Summary of the content on the page No. 1 Freezers Dryers Clothes Washers Aulomallc Oehumidlfiers Condltloners Air Room Comwctors Trash Ovens CrOWaYe
Model Electric
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
It to out drum a to from or When or a 1. ~. [from 2. from In In lnformatron 2 3 4 a 4 6 6 IF 7 10 FLUFF 7 7 12 61989 Whirlpool 2 Corporation WARRANTY Setting PRESSR TUMBLE DRYER WHIRLPOOL Setting AIR ASSISTANCE, TIPS, DRYING OR SERVICE NEED YOU Times Down Cool Care Vacation Settings and Cycles Dryer Interior Dryer Cleaning Dryer Your Starting DRYER YOUR FOR CARING and Cycle Selecting REMOVAL, LINT INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING SCREEN. LINT INSTRUCTIONS.. Tim
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
for off on l or fluids l or a on a off floor a or l 45 (7.2 rf... l to l not too hot] l to l l door l not or l l not l for l of or l not or . l to IF for I. WINDOWS. 2. cord or turn off to 3. off if 4. a 3 SUPPLIER. dryer. gas GAS YOUR CALL IMMEDIATELY is yours VALVE GAS Shut dryer. FLAMES. OPEN ANY EXTINGUISH the service attempting before power electrical SWITCHES. supply power the unplug ALWAYS ELECTRICAL TOUCH DON’T information. complete OPEN In
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
OF 40-50 30-40 20-30 40-50 LOW 30-40 (2 or 3 LOW 15-20 20-30 FLUFF 20-30 40-50 15-20 4 NYLON SHEER POLYPROPYLENE, OLEFIN, MINS. RUGS RUBBER-BACKED MINS. MINS. tablecloths......... AIR curtains, -Shower PLASTIC MINS. stuffedtoys............................ bras, Pillows, - RUBBER FOAM FABRICS PRESS PERM’T HEAT-SENSITIVE PLASTIC, RUBBER, etc. lace, Gauze, MINS. panels) Curtains Sheer GENTLE KNITS ;;&T;;y FABRICS DELICATE AND LIGHTWEIGHT dresses blouses, MINS. lin
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
. a 2. to to to 6 for on To n door [or turn to OFF). door, if to OFF not If turn to OFF 5 area. an Knob Control Cycle the finished, is cycle the before stopped is dryer the use. in is dryer the when area an point should Knob Control Cycle The START. push and necessary, cycle, select the close dryer, the restart To Knob Control the Button. START the push the open dryer, the stop To you when tumbling start will dryer The dryer the Button START the Push 3 restart and stop
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
In tumbling time l In. l a 10 minute 4 time mtnutes time 5 time 4 IS At WII IS a ] -- - time IS time 6 load of kind that dry you next the right the to more dial the set wont, you than dryer load the If load of kind that dry you next the lefl the to more dial the set want You as dry as not IS load the If TIME LESS TIME MORE HIGH HEAVY PRESS PERM’T on set IS Selector Temperature the wher etc corduroys. jeans. [towels fabrics heavy of load dry to enough long be to des
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
from not a or not on FLUFF from to fluff foam stuffed 1. to FLUFF 2. to of 3. 1. to 2. to 3. In for off to for 10 For a a on or fold 9 of l of l of l room l of l of l for When a different of for When 7 control the reset and items dry remove stops, dryer the rics. fab- lightest the suggested cycle the use fabrics. weights and kinds informatlon. more with load drying Guide” “Dryer your See selection temperature dryer screen. lint the in lint amount wate
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
A a off out. or a 2 to 3 or often, on a qualified 1. 2. l or cord or turn off 3. from a soft or l or do not 4. l 8 cool. is dryer sure Make dryer. re-level and reconnect panel, Replace cabinet. Inside hands put - damage injury Avold cleaner. vacuum brush with - art see power. electrical - area shaded lint Remove supply igniter. funnel thermostats, power unplug - hazard shock electrical Avoid wires, damaging Avoid panel. back Remove WARNING: person. by only done b
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
finish. from cuffs not on or off a soft to or finish cord or, turn off to or If of to or a to a soft a a of on or a on or a of for l cord or turn off l For l screen lint Clean valve. gas close dryers, gas power. electrical power Unplug care Vacation etc. nuts bolts, pockets Check rags. load Tumble removed. dryer. the in put be never is dye excess all until cloth should objects heavy Sharp with Rub area. stained Spray cleaner household spray liquid -OR- rags. loa
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
IF l l of often from find l a of or 2 If IF run, not IF l Into a l door l 8 ofthis for l l 7 of l or box? breaker circuit fuses main home’s your checked you Have Guide:’ “Dryer your and book this page See Button? START the push you Did instructions. cleaning book page See clean? screen lint the Is tightly7 closed the Is voltage? proper the with circuit live plugged supply power the Is LONG: SEEMS TIME DRYING heat. but may dryer the blown, RUN: NOT DOES DRYER YOUR i
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
service?.. Wh Whirlpool a Policy We Whirlpool a Whirlpool for to a a fulfill If to find Whirlpool Whirlpool our con- a Whirlpool 3) or or proof of of no to 240 60 for com- a of Whirlpool Whirlpool for for of from a for Whirlpool of our fit to to from or, if to Whirlpool a * If or of a of infor- to to for assistance. request your spond re- better order in needed is mation This problem. the description complete and purchase, date number, serial numbe
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
W-TY 1 WILL ~ must WILL - A. 1 2 3 plumbrng 4 B. IS In up In - LIABLE thus a 3388804 A c 1989 CorDoration WhirlDO U.S.A. in Printed Rev. No. Part * Whirlpool Exchange. Military or distributor Whirlpool franchised Your contact please details, For apply. may warranty different States, United the Outside state. to state from vary which rights other hove also may you and rights. legal specific you gives warranty Thus you to opply not may exclusfon or limitatron so domages