a on a ton or For on or door to of It a on door or lrmrts In In or 3- When suf fresh In iill In ur for month if not to
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
for of com- foods for foods of Frnrsh In Wrth proof or to from not or In or out r Irds, l foil. l l l to or l l When foods In of or out to for proof turn It on of 5 Fruits fruits Wash 2 to 3 a Fruit In food for trim, In or food fold to fo&d) to out to to food, from Fold 12 trps package err press close ends freezing during expond lrqurds low Crease air seal twice least at the [toward al- space head Leave material recommended in and together ends the Br
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
fresh foods for For no 2 to 3 hours to15 for Wash In sort Into of or In to to not or fresh or or In foods In If to foil lrft out foil It to In In In or first or In a of on In or proof If not, of or on In or form to to Fruit do not In to L 13 bake ready when crusts top vents steam cut solid freeze fillings rich freezing before pies similar and pecan Bake thawing without Bake unbaked frozen best are pres bake ready when slrce enough only Thaw roll in frozen and wr
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
not Food to of food. no un- food fish . . . 2 to 3 24 hours. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 to 6 2 to 3 of fresh or 3 to 4 of foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 to 9 of . . . . . . . . . . . 2 to 9 for to to room front door . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 to 8 of to . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 4 of food, of or Whole . . . . . . . 9 to 12 Whites . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 to 12 0 (-17.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 to 12 or to or Food Fruit . . . . 12 . . . . .
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Vacation vacations. to off If WIII off a foe four of off off of turn off food. foods out of out. shift vacations. food if for a month 1 or a turn off of to When of 2. from turn off 3. to or to doors for far for to odor from In doors cord to When out of a not to It. to 4. doors ,m 1. * 17). b 15 ” (page number telephone assistance servrce COOL-LINE your call ” Refrigerator Your “Using see refrigerator, restart To QUESTIONS? open. blocked are page refe
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
service or assistance, suggest steps: If not l to With often from a find of l In If not l to l cord If defrost l In hot, full IS If l If a out: l rnstructrons for on 8 If motor to run too l of 7 l a or a l hot or If room IS motor l runs If a or or l If door a or if a of focc In. motor run l on or to IS l on Motor on drf- from of door of for defrost food of room, of Into defrost It to It a of a food one old Your than trme running more require may and refr
Summary of the content on the page No. 17
our 2) of our or if to: Mr. Whirlpool 2000 49022 *If or of a of informa- to to for a qualih/ this of our quality a to fit right and right.. from or, if the used build a com- Whlrlpoo Whirlpool a of to fulfill 1 1 ) our 2) or 17 999.9999 Maple 123 XYZSERVICECO COMPANIES SERVICE FRANCHISEOTECH-CARESERVICE WHIRLPOOLAPPLIANCES IRONERS-SERVICING 6 DRYERS MACHINES. WASHING OR 999-9999 Maple 123 999.9999 Maple 123 XYZSERVICECO XYZSERVICECO COMPANIES SERVICE C
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18 Notes
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19 Notes
Summary of the content on the page No. 20
a 944008 6 Whirlpool t and Dehumldlllers. Drye Clothes Washers, Automatic Condllmners, Air Room Compaclors, Trash Ovens, Mwowave Ranges. Un~ls. Surface Ovens Bwll-In Oishwashers. Makers. Corporation ‘cl983 Rev. No. Part U.S.A. in Printed easier. little world your Making