Pioneer DEH-2900MP user manual

User manual for the device Pioneer DEH-2900MP

Device: Pioneer DEH-2900MP
Category: CD Player
Manufacturer: Pioneer
Size: 0.94 MB
Added : 11/16/2013
Number of pages: 60
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Pioneer DEH-2900MP User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Pioneer DEH-2900MP. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

English Español Deutsch

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Contents Thankyou for buying this Pioneer product. Pleasereadthroughtheseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. – UsingcompressionandBMX 11 BeforeYouStart – Searchingevery10tracksinthecurrent Aboutthisunit 3 discor folder 11 AboutWMA 3 – Displayingtextinformationondisc 12 AboutMP3 4 AudioAdjustments 12 Visitour website 4 – Usingbalanceadjustment 12 Protectingyouru

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

English Section BeforeYouStart 01 notremoveanycoversorattempttogainac- cesstotheinsideoftheproduct.Referallser- vicingtoqualifiedpersonnel. ! ThePioneerCarStereo-Passisforuseonlyin Germany. ! Keepthismanualhandyasareferenceforop- Ifyouwanttodisposethisproduct,donotmix eratingproceduresandprecautions. itwithgeneralhouseholdwaste.Thereisase- ! Alwayskeepthevolumelowenoughsothat paratecollectionsystemforusedelectronic youcanhearsoundsfromoutsidethevehicle. productsinaccordancewithlegislationthatre-

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Section 01 BeforeYouStart Removingthefrontpanel AboutMP3 1 PressDETACHtoreleasethefront Supplyofthisproductonlyconveysalicense forprivate,non-commercialuseanddoesnot panel. conveyalicensenorimplyanyrighttouse 2 Grabthefrontpanelandremove. thisproductinanycommercial(i.e.revenue- generating)realtimebroadcasting(terrestrial, satellite,cableand/oranyothermedia),broad- casting/streamingviainternet,intranetsand/ orothernetworksorinotherelectroniccon- tentdistributionsystems,suchaspay-audioor 3 Putthef

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Section 02 Operatingthisunit Optionalremotecontrol LCDdisplay f 1 2 d g c h e 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 a 4 Optional remote control (CD-SR100) can be 1 Maindisplaysection used with DEH-3900MP. Showsthevariousinformationsuchas The remote control CD-SR100 is sold separately. band,playtime,andothersetting. Operationisthesameaswhenusingthebut- ! Tuner tonsontheheadunit.Seetheexplanationof Bandandfrequencyaredisplayed. theheadunitabouttheoperationofeachbut- ! RDS tonwiththeexceptionof ATT,whichisex- Programservi

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 7 RPTindicator Turningtheunitoff Showswhenrepeatplayisturnedon. % PressSOURCEandholduntiltheunit turnsoff. 8 LOUDindicator Appearsinthedisplaywhenloudnessis turnedon. Tuner 9 Stereo(5)indicator Showswhentheselectedfrequencyis Listeningtotheradio beingbroadcastinstereo. 1 PressSOURCEtoselectthetuner. a LOCindicator 2 PressBANDtoselectaband. Showswhenlocalseektuningison. PressBANDuntilthedesiredband(F1,F2for FMorMW/LW)isdisplayed. 3 Toperformmanualtuning,briefl

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! RDSfunctionssuchasAFandTAareonly Tuninginstrongsignals activewhenyourradioistunedtoanRDS Localseektuningletsyoutuneinonlythose station. radiostationswithsufficientlystrongsignals forgoodreception. SwitchingtheRDSdisplay 1 PressFUNCTIONtoselectLOCAL. % PressDISPLAY. 2 Pressaorbtoturnlocalseektuning PressDISPLAYrepeatedlytoswitchbetween onoroff. thefollowingsettings: Programservicename—PTYinformation— 3 Presscordtosetthesensitivity. Frequency FM:LOCAL1—LOCAL2—LOCAL3—

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 ! Whenyourecallapresetstation,thetuner ! Thepresetnumbermaydisappear fromthe mayupdatethepresetstationwithanewfre- displayifthetunertunesinaregionalstation quencyfromthestation’sAFlist.(Thisisonly whichdiffersfromtheoriginallysetstation. availablewhenusingpresetsontheF1orF2 ! Theregionalfunctioncanbeturnedonoroff bands.)Nopresetnumberappearsonthedis- independentlyforeachFMband. playif theRDSdataforthestationreceived differsfromthatfortheoriginallystoredsta- R

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! Thesystemswitchesbacktotheoriginal # Besuretoturnupthelabelsideofadisc. sourcefollowingtrafficannouncementrecep- # AfteraCD(CD-ROM)hasbeeninserted,press tion. SOURCEtoselectthebuilt-inCDplayer. ! OnlyTPandenhancedothernetwork’sTPsta- # YoucanejectaCD(CD-ROM)bypressing tionsaretunedinduringseektuningorBSM EJECT. whenTAison. 2 Pressaorbtoselectafolderwhen playingaWMA/MP3/WAVdisc. PTYlist # Youcannotselectafolderthatdoesnothave aWMA/MP3/WAVfilerecordedinit. Specific T

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 2 PressFUNCTIONtoselectSCAN. Repeatingplay Repeatplayplaysthesametrack/folder within 3 Pressatoturnscanplayon. theselectedrepeatplayrange. SCANappearsinthedisplay.Thefirst10sec- ondsofeachtrackisplayed. 1 PressFUNCTIONtoselectRPT. # IfyouturnscanplayonduringFLD,FSCNap- pearsinthedisplay. 2 Presscordtoselecttherepeatrange. DSC –Repeatalltracks 4 Whenyoufindthedesiredtrackpress TRK –Repeatjustthecurrenttrack btoturnscanplayoff. FLD –Repeatthecurrentfolder # Ift

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Section 02 Operatingthisunit 2 PresscordtoselecttheFMtuning Savingthebatteryconsumption step. Switchingthisfunctiononenablesyoutosave Pressctoselect50(50kHz).Pressdtose- theconsumptionofbatterypower. lect100(100kHz). ! Operationsotherthanturningonthe sourcearenotallowedwhenthisfunction ison. SwitchingAutoPISeek Theunitcanautomaticallysearchforadiffer- Important entstationwiththesameprogramming,even duringpresetrecall. Ifthebatteryinyour vehicleisdisconnectedthe PowerSavemodeiscanceled.TurnonPowe

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Appendix AdditionalInformation ! TocleanaCD,wipethediscwithasoft ! Theremaybeaslightdelaywhenstarting clothoutwardfromthecenter. playbackofWMAfilesencodedwithimage ! Condensationmaytemporarilyimpairthe data. player’sperformance.Leaveittoadjustto ! ISO9660Level1and2compliant.Romeo thewarmertemperatureforaboutone andJolietfilesystemsarebothcompatible hour.Also,wipeanydumpdiscswithasoft withthisplayer. cloth. ! Multi-sessionplaybackispossible. ! Playbackofdiscsmaynotbepossiblebe- ! WMA/MP3/WAVfiles

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

English Appendix AdditionalInformation Compressedaudiocompatibility П Р WMA ! Compatibleformat:WMAencodedby С Т WindowsMediaPlayerVer.7,7.1,8,9or10 У Ф ! Bitrate:48kbpsto320kbps(CBR),48kbps to384kbps(VBR) Х Ц ! Samplingfrequency:32kHzto48kHz ! WindowsMediaAudio9Professional,Loss- Ч Ш,Щ less,Voice:No MP3 Ъ Ы ! Bitrate:8kbpsto320kbps Ь Э ! Samplingfrequency:16kHzto48kHz(32, 44.1,48kHzforemphasis) Ю Я ! CompatibleID3tagversion:1.0,1.1,2.2, 2.3,2.4(ID3tagVersion2.xisgivenpriority thanVersion1.x.) !

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Appendix AdditionalInformation WMAdecodingformat .........Ver. 7,7.1,8,9,10(2ch Specifications audio) (WindowsMediaPlayer) General MP3decodingformat ...........MPEG-1&2AudioLayer3 Power source .............................14.4VDC(10.8Vto15.1V WAVsignalformat ..................Linear PCM & MS ADPCM allowable) Groundingsystem...................Negativetype FMtuner Max.currentconsumption Frequency range ......................87.5MHzto108.0MHz .....................................................10.

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Español Contenido Gracias por haber comprado este producto Pioneer. Leacondetenimientoestasinstruccionessobreelfuncionamientodelaparato, paraquepuedadarleelmejorusoposible. Una vez que las haya leído, conserve este manual en un lugar seguro para consultarlo en el futuro. – Exploracióndepistasocarpetas 30 Antesdecomenzar – Pausadelareproduccióndeun Acercadeestaunidad 20 disco 30 AcercadeWMA 20 – UsodelacompresiónyBMX 30 AcercadeMP3 21 – Búsquedacada10pistaseneldiscoo VisitenuestrositioWeb 21 carp

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Sección 01 Antesdecomenzar descargaeléctrica.Además,elcontactocon líquidospuedecausardañosenlaunidad, humoyrecalentamiento. ! “PRODUCTOLÁSERDECLASE1” Esteproductocontieneundiododeláserde clasesuperiora1.Paragarantizarlaseguri- Sideseadeshacersedeesteproducto,nolo dadcontinua,noextraiganingunatapaniin- mezcleconlosresiduosgeneralesdesu tenteaccederalaparteinternadelproducto. hogar.Deconformidadconlalegislaciónvi- Soliciteapersonalcalificadoquerealiceel gente,existeunsistemaderecogidadistinto serv

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