Senco Electric Compressor PC1130 user manual

User manual for the device Senco Electric Compressor PC1130

Device: Senco Electric Compressor PC1130
Category: Air Compressor
Manufacturer: Senco
Size: 0.6 MB
Added : 2/13/2014
Number of pages: 4
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Senco Electric Compressor PC1130 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Senco Electric Compressor PC1130. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

PC1130 Electric Compressor
* Schematic drawings inside
SENCO PRODUCTS, INC. Questions? Comments? call SENCO's toll-free Action-line:
8485 Broadwell Road. 1-800-543-4596 (North & South America only)
Cincinnati, Oh. 45244 or e-mail:
PC1130 Electric Compressor - Revised February 2, 2007 (Replaces 10-18-06) © 2006, 2007 by SENCO Products, Inc. Cincinnati, Ohio 45244 - U.S.A.

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

PRE SSURE C ONT ROL LEFOO R PC1130 Electric Compressor PC1130 Electric Compressor CW2012 CW4118 (10 ft - lbs) CW1130 (80 in - lbs) CW4121 CW4131 CW0012 PC0479 PC0057 PC0901 CW9100 CW4204 CW2212 CW4081 CW4241 PC0051 CW8012 CW4139 CW8025 CW8022 CW4203 CW2302 CW0030 CW4066 CW6104 CW4124 CW6112 CW0039 CW8026 CW4123 CW0044 CW6100 CW4062 CW6102 CW0042 CW0040 CW4041 CW4090 CW4030 CW4207 CW4112 CW4081 CW4111 CW7011 CW4080 CW7010 CW0035 CW4304 CW4212 CW4070 CW4085 CW4106 CW8011 CW2103 CW4104 CW4055 CW403

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

PRE SSURE CONTROL LEFOO R PC1130 Electric Compressor PC1130 Electric Compressor CW2012 CW4118 (10 ft - lbs) CW1130 (80 in - lbs) CW4121 CW4131 CW0012 PC0479 PC0057 PC0901 CW9100 CW4204 CW2212 CW4081 CW4241 PC0051 CW8012 CW4139 CW8025 CW8022 CW4203 CW2302 CW0030 CW4066 CW6104 CW4124 CW6112 CW0039 CW8026 CW4123 CW0044 CW6100 CW4062 CW6102 CW0042 CW0040 CW4041 CW4090 CW4030 CW4207 CW4112 CW4081 CW4111 CW7011 CW4080 CW7010 CW0035 CW4304 CW4212 CW4070 CW4085 CW4106 CW8011 CW2103 CW4104 CW4055 CW4037

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

PC1130 Electric Compressor REPLACEMENT PARTSLIST • LISTA DE PARTES DE REPUESTO • ERSATSTEILE-LISTE • LISTE DE PIÈCES DE RECHANGE PART NO. DESCRIPTION DESCRIPCIÓN BESCHREIBUNG DÉSIGNATION CW0012 .................. VALVE PLATE ..................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... CW0030 ................. COMPLETE PISTON .......................... ................

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