Magma A10-014 user manual

User manual for the device Magma A10-014

Device: Magma A10-014
Category: Charcoal Grill
Manufacturer: Magma
Size: 0.61 MB
Added : 10/9/2013
Number of pages: 12
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Magma A10-014 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Magma A10-014. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

- / -
A10 004 A10 014
Stainless Steel Charcoal Grill
Barbecue à charbon en
acier inoxydable
Holzkohlen Barbeque-Grill
aus rostfreiem Stahl
Barbecue a carbone in acciaio
Asadores de carbón de acero
in oxidable
Roestvrije Staal Donkergrijze Barbecue
For questions regarding performance,
assembly, operation, parts, or returns,
contact the expert

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

S T C U D O R Tools required Outils nécessaires ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Notwendige Werkzeuge Note: Read complete instructions before operating. Strumenti necessari Herramientas requeridas INSTRUCTIONS DE MONTAGE F Werktuigen vereisten Note: Lire complètement les instructions avant le montage. ANLEITUNG FÜR DEN ZUSAMMENBAU D Wichtig: Vor Gebrauch bitte vollständige Anleitung durchlesen. ISTRUZIONI PER IL MONTAGGIO I Notare: Leggere interamente le istruzioni prima dell'uso. INSTRUCCIONES DE MON

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

OPERATING - GETTING READY TO COOK • Hang grill lid to block the wind. • Remove cooking grill , by unscrewing it from center post. A • Fill Magma "Charcoal Starter" (#A10-150) with briquets, or stack A two handfuls away from the center post, then soak the briquets with lighter fluid per can instructions. • Wait one minute before igniting. Then, preferably, use a long nozzle refillable butane lighter to light the briquets. • When they are ready, spread the hot coals evenly acro

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Grill Mounts Round Rail Mount ™ POW’R GRIP Fish Rod Holder Mount A10-080 Fits Standard Round Rails A10-175 7/8” or 1” (22 mm or 25.5 mm) Fits all standard A10-085 Fits Oversize Round Rails fish rod holders 1-1/8” or 1-1/4” (28.5 mm or 32 mm) A10-090 Fits Large Round Rails 1-1/2” (38 mm) Side, Bulkhead Mount or A10-160 ® Square/Flat Rail Mount Fits Tempress Fish-On & Roberts A10-240 Rod Holder Sockets Socket Type Rod Holder Mount A10-165 ®

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

F I D Piéces de rechange Pezzi di ricambio Ersatzteile Replacement Parts E N Piezas de repuesto De vervanging Scheidt A10-004 A10-014 10-010 10-010 10-100 10-400 10-030 10-431 10-040 10-441 10-050 10-442 10-060 10-461 10-070 10-070 A10-080 A10-240 A10-120 A10-650 A10-085 10-650 10-047 10-061 10-247 5 10-043 10-062 10-155

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

 Allow the combustible to burn down to a white colored ash before starting to cook.  WARNING! The barbecue becomes very hot when in use. Do not move until it has cooled off.  WARNING! Never use in an enclosed area.  WARNING! To srart or rekindle a fire, never use alcohol, gasoline or any other flammable liquid.  WARNING! Keep out of reach of children and animals. Francais  Permettre au combustible pour brûler à une cendre colorée blanche avant que commençant à cuisiner.  AVERTISSANT !

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

FRANCAIS MODE D’EMPLOI • MISE EN GARDE: NE PAS SURCHAUFFER LE BARBECUE. L'acier inoxydable F perd ses propriétés anti-corrosives s'il est exposé à de trés hautes températures. Il en résulterait endommagement et décoloration. • Accrocher le couvercle pour protéger du vent. Enlever la grille de cuisson. Empiler environ deux poignées de charbon de manière à ce qu'il ne touche ni le cylindre central, ni les parois. Voir . A Nous recommendons les all

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

DEUTCH GEBRAUCHSANLEITUNG • ACHTUNG: BARBEQUE-GRILL NICHT ÜBERHITZEN. Unter zu großer Hitze verliert der D rostfreie Stahl seine antikorrosiven Eigenschaften, wird beschädigt und verfärbt sich. • Deckel als Windschutz aufhängen. Bratgrill entfernen. Zwei Handvoll Holzkohle oder weniger so aufschichten, daß weder der mit Schraubgewinde versehene Mittelpfosten, noch die Grillwand durch die Holzkohle berührt wird. ( siehe

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

ITALIANO MODALITA' D'USO • ATTENZIONE: NON SURRISCALDARE IL BARBECUE. L'acciaio inossidabile perde le sue I caratteristiche di inattaccabilità ad altissima temperatura danneggiandosi e scolorendosi. • Applicare il coperchio sul lato come parabrezza. Rimuoverela griglia cottura. Ammucchiare un paio manciate di carbone in maniera tale de non toccare il perno centrale. Vedere . Vi raccomandiamo A Magm

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

FUNCIONAMIENTO • ADVERTENCIA: NO RECALIENTE EL ASADOR. El acero inoxidable pierde su E característica anticorrosiva cuando es sujeto a calentamiento excesivo causando daño y decoloración. • Sostenga la tapa para cubrir del viento. Apile dos manojos o menos de carbones tal que no toquen el tornillo central ni el tazón. Ver . A A Recomendamos el encendedor de butano recargable Magma #A10-170 (ver la sección "Accessorios p

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

NEDERLANDS De BEDIENING - MAKEND ZICH TE KOKEN • KLAAR het Wandbekleding grill deksel om de wind te belemmeren. N • Verwijder koken grill , door het losschroeven van het van midden post. A A • Vul Magma “de Donkergrijze Beginner” (#A10-150) met briketten of stapel twee handvollen weg van de midden post. • Wacht een minuut voor het aansteken. Gebruik dan, bij voorkeur een lange straalbuis navulbare butaan aansteker om de briketten aan te s

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

WARRANTY All products manufactured by Magma are warranted against failures due to materials or workmanship for a period of one year from the original date of purchase (receipt required). Magma must inspect all products claimed to be defective. Magma will not be liable for products damaged due to overheating resulting from neglect or misuse by the user. Magma reserves the right to repair or replace any product. Shipping charges are users responsibility. Contact Magma first before returning an

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