Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Baja Marine
Owner’s Manual
Speed changes you.
35 Owutla
Owner’s Manual Part Number: MRP 1813652
© Baja Marine Corporation 2006
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
R TM. Speed changes you. Baja Marine COO rp O tira n , 2600 Sea r ya Bvdl ., KnOxville , 37914 tn FOr FO in M r tiO a n Call 1-865-971-6270 Or Fax 1-865-971-6716 i nternet SS addre : http ://www .BM aja arine .COM
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
w COM el e Congratulations on becoming the new owner of Because your purchase represents a substantial ® the world’s #1 performance boat. Baja Marine investment, we know you will want to take the Corporation welcomes you into our worldwide and necessary measures to protect its value. We ever-expanding family of boating enthusiasts. have outlined a program for proper operation, periodic maintenance and safety inspections. We The Owner’s Manual Packet, to be kept on urge you to follow these
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ThIs P agE InTEnTIOnally lEfT Blank ® ii 35 Outlaw
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
i ntrOduCO ti n • Red cross 1. This Manual • State Boating Offices The material within this manual and your Owner’s Manual Packet: • yacht Club Contact your dealer or the Boat/U.s. foundation at • gives you basic safety information 1-800-336-2628 • Describes the features of your boat Outside of north america, contact your boat dealer • Describes the equipment on your boat and/or your governmental boating agency for • Describes the fundamentals of boat use assistance. • Contains service and
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
i O ntr C du tiOn Baja Marine Corporation participates extensively 6. h ull i DT en ifica Tion n uMber () hin in the american Boat and yacht Council which is a The “Hull Identification Number” located on the nonprofit organization that develops and publishes starboard side of the transom, is the most important voluntary standards and recommended practices for identifying factor and must be included in all boat and equipment design, construction, service, correspondence and orders. f ail
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
R TM. Speed changes you. a T bou Your e xpress l M i T i eD WTY arran Baja Marine offers an Express limited Warranty on other equipment or accessories carrying their own each new Baja purchased through an authorized individual warranties, nor does the l imited Warranty Baja dealer. a copy of the limited Warranty was cover engines, parts or accessories not installed by included in your owner’s packet. If for any reason Baja Marine. The limited Warranty does not cover you did not receiv
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
35 Owutla Owner ’S Manual • t aBle OF COntentS i nTroDT uc io n s T ec ion 2 • General b oa T a rranGeMen T 1. This Manual ............................................................iii 1. Docking/lifting/Trailering .....................................2.1 2. your Responsibilities ..............................................iii 2. Passenger locations ...........................................2.1 3. sources of Information ...........................................iii 3. Basic Boat Dime
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
35 Owutla Owner ’S Manual • t aBle OF COntentS s ecTion 5 • f uel s YsTe M s T ec ion 8 • r D equire i nspecTion , s viceer , & MainTenanc e 1. fuel system .........................................................5.1 2. fueling Precautions .............................................5.2 1. summary guide for Inspection, service and a. static Electricity and the fuel system ..........5.2 Maintenance ......................................................8.1 B. general: .....................
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
® Information in this publication is based upon the latest product specifications available at printing. Baja Marine Corporation reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in the colors, equipment, specifications, materials and prices of all models, or to discontinue models. Should changes in production models ® be made, Baja Marine is not obligated to make similar changes or modifications to models sold prior to the date of such changes. Owner’s Manual 35 Outlaw Print
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
SeCtiOn 1 • SF a ety SAFE boating means: 1. s TY afe l abels s afety precautions are given throughout this • knowing the limitations of your boat manual and labels are mounted at key locations • following the "Rules of the Road" throughout the boat. This safety information advises the owner/operator and passengers of • keeping a sharp lookout for people and objects safety precautions to follow when operating and/or in the water servicing equipment. • n ot boating in water or weather cond
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
SeCtiOn 1 • SaFety 2. l G e all Y ManDa TeD MiniMM u 3. f ire e xTinGuishinG s YsTeM r D equire e M quip enT Your boat may be equipped with the optional automatic fire extinguisher system, located in the engine compartment. Consult your national or state boating law In the event of a fire, the heat sensitive automatic head in enforcement agency. the engine compartment will release a fire-extinguishing vapor, totally flooding the area. The following equipment is the minimum required by t
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SeCtiOn 1 • SF a ety symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are dizziness, • If a convertible or camper top is installed, operate ears ringing, headaches, nausea, and unconsciousness. with the forward hatch open and leave cabin door get fresh air if anyone shows signs of carbon monoxide open. poisoning, and/or if carbon monoxide detector alarm • Operate all fuel burning appliances, such as charcoal, sounds. propane, lPg, Cng, or alcohol cooking devices in a poisoning victim's skin often tur
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SeCtiOn 1 • SaFety (FIG. 1.4.3) f lotation a id (Type III) – vest is 5. l G vin ifesa e M quip T en designed so conscious wearers can turn face up; often designed for ! WARNING comfort while engaged in sports such as skiing. Have all passengers and the operator wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) at all times when boating. When someone is overboard, it can be too late to Throwable Devices (Type IV) – (FIG. 1.4.4) have them put on a PFD. horseshoe buoys, ring buoys and buoyant cushi
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SeCtiOn 1 • SF a ety Pliers (regular, vise-grip, and tongue & groove) 6. a DDT i ional r MM eco D en eD Wrenches (box, open-end, allen, adjustable) e M quip T en for s afe o pera Tion socket set (metric or U.s. standard as appropriate) In addition to legally mandated equipment, the following items are necessary for safe boating Electrical tape and duct tape especially if your boat is out of sight of land. hammer • first aid kit Utility knife • Visual distress signals for day and night
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SeCtiOn 1 • SF a ety • a bove idle speed, all passengers must be 8. l oaD c aciTY ap seated on the seats provided. a. u T ni D e s Ta Tes ! WARNING Use common sense and sound judgement when When engine is running, keep passengers away from placing equipment and/or passengers in your boat. areas not designed for riding, such as seat backs, The number of people on board must be reduced if bow, gunwales, transom platform, front and rear you go out in poor weather and rough water. decks a
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SeCtiOn 1 • SF a ety other navigational hazards such as rocks, sand bars, To maintain rated power, propellers should be free and dangerous currents, to name a few. of nicks, excessive pitting, and any distortions that alter them from their original design. Badly your passengers are relying on you to operate and damaged propellers should be replaced, but those maneuver the boat safely so that they are not in danger that are chipped, bent, or merely out of shape can be of going overboard
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SeCtiOn 1 • SaFety The wind speed and wave height specified as the upper General c D onsi era Tions limit for your category of boat does not mean that you • k now how your boat handles under different or your passengers can survive if your boat is exposed conditions. Recognize your limitations and the boat's to these conditions. It is only the most experienced limitations. Modify speed in keeping with weather, operators and crew that may be able to operate a boat sea, and traffic cond
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SeCtiOn 1 • SaFety If you are in an unfamiliar area without knowledge of the . a s WiMMinG hazards, proceed very slowly and have someone watch • Do not permit anyone to swim from a moving boat, for hazards. or a boat with an engine running. ! WARNING • Many localities prohibit swimming from boats except in designated areas. Hitting an object in or under the water or boating in dangerous currents can cause serious injury or death • Make sure boat's engine is turned off and the stern to
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SeCtiOn 1 • SF a ety skIIng sIgnals (fIg. 1.10.1) C. Diving Recognize and respect diving flags. (See Figure 1.10.2) keep at least 30 meters (100 feet) away. Sport Divers Flag – Red flag with diagonal white stripe marks a diver in the water. Code Alpha Flag – Blue and white pennant designates boat being used in dive operations DIVERs flags (fIg. 1.10.2) WhITE RED BlUE WhITE sPORT DIVER's CODE alPha flag flag Turn - Arm raised, circle with index finger extended. i n General Skier in Water