Mercury Marine Heavy Duty 899846001 user manual

User manual for the device Mercury Marine Heavy Duty 899846001

Device: Mercury Marine Heavy Duty 899846001
Category: Boat
Manufacturer: Mercury Marine
Size: 2.33 MB
Added : 12/16/2013
Number of pages: 50
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Mercury Marine Heavy Duty 899846001 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Mercury Marine Heavy Duty 899846001. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

All of us at Mercury Marine want to thank you for choosing a
Mercury Marine Inflatable boat. You have made a sound
investment in boating pleasure. We firmly believe it will bring
you many years of boating fun and excitement.
This Owners Manual contains all the safety and operating
information you need to get the most out of your Inflatable
boat. It also contains information on how to provide care and
maintenance to help protect your investment. Store this
manual for future reference.
The operato

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Record your Hull Identification Number (HIN) and engine model/ serial number. The HIN is located on the back of the boat on the starboard side. The engine model/serial number is located on the swivel bracket. You will need this information to obtain parts, warranty service or provide information if your inflatable boat is stolen. Purchase Date Dealer Name Address Phone HIN Engine Serial Number Engine Model Number Mercury Marine, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin U.S.A. Litho in U.S.A. © 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS WARRANTY INFORMATION Transfer of Warranty....................................................................1 Warranty Registration United States and Canada.......................1 Mercury Inflatable Boat Limited Warranty United States and Canada........................................................................................2 GENERAL INFORMATION Boater's Responsibilities..............................................................6 Before Operating Your Boat .........

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

TABLE OF CONTENTS Pre-Operating Check List..........................................................34 Loading......................................................................................35 Drain Valve Operation...............................................................36 Towing.......................................................................................37 Air Chamber Deflates Accidently...............................................37 Beaching.............................

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

WARRANTY INFORMATION Transfer of Warranty The limited warranty is transferable to a subsequent purchaser, but only for the remainder of the unused portion of the limited warranty. This will not apply to products used for commercial applications. To transfer the warranty to the subsequent owner, send or fax a copy of the bill of sale or purchase agreement, new owner’s name, address and hull identification number (HIN) to Mercury Marine’s warranty registration department. In the United States and

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

WARRANTY INFORMATION Mercury Marine Attn: Warranty Registration Department W6250 W. Pioneer Road P.O. Box 1939 Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1939 920-929-5054 Fax 920-929-5893 NOTE: Registration lists must be maintained by Mercury Marine and any dealer on marine products sold in the United States, should a safety recall notification under the Federal Safety Act be required. 2. To be eligible for warranty coverage, the product must be registered with Mercury Marine. At the time of sale, the dealer should

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

WARRANTY INFORMATION DURATION OF COVERAGE The fiberglass hull, air deck® floor, all hull attachments and accessories, but not limited to, floorboards, seats, rope holders, oar locks, oars, rope, air pump, lifting handles, d‑rings, oar holders, valves, seat webbings, and transom integrity are covered by this Limited Warranty for one (1) year from the date the product is first sold, or the date on which the product is first put into service, whichever occurs first. All the air holding fabrics are

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

WARRANTY INFORMATION HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY COVERAGE The customer must provide Mercury with a reasonable opportunity to repair, and reasonable access to the product for warranty service. Warranty claims shall be made by delivering the product for inspection to a Mercury dealer authorized to service the product. If purchaser cannot deliver the product to such a dealer, written notice must be given to Mercury. We will then arrange for the inspection and any covered repair. Purchaser in that case s

Summary of the content on the page No. 9


Summary of the content on the page No. 10

GENERAL INFORMATION Boater's Responsibilities The operator (driver) is responsible for the correct and safe operation of the boat and safety of its occupants and general public. It is strongly recommended that each operator (driver) read and understand this entire manual before operating the boat. Be sure at least one additional person on board is instructed in the basics of starting and operating the outboard and boat handling in case the driver is unable to operate the boat. Before Operating Y

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

GENERAL INFORMATION Lanyard Stop Switch The purpose of a lanyard stop switch is to turn off the engine when the operator moves far enough away from the operator's position (as in accidental ejection from the operator's position) to activate the switch. Tiller handle outboards and some remote control units are equipped with a lanyard stop switch. A lanyard stop switch can be installed as an accessory ‑ generally on the dashboard or side adjacent to the operator's position. The lanyard is a cord u

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

GENERAL INFORMATION Important Safety Information: The purpose of a lanyard stop switch is to stop the engine when the operator moves far enough away from the operator's position to activate the switch. This would occur if the operator accidentally falls overboard or moves within the boat a sufficient distance from the operator's position. Falling overboard and accidental ejections are more likely to occur in certain types of boats such as low sided inflatables, bass boats, high performance boats

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

GENERAL INFORMATION ! WARNING Avoid serious injury or death from deceleration forces resulting from accidental or unintended stop switch activation. The boat operator should never leave the operator's station without first disconnecting the stop switch lanyard from the operator. Accidental or unintended activation of the switch during normal operation is also a possibility. This could cause any, or all, of the following potentially hazardous situations: • Occupants could be thrown forward due to

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

GENERAL INFORMATION WHILE BOAT IS STATIONARY ! WARNING Stop your engine immediately whenever anyone in the water is near your boat. Serious injury to the person in the water is likely if contacted by a rotating propeller, a moving boat, a moving gearcase, or any solid device rigidly attached to a moving boat or gearcase. Shift outboard into neutral and shut off the engine before allowing people to swim or be in the water near your boat. Wave And Wake Jumping Operating recreational boats over wav

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

GENERAL INFORMATION There is another less common hazardous result from allowing your boat to launch off a wave or wake. If the bow of your boat pitches down far enough while airborne, upon water contact it may penetrate under the water surface and submarine for an instant. This will bring the boat to a nearly instantaneous stop and can send the occupants flying forward. The boat may also steer sharply to one side. Impact With Underwater Hazards Reduce speed and proceed with caution whenever you

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

GENERAL INFORMATION • The boat could move suddenly in a new direction. Such a sharp change in direction can cause occupants to be thrown out of their seats or out of the boat. • A rapid reduction in speed. This will cause occupants to be thrown forward, or even out of the boat. • Impact damage to the outboard and/or boat. Keep in mind, the most important thing you can do to help reduce injury or impact damage during an impact is control the boat speed. Boat speed should be kept to a minimum plan

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

GENERAL INFORMATION ! WARNING Avoid the combination of a running engine and poor ventilation. Prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide in sufficient concentration can lead to unconsciousness, brain damage, or death. GOOD VENTILATION Ventilate passenger area, open side curtains, or forward hatches to remove fumes. 21622 Example of desired air flow through the boat POOR VENTILATION Under certain running and/or wind conditions, permanently enclosed or canvas enclosed cabins or cockpits with insufficie

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

GENERAL INFORMATION WHILE BOAT IS MOVING a b 21628 a - Running the boat with the trim angle of the bow too high b - Running the boat with no forward hatches open Safe Boating Suggestions In order to safely enjoy the waterways, familiarize yourself with local and other governmental boating regulations and restrictions, and consider the following suggestions. Use flotation devices. Have an approved personal flotation device of suitable size for each person aboard (it is the law) and have it readil

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

GENERAL INFORMATION Never be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while boating (it is the law). Alcohol or drug use impairs your judgment and greatly reduces your ability to react quickly. Prepare other boat operators. Instruct at least one other person on board in the basics of starting and operating the outboard, and boat handling, in case the driver becomes disabled or falls overboard. Passenger boarding. Stop the engine whenever passengers are boarding, unloading, or are near the back (s

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

GENERAL INFORMATION Specifications MODELS WITH PVC FABRIC Model Description 380 430 Gross weight 93.8 kg (207 lb.) 110.6 kg (244 lb.) Maximum load 760 kg (1675 lb.) 1003 kg (2206 lb.) Maximum engine power 19 kw (25 hp) 23 kw (30 hp) Maximum engine weight 71 kg (157 lb.) 102 kg (224 lb.) Maximum personnel 6 8 Air chambers 3 + keel 3 + keel Outer length 380 cm (12 ft. 6 in.) 430 cm (14 ft. 1 in.) Inner hull length 260.5 cm (8 ft. 7 in.) 299 cm (9 ft. 10 in.) Outer width 171 cm (5 ft. 7 in.) 188 cm

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