Revolabs Inc.85 user manual

User manual for the device Revolabs Inc.85

Device: Revolabs Inc.85
Category: Wireless Office Headset
Manufacturer: Revolabs
Size: 0.13 MB
Added : 8/27/2014
Number of pages: 4
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Revolabs Inc.85 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Revolabs Inc.85. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Revolabs Fusion™ Wireless Microphone System- Tandberg Edge 75/85/95
MXP Setup Guide

This setup guide will guide you through the steps needed to properly connect a
Revolabs Fusion System to a Tandberg Edge 75/85/95 MXP video codec.

1. Connecting the Cables
2. Configuring the Edge MXP Video Codec

Note: It is important to carefully follow these instructions in order and completely.
Otherwise your Fusion System and/or the video codec may not function properly.

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Connecting the Cables CONNECTING A REVOLABS FUSION TO TANDBERG EDGE 75/85/95 MXP VIDEO CODEC 1. Connect a Male RCA-RCA audio cable between the “Conf. In” port on the Fusion and the “VCR 1” port on the Edge MXP. 2. Connect a Male XLR audio cable between the “Mic Conf. Out” port on the Fusion and the “Mic 1” port on the Edge MXP. 3. Connect a Male RCA audio cable between the “Room Out” port on the Fusion and the Speakers. Note: The speakers used for

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Configuring the Edge 75/85/95 MXP Video Codec CONFIGURING THE AUDIO MENUS OF THE EDGE MXP VIDEO CODEC 1. Go to AUDIO SETTINGS 2. Select INPUTS 3. Confirm that MIC 1 is ON 4. Adjust the audio Input Type Level if necessary (recommend +0dB) 5. Speak into the Revolabs microphones that are connected to MIC 1. The audio meter should peak at about 5dB for normal speech.

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

6. Return to previous menu and select OUTPUTS 7. Confirm that Out1 is ON 8. Adjust the audio Output Type Level if necessary (recommend +0dB) 9. Return to previous menu and select ECHO CONTROL 10. Enable MIC 1 Echo Canceller (ON) 11. Return to previous menu and select AUDIO LEVELING (AGC) 12. Turn MIC Audio Leveling (AGC) OFF NOTE: You must use your Fusion remote control to control the room volume for both the audio and video conference calls. Adjusting the

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