Million Dollar Baby Toddler Bed None user manual

User manual for the device Million Dollar Baby Toddler Bed None

Device: Million Dollar Baby Toddler Bed None
Category: Baby Carrier
Manufacturer: Million Dollar Baby
Size: 0.17 MB
Added : 8/2/2014
Number of pages: 4
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Million Dollar Baby Toddler Bed None User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Million Dollar Baby Toddler Bed None. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

© © 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2
ongratulations on purchasing a Million
C Dollar Baby product. Please be sure to follow the
instructions for proper assembly. Use a Phillips screwdriver
and a regular screwdriver for assembling the bed. Do not use
electric drills or power screwdrivers. Please understand that
natural woods have color variations which are the result of
nature and are not defects in workmanship.

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Unpack and separate all parts, bolts, screws and clip angles. All holes for attachment have been pre-drilled. No drilling by the customer 1 is necessary. Ask your store or call us for replacement of missing parts. On the front page, record your model/item number, P.O./lot num- ber, date of purchase, store purchased from and the finish color for future reference. Do not substitute parts. All models have the same quantity of parts and hardware. Your model may look different from the one ill

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Fit the dowels of the slats G into the pre-drilled holes of 2 the left side rail F. Attach the center slat E to the left side rail using 2 sets of 1 3/4” Phillips head bolts L and barrel nuts K. F L K E G Always make sure the slotted head of the barrel nut is facing down or out. Attach the right side rail H in the same manner as step 3 2. L K H Connect the headboard B to the assembled bed frame 4 using 4 sets of 2 3/8” Phillips head bolts J and barrel B nuts K. J K J K 3

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Connect the footboard A to the bed frame in the same 5 manner as step 4. A J K K J Connect the side panels C and D to the headboard 6 using 4 sets of 2 3/8” Phillips head bolts J and bar- rel nuts K. Attach the clip angle N to each side rail using the J wood screws M. C K K J D M N Make sure the clip angle fits over the lower rail 7 of the side panel. Now your toddler bed is ready. KEEP THIS MANUAL IN A SAFE PLACE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. 4

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