Summary of the content on the page No. 1
TIG InverTer welder
Model 98233
SeT up and Opera TInG InSTrucTIOnS
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Failure to do so can result in serious injury.
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Copyright 2008 by Harbor Freight Tools . All rights reserved. No portion of this manual or any artwork
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Harbor Freight Tools. Diagrams within this manual may not be
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
General Opera TInG cOnTenTS InSTrucTIOnS ........................ 13 IMpOrT anT SaFeTY MaInTenance and InFOrMa TIOn ............................ 3 ServIcInG ............................... 15 General pOwer T OOl cleanInG, MaInTenance, and SaFeTY warnInGS .......................3 lubrIca TIOn ...............................15 TIG welder SaFeTY warnInGS ..5 TrOubleShOOTInG ......................16 GrOundInG ................................. 9 MaIn unIT p arTS lIST ............. 17 GrOunded T
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
nOTIce is used to Save ThIS Manual address practices Keep this manual for the safety warn- not related to personal injury. ings and precautions, assembly, operat- cauTIOn, without ing, inspection, maintenance and cleaning the safety alert procedures. Write the product’s serial symbol, is used to address number in the back of the manual near the practices not related to assembly diagram (or month and year of personal injury. purchase if product has no number). Keep this manual and
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Unmodified plugs and matching out- face shield. Safety equipment such lets will reduce risk of electric shock. as NIOSH-approved respirator, heavy-duty work gloves, non-skid b. avoid body contact with grounded safety shoes, or hearing protection surfaces such as pipes, radiators, used for appropriate conditions will ranges and refrigerators. There is reduce personal injuries. an increased risk of electric shock if your body is grounded. c. prevent unintentional starting. ensure the s
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proved for the specific hazards in the g. use the power tool, accessories work area. and tool bits etc. in accordance with these instructions, taking into 4. power tool use and care account the working conditions a. do not force the power tool. use and the work to be performed. Use the correct power tool for your ap- of the power tool for operations differ- plication. The correct power tool will ent from those intended could result do the job better and safer at the rate in a hazardo
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5. Move flammable and explosive mate- 13. Prevent accidental fires. rial at least 35 feet from the welding Remove any combustible arc to prevent welding sparks or mol- material from the work ten metal from starting a fire. Keep a area. type ABC fire extinguisher within easy 14. When possible, move the work to a reach. Thoroughly clean the object location well away from combustible being welded of any paint, grease, or materials. If relocation is not pos- other foreign material. sible
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with bare hand. Do not wear wet or 22. Where ventilation is questionable, damaged gloves. have a qualified technician take an air sampling to determine the need for 20. Ensure that the unit is placed on a corrective measures. Use mechani- stable location before use. If this unit cal ventilation to improve air quality. falls while plugged in, severe injury, If engineering controls are not fea- electric shock, or fire may result. sible, use an approved respirator. warnInG 23. Follow O
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31. This product is not a toy. Keep it out sition. Never drop or strike a cylinder. of reach of children. Do not use cylinders that have been dented. Cylinder caps should be used 32. People with pacemakers should when moving or storing cylinders. consult their physician(s) before use. Empty cylinders should be kept in Electromagnetic fields in close prox- specified areas and clearly marked imity to heart pacemaker could cause “empty.” pacemaker interference or pacemak- er failure. In
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factors which cannot be built into this extension cords product, but must be supplied by the 1. As the distance from the supply outlet operator. increases, you must use a heavier gauge extension cord. Using exten- Save TheSe sion cords with inadequately sized InSTrucTIOnS. wire causes a serious drop in voltage, resulting in loss of power and pos- sible tool damage. GrOundInG (See Table a.) TO prevenT 2. The smaller the gauge number of the elecTrIc ShOck wire, the greater the capaci
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recOMMended MInIMuM wIre GauGe FOr exTenSIOn cOrdS* (120/240 vOl T) exTenSIOn cOrd naMepla Te lenGTh aMpereS (at full load) 0 – 2.0 18 18 18 18 16 2.1 – 3.4 18 18 18 16 14 3.5 – 5.0 18 18 16 14 12 5.1 – 7.0 18 16 14 12 12 7.1 – 12.0 18 14 12 10 - 12.1 – 16.0 14 12 10 - - 16.1 – 20.0 12 10 - - - * based on limiting the line voltage drop to five volts at Table a 150% of the rated amperes. Symbology Double Insulated Canadian Standards Association Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Volts Alternati
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Tool Set up SpecIFIca TIOnS TO prevenT 230 V~ / 60 Hz Electrical Requirements 19.8 Amp SerIOuS Injur Y FrOM accIdenT al Welding Current Range 10 to 165 A Opera TIOn: 60% @ 165 Amps Turn the power Switch of the Duty Cycle 80% @ 126 Amps 100% @ 98 Amps tool to its “OFF” position and Intake: 9/16” 18 TPI unplug the tool from its Gas Fittings Outlet: 3/8” 24 TPI electrical outlet before Gas Input 10 PSI performing any inspection, Tungsten Electrode Size 5/32” maintenance, or cleaning Cap
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name plate Front of w elder back of w elder power Input Overload digital light power power display current Switch Supply Output light knob cooling Fan Gas Inlet Grounding proper TIG connection Grounding TIG Torch and clamp and cable (32) cable (34) proper arc (stick) w elding connection TIG Gas switch Outlet Grounding electrode cable Gas connect clamp and clamp and connection Flow Stick cable (34) cable (33) (welder) delay or TIG Switch Switch cable connection (ground) SKU
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2. Plug the cable of the Grounding Opera TInG InSTrucTIOnS Clamp (34) into the welder and se- w ear protective cure the clamp to a clean, exposed gear during use; metal part of the workpiece. anSI-approved, shade 3. Assemble the desired accessories number level 14 eye and rod inside the tip of the TIG Torch protection, a full face shield handle. (or welding mask), ear protection, welding gloves a. Unscrew the Ceramic Nozzle (6A) on the Torch Handle (4A). and apron, nIOSh-approved resp
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trigger is held down. when the 6. Plug the power cord into a grounded operator is not holding the Torch, 230V electric socket and turn the it must be sitting on a nonconduc- Welder on. tive, nonflammable surface. danGer! To prevent serious 9. Hold the Trigger down and tilt the injury and death: If the operator torch forward. Keep a constant is not holding the Torch, it must distance between the torch and the be sitting on a nonconductive, workpiece but do not contact it. nonflamm
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
4. The ceramic nozzle (6a) will occa- MaInTenance and sionally need to be cleaned of spatter ServIcInG from welding. Clean it with a metal brush. When the nozzle deteriorates Procedures not specifically or can no longer be cleaned, it will explained in this manual need to be replaced. Unscrew the must be performed only by a nozzle and replace it with a new one. qualified technician. 5. warnInG! If the supply cord of TO prevenT this power tool is damaged, it must SerIOuS Injur
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Summary of the content on the page No. 17
MaIn unIT p arTS lIST MaIn unIT p arTS lIST part description Qty part description Qty 1 Handle 1 19 Reactance 1 2 Cover 1 20 Resister 1 3 Back Cover 1 21 Inductor 1 4 Divider 1 22 Radiator 1 5 PCB 1 23 Inductor 1 6 Transformer 1 24 Rectifier 1 7 Drive PCB 1 25 Fan 1 8 Control PCB 1 26 Fan Guard 1 9 Display 1 27 Inverter PCB 1 10 Light 1 28 Electromagnet 1 11 Light 1 29 High Pressure PCB 1 12 Toggle Switch 1 30 Splitter 1 13 Toggle Switch 1 31 Torch Switch Mounting 1 14 Socket 1 32 TIG Torch and
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TOrch p arTS lIST TOrch p arTS lIST part description Qty part description Qty 1A Long Back Cap 1 4A Torch Handle 1 2A Short Back Cap 1 5A Collet Housing 1 3A1 Collet 1/16” (1.6mm) 1 6A1 Ceramic Nozzle size 4; 10N50 1 3A2 Collet 2/25” (2.0mm) 1 6A2 Ceramic Nozzle size 5; 10N49 1 3A3 Collet 3/32” (2.4mm) 1 6A3 Ceramic Nozzle size 6; 10N48 1 3A4 Collet 1/8” (3.2mm) 1 6A4 Ceramic Nozzle size 7; 10N47 1 TOrch parTS dIaGraM 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a1-4 record product’s Serial number here: note: If product ha
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elecTrIcal dIaGraM SKU 98233 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. Page 19
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lIMITed 1 Year / 90 da Y warranTY Harbor Freight Tools Co. makes every effort to assure that its products meet high quality and durability standards, and warrants to the original purchaser that for a period of ninety days from date of purchase that the torch, liner, wire feed mechanism (if ap- plicable), welding clamps, electrode holders, cables and accessories packed with the welder are free of defects in materials and workmanship. This limited 90 day/1 Year warranty shall not apply to cons