Nintendo Final Fantasy VI Advance user manual

User manual for the device Nintendo Final Fantasy VI Advance

Device: Nintendo Final Fantasy VI Advance
Category: Video Games
Manufacturer: Nintendo
Size: 2.93 MB
Added : 5/29/2014
Number of pages: 26
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Nintendo Final Fantasy VI Advance User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Nintendo Final Fantasy VI Advance. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Nintendo of America Inc.
P.O. Box 957, Redmond, WA 98073-0957 U.S.A. PRINTED IN JAPAN

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE SEPARATE HEALTH AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING - Repetitive Motion Injuries and Eyestrain ® BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THIS PRODUCT BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENDO HARDWARE SYSTEM, GAME PAK OR ACCESSORY. THIS BOOKLET CONTAINS Playing video games can make your muscles, joints, skin or eyes hurt after a few hours. Follow these instructions to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin irritation or eyestrain: IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION. � Avoid e

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

PROL OGUE ® THIS GAME PAK WILL WORK ONLY WITH THE GAME BOY TM ® The ancient War of the Magi... ADVANCE, GAME BOY MICRO, OR NINTENDO DS VIDEO The official seal is your assurance GAME SYSTEMS. that this product is licensed or When its flames at last receded, only the charred husk of a world remained. Even the power of magic was lost... manufactured by Nintendo. Always look for this seal when buying In the thousand years that followed, iron, video game systems, gunpowder, and steam engi

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

MOG CCHARA CHARA HARACCTERS CTERS TERS A music- and dance-loving moogle who lives deep within the mines of Narshe. Mog is exceptionally brave for a moogle, and will never TERRA BRANFORD turn his back on those in need of aid. A mysterious girl, born with the power of magic and enslaved by the SPECIAL ABILITY - DANCE Gestahlian Empire. The secrets of her past and the reason for her Mog can control the power of nature through his dance. He learns unusual abilities remain unknown...even to Terr

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

GAU SABIN RENE FIGARO A boy abandoned on the Veldt and raised among monsters. He Edgar's twin brother. Sabin left Figaro Castle at a young age to pursue a may have trouble expressing his feelings through words, but that life of freedom, choosing to undergo training as a monk. Headstrong doesn't stop him from caring about his friends as much as but humble, Sabin is Edgar's polar opposite. anyone else. SPECIAL ABILITY - BLITZ SPECIAL ABILITIES - LEAP, RAGE Entering the proper command sequenc

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

RELM ARROWNY SETZER GABBIANI A young girl raised by Strago after her parents left her behind. The owner of the flying casino known as the Blackjack. A gambler She loves to draw and paint, and always puts on a through and through, Setzer lives for thrills and pays little attention to happy-go-lucky performance to hide the loneliness that she truly anything that is not of personal interest. feels inside. SPECIAL ABILITY - SLOT SPECIAL ABILITY - SKETCH Setzer can play a slot machine in battle

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

B B BAS AS ASI I IC C CO C CO CON N NT TR TR RO O OL LS LS S L BUTTON, R BUTTON L BUTTON + These are the basic controls for the game. For more specific information, Scroll through lists R BUTTON see the other sections of this booklet or follow the on-screen cues. Cycle through pages Press and hold to flee from battle. Select multiple targets for a spell +CONTROL PAD Move character cursor Move cursor Within menus, these buttons can be used to A BUTTON The character or cursor will move in the di

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Load Game G G GE E ET TTI TTI TIN N NG S G S G ST T TA AR AR RT TED TED ED This option allows you to continue a previously saved game. Use the +Control Pad to select one of the three save files. Insert the FINAL FANTASY VI Advance Game Pak into your Game Boy Advance system and turn the power on. Starting a Game Saving a Game Once the title screen appears, press any button to open the title menu. Select You must save your game before quitting if you want to the desired option from the menu to

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

G G GAME I A AME I ME IN N NT TERF TERF ERFA A AC CE CE E G G GE E ET TTI TTI TIN N NG G AR G AR ARO O OU U UN ND ND D FINAL FANTASY VI Advance utilizes three different types of views during the course of the game. In the game world's various locations, you will need to talk to other characters, purchase items, and reach certain destinations. MENUS Map Screens Pressing START from any map will open the main menu, where you There are two different types of Overworld Town/Dungeon can make any n

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Modes of Transportation Talk/Examine Walking is not the only way to move around on the overworld map. You can talk to other characters or examine objects by pressing the A Button. Speaking to others may sometimes yield valuable information. CHOCOBO Chocobo Controls You can rent chocobos at chocobo +Control Pad Up: Move forward, Left/Right: Turn A Button Move forward stables. These swift-moving birds B Button Dismount will allow you to get to your L Button and +Control Pad Left Sharp

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Shopping Shops and Services Speak to a shopkeeper to open the shop menu. Select “Buy" if you want to purchase items, or “Sell" You will find a variety of helpful shopkeepers in towns that will provide if you want to sell unneeded items in your inventory. Select an item you want to buy or sell from the services in exchange for gil (the currency of the game world). list, adjust the quantity with the +Control Pad, then press the A Button to confirm the transaction. Your Gil Items and Prices Inn

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Character Information MAI M MAI AIN ME N N ME MEN NU NU U Basic information is displayed for each character, such as the character's level and HP and MP totals. Pressing START from the overworld map, or any town or dungeon, will open the main menu. 1 2 3 4 Menu Screen 1 The character in the uppermost slot is the one who will appear on the map screen. Status Icon Icons are shown if there are any status effects on the character (see p. 39). 2 Level A character's level increases after the charac

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Using Items M ME ME EN NU CO NU CO U COM MMA MMA MAN ND ND DS S S Move the cursor next to the name of an item displayed in white and press the A Button twice to use it. Depending on the item, you may This section provides a detailed explanation of each command displayed in the main menu. be prompted to select a target character. Selecting a piece of equipment instead of a usable item will show Items detailed information about the item, such as the list of characters This menu allows you to v

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Abilities Equip This menu allows you to view information about the abilities a character Select “Equip" from the main menu to view or change your characters' currently equipped weapons and has learned. Select a category to view the list of known abilities. You can armor. Keep in mind that the set of weapons and armor that each character can equip is different. Note: To view the entire party's current equipment, select “Equip" from the main menu, press +Control Pad Left or Right to select all pa

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Relics Status This menu allows you to view and change the relics equipped to each The Status screen displays various information about the character, such character. If a relic that affects the rules for equipping weapons or armor as his or her experience point totals, attributes, and current equipment. is equipped or removed, you will automatically be sent to the Equip menu (see p. 25). Note: To view the entire party's list of equipped relics, select “Relics" from the main menu, then press +

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Formation Quicksave Select a character and press the A This command allows you to temporarily save your game and quit Button twice to move the playing at any point in time (see p. 13). character from the front row to the back row, or vice versa (see p. 34). You can also press the A Button once to select a character, then select a different character to make them exchange places. Config Save This menu allows you to adjust system settings, such as battle mode Select this command to save you

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

End of Battle B B BA A ATTLE T TTLE TLE Once you defeat all of the enemies, the battle is over. You will receive money (gil), experience points, magic acquisition points, and The battle screen appears whenever you encounter enemies. Choose battle commands for each character sometimes items. from the menu to defeat the enemies before they defeat you. Active Time Battle (ATB) System Time is always flowing during battle. You will be prompted to choose battle commands for each party member whene

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Magic B B BA A ATTLE CO T TTLE CO TLE COM MMA MMA MAND ND NDS S S This command allows a character to use MP to cast spells that he or she knows. Select a spell from the list, and then choose the target. This section provides a basic explanation of the commands available in battle. Attack This command makes a character attack the selected target with his or Selecting Multiple Targets her fists or currently equipped weapon. Some spells can be cast on your entire party or the entire enemy party.

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Defend Battle Conditions Pressing +Control Pad Right at the battle menu will display the “Defend" command. This command causes Battles may sometimes take place under the following special conditions. a character to take up a defensive stance, reducing damage from physical attacks. PREEMPTIVE STRIKE SIDE ATTACK Note: If you have changed the command settings to "Shortcut" in the Config menu (see p. 28), pressing the R Button will display the command. All of your party members Your party members

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Leap / Rage (Gau) S S SPE P PE ECIAL AB C CIAL AB IAL ABI ILI ILI LIT TIES TIES IES When Gau uses his “Rage" ability, he will fight as if he were the selected type of monster. He can add new types of monsters to his repertoire via Many character-specific abilities can be used in battle. Some of these abilities have their own unique rules his “Leap" command, which appears only when he is on the Veldt. and control schemes. Blitz (Sabin) Using "Leap" First select the “Blitz" command from the men

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