Pioneer DEH-4000UB user manual

User manual for the device Pioneer DEH-4000UB

Device: Pioneer DEH-4000UB
Category: CD Player
Manufacturer: Pioneer
Size: 1.17 MB
Added : 11/16/2013
Number of pages: 73
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Pioneer DEH-4000UB User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Pioneer DEH-4000UB. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

English Español

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Contents ThankyouforbuyingthisPioneerproduct. Pleasereadthrough theseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. – Introductionofadvanced BeforeYouStart operations 16 Aboutthisunit 4 – Selectingarepeatplayrange 17 Visitour website 5 – Playingtracksinrandomorder 17 Aboutthismanual 5 – Scanningfoldersandtracks 17 Incaseoftrouble 5 – Pausingplayback 17 Protectingyourunitf

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

English Contents Settingtherearoutputandsubwoofer controller 25 SwitchingtheEverScroll 26 Multilanguagedisplaysetting 26 Savingthebatteryconsumption 26 Adjustingtheilluminationcolor 27 OtherFunctions UsingtheAUXsource 28 – SelectingAUXasthesource 28 – SettingtheAUXtitle 28 Switchingthebuttonillumination 28 Switchingthedisplayillumination 28 Soundmuting 29 AdditionalInformation Errormessages 30 Handlingguidelineofdiscsandplayer 31 DualDiscs 31 Compressedaudiocompatibility 31 USBaudioplayer/USBmem

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Section 01 BeforeYouStart cesstotheinsideoftheproduct.Referallser- vicingtoqualifiedpersonnel. ! ThePioneerCarStereo-Passisforuseonlyin Germany. ! Keepthismanualhandyasareferenceforop- Ifyouwanttodisposethisproduct,donotmix eratingproceduresandprecautions. itwithgeneralhouseholdwaste.Thereisase- ! Alwayskeepthevolumelowenoughsothat paratecollectionsystemforusedelectronic youcanhearsoundsfromoutsidethevehicle. productsinaccordancewithlegislationthatre- ! Protectthisunitfrommoisture. quirespropert

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

English Section BeforeYouStart 01 Portableaudioplayercompatibility Protectingyourunitfrom ! Inquireatthemanufacturer aboutyour theft USBportableaudioplayer/USBmemory. Thisunitcorresponds tothefollowing. Thefrontpanelcanbedetachedtodetertheft. — USBMSC(MassStorageClass)compliant portableaudioplayerandmemory Important — WMA,MP3andWAVfileplayback ! Handlegentlywhenremovingorattaching Fordetailsaboutthecompatibility,referto thefrontpanel. USB audio player/USB memory compatibility ! Avoidsubjectingth

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Section 01 BeforeYouStart Attachingthefrontpanel 1 Slidethefrontpaneltotheleftuntilit clicks. Frontpanelandtheheadunitarejointedon theleftside.Makesurethatthefrontpanel hasbeenjointedtotheheadunit. 2 Presstherightsideofthefrontpanel untilitisfirmlyseated. # Ifyoucan’tattachthefrontpaneltothehead unitsuccessfully,tryagain.Frontpanelmaybe damagedifyouattachthefrontpanelforcedly. 6 En

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 5 RPT/LOCALbutton What’sWhat Presstoswitchtherepeatplayrangewhile Headunit usingCDorUSB. Presstoswitchlocalsettingswhileusing DEH-5000UB tunerasthesource.    6 Discloadingslot Insertadisctoplay. 7 EJECTbutton Presstoejectadisc. 8 ILLbutton Only for DEH-5000UB.   Presstoselectvariouscolorofbuttonillumi- DEH-4000UB nation. Pressandholdtoswitchtothedisplayillu-    minationcolorselectionmode. 9 DETACHbutton Presstoremovethefrontpanelfromth

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Section 02 Operatingthisunit UsetoconnectaUSBaudioplayer/USB k ebutton memory. Presstoturnpauseonoroff. ! Whenconnecting,removethecoveron l FUNCTIONbutton theUSBport. Presstoselectfunctions. ! UseaUSBcabletoconnecttheUSB audioplayer/USBmemorytotheUSB m LIST/ENTERbutton port.SincetheUSBaudioplayer/USB Presstodisplaythedisctitlelist,tracktitle memoryisprojectedforwardfromthe list,folderlist,filelistorpresetchannellist unit,itisdangeroustoconnectdirectly. dependingonthesource. PioneerCD-U50EUSBcabl

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 Elapsedplaybacktimeandliteralinfor- Whenrandomfunctionison,onlyRDMis mationaredisplayed. displayed. 2 cindicator f NEWSindicator Appearswhenanuppertieroffolderor Appearswhenthesetnewsprogramisre- menuexists. ceived. 3 (folder)indicator g / LOUD(loudness)indicator Appearswhenoperatinglistfunction. Appearswhenloudnessison. 4 dindicator h 5(stereo)indicator Appearswhenalowertieroffolderormenu Appearswhentheselectedfrequencyis exists. beingbroadcastinstereo. 5 (a

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Section 02 Operatingthisunit Adjustingthevolume BasicOperations % TurnMULTI-CONTROLtoadjustthe PowerON/OFF soundlevel. Turningtheuniton % PressSRCtoturntheuniton. Turningtheunitoff % PressOFFandholduntiltheunitturns off. Selectingasource Youcanselectasourceyouwanttolistento. Toswitchtothebuilt-inCDplayer,loadadisc intheunit(refertopage15). % PressSRCrepeatedlytoswitchbe- tweenthefollowingsources. TUNER(tuner)—COMPACTDISC(built-inCD player)—USB(USB)—AUX(AUX) Notes ! Inthefollowingcases,thesoundso

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 # Youcanalsostorethefrequencyinmemory Tuner bypushingandholdingMULTI-CONTROLright. BasicOperations 3 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthede- % Selectaband siredstation. PressBAND/ESC. Turntochangethestation.Presstoselect. # BandcanbeselectedfromamongFM1,FM2, # Youcanalsochangethestationbypushing FM3orMW/LW. MULTI-CONTROLupordown. # Toreturntotheordinarydisplay,press % Manualtuning(stepbystep) BAND/ESCorLIST. PushMULTI-CONTROLleftorright. # Ifyoudonotoperatethelistwith

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! Toreturntotheordinarydisplay,press 2 PressMULTI-CONTROLtoturnAFon. BAND/ESC. # Toturnoff,pressMULTI-CONTROLagain. ! IfMW/LWbandisselected,youcanonlyse- lectBSMorLOCAL. Notes ! OnlyRDSstationsaretunedinduringseek tuningorBSMwhenAFison. Storingthestrongestbroadcast ! Whenyourecallapresetstation,thetuner frequencies mayupdatethepresetstationwithanewfre- BSM(beststationsmemory)letsyouautoma- quencyfromthestation’sAFlist.Nopreset ticallystorethesixstrongestbroadcastfre-

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 Notes Notes ! Regionalprogrammingandregionalnetworks ! Youcanalsoturnthisfunctiononoroffinthe areorganizeddifferentlydependingonthe menuthatappearsbyusing country(i.e.,theymaychangeaccordingto MULTI-CONTROL. thehour,stateorbroadcastarea). ! Thesystemswitchesbacktotheoriginal ! Thepresetnumbermaydisappear fromthe sourcefollowingtrafficannouncementrecep- displayifthetunertunesinaregionalstation tion. whichdiffersfromtheoriginallysetstation. ! OnlyTPandenhancedo

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Section 02 Operatingthisunit # Ifnostationisbroadcastingthetypeofpro- POPULAR POPMUS Popularmusic gramyousearchedfor,PTYNOTFOUNDisdis- ROCKMUS Contemporarymodern playedforabouttwosecondsandthenthetuner music returnstotheoriginalstation. EASYMUS Easylisteningmusic OTHMUS Non-categorized Usingnewsprograminterruption music Whenanewsprogramisbroadcastfroma JAZZ Jazz PTYcodenewsstation,theunitautomatically switchestothenewsbroadcaststation.When COUNTRY Countrymusic thenewsprogramends,receptionof thep

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 ! Afteradischasbeeninserted,pressSRCto Built-inCDPlayer selectthebuilt-inCDplayer. BasicOperations ! Thereissometimesadelaybetweenstarting updiscplaybackandthesoundbeingissued. % Insertadiscintothediscloadingslot. Whenbeingread,FORMATREADisdis- Playbackwillautomaticallystart. played. # Whenloadingadisc,facethelabelsideof ! IfanerrormessagesuchasERROR-11isdis- adiscup. played,referto Error messagesonpage30. % Ejectadisc ! Playbackiscarriedoutinorderoffilenumbe

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! DependingontheversionofWindowsMedia 1 PressLISTtoswitchtothefilenamelist PlayerusedtoencodeWMAfiles,album mode. namesandothertextinformationmaynotbe Namesoffilesandfoldersappearinthedis- correctlydisplayed. play. ! WhenplayingbackVBR(variablebitrate)-re- 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthede- cordedWMAfiles,theaveragebitratevalueis siredfilename(orfoldername). displayed. Turntochangethenameoffileor folder. ! WhenplayingbackVBR(variablebitrate)-re- — whenafileisselected,p

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 Notes Note ! Toreturntothepreviousdisplay,pressBACK. Youcanalsoturnthisfunctiononoroffinthe ! Toreturntothemainmenu,pressandhold menuthatappearsbyusingMULTI-CONTROL. BACK. ! Toreturntotheordinarydisplay,press Scanningfoldersandtracks BAND/ESC. Scanplaysearchesthesongwithinthese- ! Ifyoudonotoperatefunctionsexceptfor lectedrepeatrange. TITLEINPUTwithinabout30seconds,thedis- playautomaticallyreturnstotheordinarydis- 1 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectSCANin play. thefun

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Section 02 Operatingthisunit PlayingsongsonUSBportable Note audioplayer/USBmemory Youcanalsoperformthisoperationinthemenu thatappearsbyusingMULTI-CONTROL. For details about the supported device, refer to Portable audio player compatibility on page 5. Usingdisctitlefunctions YoucaninputCDtitlesanddisplaythetitle. BasicOperations ThenexttimeyouinsertaCDfor whichyou % Selectafolder haveenteredatitle,thetitleofthatCDisdis- PushMULTI-CONTROLupordown. played. % Fastforwardorreverse PushandholdMULTI-CO

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 3 TurnMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthe Displayingtextinformationof function. anaudiofile REPEAT(repeatplay)—RANDOM(random % PressDISPtoselectthedesiredtextin- play)—SCAN(scanplay)—PAUSE(pause)— formation. SOUNDRETRIEVER(soundretriever) ForWMA/MP3 Playtime—foldername—filename—track Functionandoperation title—artistname—albumtitle—comment— REPEAT,RANDOM,SCAN,PAUSEand bitrate SOUNDRETRIEVERoperationsarebasically ForWAV thesameasthatof thebuilt-inCDplayer. Playtime—folde

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Section 03 AudioAdjustments Introductionofaudio Usingbalanceadjustment adjustments Youcanchangethefader/balancesettingso thatitcanprovidetheideallisteningenviron- 1 PressMULTI-CONTROLtodisplaythe mentinalloccupiedseats. mainmenu. 1 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselect 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectAUDIO. FADER/BALANCE. Turntochangethemenuoption.Presstose- lect. 2 PressMULTI-CONTROLtodisplaythe settingmode. 3 TurnMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthe audiofunction. 3 PressMULTI-CONTROLtoselecttheseg- FADER/BALANCE(balanceadj

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