Pioneer DEH-P7900BT user manual

User manual for the device Pioneer DEH-P7900BT

Device: Pioneer DEH-P7900BT
Category: CD Player
Manufacturer: Pioneer
Size: 1.38 MB
Added : 2/14/2014
Number of pages: 150
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Pioneer DEH-P7900BT User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Pioneer DEH-P7900BT. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

English Français

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Contents Thankyou for buying this Pioneer product. Pleasereadthroughtheseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. – Scanningfoldersandtracks 18 BeforeYouStart – Pausingdiscplayback 18 InformationtoUser 5 – UsingcompressionandBMX 18 ForCanadianmodel 5 – Searchingevery10tracksinthecurrent Aboutthisunit 5 discor folder 18 After-salesserviceforPioneerproducts 7 – Usingd

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

English Contents – Stoppingplayback 25 – Adjustingloudness 42 – Pausingasong 26 – Usingsubwooferoutput 42 – ConnectingtoaBluetoothaudioplayer – Boostingthebass 43 automatically 26 – Usingthehighpassfilter 43 – DisplayingBD(BluetoothDevice) – Adjustingsourcelevels 43 address 26 InitialSettings 44 BluetoothTelephone 27 – Adjustinginitialsettings 44 – BasicOperations 27 – Selectingthedisplaylanguage 45 – Aboutthetelephonesource 28 – Settingthedate 45 – Settingupforhands-freephoning 28 – Settingthec

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Contents – Selectinganaudiofiledirectlyinthe – BasicOperations 62 currentfolder 52 – Selectingadisc 63 – Introductionofadvanced – Selectingafolder 63 operations 52 – Introductionofadvanced – Displayingtextinformationofanaudio operations 63 file 53 TVtuner 64 – Selectingfilesfromthefilename – BasicOperations 64 list 53 – Storingandrecallingbroadcast XMtuner 54 stations 65 – BasicOperations 54 – Storingthestrongestbroadcast – SelectinganXMchanneldirectly 54 stationssequentially 65 – SwitchingtheXM

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

English Section BeforeYouStart 01 InformationtoUser Alterationormodificationscarriedoutwithout appropriateauthorizationmayinvalidatethe FCCID:AJDK014 user’srighttooperatetheequipment. MODELNO.:DEH-P7900BT IC:775E-K014 ! Thistransmittermustnotbeco-locatedorop- ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15ofFCCRules eratedinconjunctionwithanyotherantenna andRSS-GenofICRules.Operationissubject ortransmitter. tothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)thisdevice ! ThisequipmentcomplieswithFCC/ICradia- maynotcauseinterference,an

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Section 01 BeforeYouStart AboutWMA WARNING Handlingthecordonthisproductorcordsasso- ciatedwithaccessoriessoldwiththeproduct mayexposeyoutochemicalslistedonproposi- tion65knowntotheStateofCaliforniaandother governmentalentitiestocausecancerandbirth defectsorotherreproductiveharm.Wash hands TheWindowsMedia™logoprintedonthebox afterhandling. indicatesthatthisunitcanplaybackWMA data. WMAisshortforWindowsMediaAudioand CAUTION: referstoanaudiocompressiontechnology USEOFCONTROLORADJUSTMENTOR thatisdeve

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

English Section BeforeYouStart 01 ThisunitplaysbackAACfilesencodedby AbouttheSATRADIOREADYmark ® iTunes version6.0.5andearlier. iTunesisatrademarkofAppleComputer,Inc., registeredintheU.S.andothercountries. TheSATRADIOREADYmarkprintedonthe AboutBluetooth shippingboxof thisproductindicatesthatthe SatelliteRadioTuner forPioneer(i.e.,XM tunerandSiriussatellitetuner whicharesold separately)canbecontrolledbythisunit. Pleaseinquiretoyourdealerornearest authorizedPioneerservicestationregarding thesatell

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Section 01 BeforeYouStart ! Youcanturnoff thefaceautoopen.See U.S.A. Switching the face auto openonpage45. PioneerElectronics(USA)Inc. CUSTOMERSUPPORTDIVISION Important P.O.Box1760 ! Handlegentlywhenremovingorattaching LongBeach,CA90801-1760 thefrontpanel. 800-421-1404 ! Avoidsubjectingthefrontpaneltoexcessive CANADA shocks. PioneerElectronicsofCanada,Inc. ! Keepthefrontpaneloutofdirectsunlightand CUSTOMERSATISFACTIONDEPARTMENT hightemperatures. 300AllstateParkway ! Afewsecondsafterturningtheign

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

English Section BeforeYouStart 01 2 Replacethefrontpanelbyclippingit Reversemode intoplace. Ifyoudonotperformanoperationwithin about30seconds,screenindicationsstartto reverse,andthencontinuereversingevery10 seconds.PressingBANDwhenpowertothis unitisturnedoffwhiletheignitionswitchis settoACCorONcancelsthereversemode. PressBANDagaintostartthereversemode. Featuredemomode Thefeaturedemoautomaticallystartswhen powertothisunitisturnedoff whiletheigni- tionswitchissettoACCorON.Pressing Resettingthemicr

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Section 01 BeforeYouStart ! Removethebatteryif theremotecontrolisnot usedforamonthorlonger. ! Dangerofexplosionifbatteryisincorrectlyre- placed.Replaceonlywiththesameorequiva- lenttype. ! Donothandlethebatterywithmetallictools. ! Donotstorethebatterywithmetallicmateri- als. ! Intheeventofbatteryleakage,wipethere- motecontrolcompletelycleanandinstalla newbattery. ! Whendisposingofusedbatteries,please complywithgovernmentalregulationsoren- vironmentalpublicinstitutions’rulesthat applyinyourcountry

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

English Section Operatingthisunit 02                7 EQbutton What’sWhat Presstoselectvariousequalizercurves. 8 ATTbutton Headunit Presstoquicklylowerthevolumelevel,by 1 SOURCEbutton about90%.Pressoncemoretoreturntothe Thisunitisturnedonbyselectingasource. originalvolumelevel. Presstocyclethroughalltheavailable sources. 9 LISTbutton Presstodisplaythedisctitlelist,tracktitle 2 MULTI-CONTROL list,folderlist,filelistorpresetchannellist Movetop

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Section 02 Operatingthisunit d FUNCTIONbutton BasicOperations Presstoselectfunctions. PowerON/OFF e Joystick Turningtheuniton Movetoperformmanualseektuning,fast forward,reverseandtracksearchcontrols. % PressSOURCEtoturntheuniton. Alsousedforcontrollingfunctions. Functionsarethesameas Turningtheunitoff MULTI-CONTROLexceptfor volumecon- % PressSOURCEandholduntiltheunit trol. turnsoff. Presstodisplaythedisctitlelist,tracktitle list,folderlist,filelistorpresetchannellist dependingonthesource. Select

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 ! ExternalunitreferstoaPioneerproduct(such Tuner asoneavailableinthefuture)that,although BasicOperations incompatibleasasource,enablescontrolof basicfunctionsbythisunit.Twoexternalunits  canbecontrolledbythisunit.Whentwoexter- nalunitsareconnected,theallocationof themtoexternalunit1orexternalunit2is automaticallysetbythisunit. ! Whenthisunit’sblue/whiteleadisconnected tothevehicle’sauto-antennarelaycontrol terminal,thevehicle’santennaextendswhen thisun

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Section 02 Operatingthisunit Storingandrecallingbroadcast Introductionofadvanced frequencies operations Youcaneasilystoreuptosixbroadcastfre- 1 PressMULTI-CONTROLtodisplaythe quenciesforlaterrecall. mainmenu. ! Upto18FMstations,sixforeachof the FUNCTION,AUDIOandENTERTAINMENT threeFMbands,andsixAMstationscan appearonthedisplay. bestoredinmemory. 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselect 1 Whenyoufindafrequencythatyou FUNCTION. wanttostoreinmemorypressLIST. Turntochangethemenuoption;presstose- lect. 2 UseMULTI-C

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 # Tocancelthestorageprocess,press Built-inCDPlayer MULTI-CONTROLagain. BasicOperations 3 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthede- Thebuilt-inCDplayercanplaybackaudioCD siredstation. (CD-DA)andcompressedaudio(WMA/MP3/ Turntochangethestation;presstoselect. AAC/WAV)recordedonCD-ROM.(Referto # Youcanalsochangethestationbypushing page67for filesthatcanbeplayedback.) MULTI-CONTROLupordown. Readtheprecautionswithdiscsandplayeron page67. Tuninginstrongsignals   Localseektun

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! IfanerrormessagesuchasERROR-11isdis- Discloadingslot played,referto Understanding error messages onpage66. ! WhenplayingCD-EXTRAorMIXED-MODE CDs,compressedaudioandCD-DAcanbe switchedbypressingBAND. ! Ifyouhaveswitchedbetweencompressed audioandCD-DA,playbackstartsatthefirst trackonthedisc. ! WhenplayingbackVBR(variablebitrate)re- 2 InsertaCD(CD-ROM)intothediscload- cordedfiles,elapsedplaytimemaynotbedis- ingslot. playedcorrectly. Frontpanelisclosedautomatically,andp

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 2 Press0to9buttonstoenterthedesired Selectingarepeatplayrange tracknumber. Repeatplayplaysthesametrack/folder within # Youcancanceltheinputnumberbypressing theselectedrepeatplayrange. CLEAR. Also,therepeatrangedeterminestherangeof randomplayandscanplay. 3 PressDIRECT. Thetrackofenterednumber willplay. 1 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselect # Afterenteringthenumberinputmode,if you Playmodeinthefunctionmenu. donotperformanoperationwithinabouteight seconds,themodeisautomati

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Section 02 Operatingthisunit Scanningfoldersandtracks Searchingevery10tracksinthe Scanplaysearchesthesongwithinthese- currentdiscorfolder lectedrepeatrange. Youcanswitchthesearchmethodbetween Referto Selecting a repeat play rangeonthe fastforward/reverseandsearchingevery10 previouspage. tracks.SelectingRoughsearchenablesyou tosearchevery10tracks. 1 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselect Scanmodeinthefunctionmenu. 1 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselect Searchmodeinthefunctionmenu. 2 PressMULTI-CONTROLtoturnscanplay on. 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 3 PressDISPLAYtoselectthedesired ForCDTEXTdiscs charactertype. Playtime— :discartistnameand :track PressDISPLAYrepeatedlytoswitchbetween title— :discartistnameand :disctitle thefollowingcharactertypes: — :disctitleand :tracktitle— :track Alphabet(uppercase),numbersandsymbols artistnameand :tracktitle— :tracktitle —Alphabet(lowercase)—Europeanletters, andplaytime suchasthosewithaccents(e.g.á,à,ä,ç)— ForWMA/MP3/AACdiscs Numbersandsymbols Playtime— :foldernamean

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Section 02 Operatingthisunit 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthede- PlayingsongsoniPod siredtracktitle. BasicOperations Turntochangethetracktitle;presstoplay. # Youcanalsochangethetracktitlebypushing You can use this unit to control an iPod by MULTI-CONTROLupordown. using a cable (e.g., CD-I200), which is sold se- # Ifyoudonotoperatethelistwithinabout30 parately. seconds,thedisplayisautomaticallyreturnedto  theordinarydisplay. Selectingtracksfromthefile namelist Filenamelistletsyouseethelistoffilenam

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