Summary of the content on the page No. 3
Right side RIHOLD switch Front view USB coanectoa --n -li:ai::igais l"r,,,i' up in gfeen and the home n :':,:s :: lpil; la:ch ic r:en lhe disc c0ver. INSERT thd, _--:-i:3:-"' Piat disc ?iih $e label {acing awq,y,!fgl '- 'r rnseded and close the disc cover. Frstn thetiP$l --: -:-- s: rct fie came icon and lhen thg:,!i{qt:t!!g9iis ::-:r,:'. s displayed. Select the ttturcbrlaii?iilr$i€St >-ir. :: :'art the so{tware. Follow -:-;al :- ; ior inlamation ori $OTICE: lc not ejecl A Memory Stick
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
il:i::is{ati{:ri,rr'rr: ]:]]Cbe8ini]:l]:ll qal*lqql Move Shujinko
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
:i:ll:ll:l:ll:ll I{on4ser Ar the Mdin Mcnu, highlight n oi nu" n. Grunt, Shllter, a Sor- lhe option you'd likc of rhc game is to flght , lmt, then press rhe E burton As you highlight an option, a bricl desription o[ !ts con- tents is displayed on thc side of the scrcen. Arcade Selctt a lighter, and travel lo muy loolions. You'll go to thc Fighter Selection (sec pg. S(rccn Fighter Seleclion, t7). Aq \ou die immcdiatcll. To scr a rrap. highlight rhe pre\s dcsircd squnrc, rhc button m selcrt r
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
locks rhe rop of'1 :l::lqnrle:l Brcalters and Bombs. Blocks and Breake,rs can be ors. Lolor{ VaIy, So Rcep an eye On lhC "Nc\t" ffil r Konqxestt :rtF€s't}!!]-lc.s&lipincrrro,tr,9lq!--iig:t:&lsaha:tig:r!r5..ii.dl l ::ii!ac* t*l*!i,lmodiil::Blickiiiieilp]p9:F13!i4;]{!1i skills you'll: need to complete your difl lryalltr;tqu;:rgh( rs, pg. I6, for more informa: :qeqen tndr::$!,r.b'q.,.i0iiil0tlg1i red unlwrth *l{l:,*,etg!t n ei , :'thai|lT!i1}f Breaheii,', ""llt'tlti:'.t..''ll.l.lll]ll:llt::i.
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
i{cd iil your PSP@ PIayc Profile and eam i i:: l :: l r: l i: l a: l: l i: l l l : ' The Kr!?t, pg. 9). Usr, avcd profiles: ureate a Prolrle FI;;;;'ii ,i.;J;; . vour pr.fite a name. Hightighr a char- ;f n(ler. then pks5 the burto. ro makc sclection. E r Repeat tlris prmss lo spell your out name. Selecl -SPACE" to pldce 5paces "BACl<" betwecn letlcrs. ro dcl(.rc leilers tnd "DONE" whcn finished. 1ou're Choose lcon Highlighl an icon to rcpresent profile. lhcn press thc bul- 1,uu E I on I
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
.{l rhd Tnn Sronv I( their An an(ienl rulcr o{ Outworld has rng, :rl:Ll: to c la im a | | of rea llty as b ir own. The :;::l{ charged by the Elder Gods to recovc profile has yel lo be loaded. l{ it's cntercd corrcctly, your profile name will be displaved. If you wanr ro change Ihc profilc namc, pr9qs..1he. 5 burton again, then,p!!!q:lhl,5?A&! bnito.}1.t
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
rich!::51af rllt!l!:llnf:r: ::,:,:a..r. Combo % ln all Mortal Kombar battlcs, Health Bars irr rhe por- upper \(rc(n tion ol thc mca\urc crch warrior's diminishing Health, Thc meters bcgin caclr round renctLin6; Hcalllt at lUo"b, bul tllc amomt of Hcalth is reriuccd itlr u cach bLow taken. lhe reduc- tion anrount dcpentls on the tvpc oI attrcl. and whcthcr or not it n as blockcd. Whcn a fighter's H(d Irh Mclcr is dcpJctcd. hc/slrc is Lnorl.r'd out attd thc round to thc oppon( nt. Bocs Combo B
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
Dr bl hi.5 the l11 l-ve: rert tdii shurin{o Jn,r hl5 aill(! re$ Dr,€od BlNk {kbal satr in crJn hid prevloltslY lns kn bri*e rhc $,orld ru irs knfti, but rld Lo {6t hcr might against rh! s
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
thal +re liir:$ia iilrr:€alnii s;iiiitli::llrillrt'r,rhiiiiirrl q;i:;tiing:riiii;!a!: iailil rft;;;dd wr. time wo. doling in lr onlr a nrrtcr L,elorc thcy "l shsu .inE powilful or(r'uil l\dbns !riongh,id. I d mJBi- ol n Hrievcd lmp aen bv his omrerl d.l^re e 1o tu;tr lrr( echlfi_ dllenl ilhr,e ha dlatH lld ll ^l' rlhl hel F h r\ rcgrilrco hr\ \l r.ngl lr. lrc w,l I r.y rl I s lro iG1'.ioi:..:]::]]]rr:r]:]]i:]:]]:::::]]rli:],]l l1i:Fli{4ii::t,it:ta!ft{.{inri q.{lgirl1::riqgl!
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
i.r.::.rr.r:ii::.i1,i'i- :id i ng,lSjile*irll&! t;iiii:ltiiii;o; 6tac,.Miiilttl rr.dwav r*aL.-. .......,,,,.,,,,,,,,-.-1 rKe, Lnn'irdrferil C reati ve ir .-.,.....,-..,,,.,-...... Mcd cIlisrirn Munoz- ( lr(\ O'Niall, I,r. slrdadz. B(rh \rrrkos\kr \,, 1r rhd,d,i ilT,i;l"l'1illlffi,,,j.'il,T,)llli";;::;ll: Id'rt v kc B '' "r!' llli;\ll:iii'l3llii:;lr, Midway Chicago Port Team ! f \1. uri c ProJrrrL-..-..,-..-.......... td Bmn i'iJ*Illl-:: : ..'.'..' : :i::,';lJ"i,iil'o"'-'' o"' iJlfl"lii',,;
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
$61YAY IIOHE riiihliCaii iif this Midway fe frfeltainarenl 08rr rirhieh.'this compute. period ;sgfar is recofded, itrtilee worknmship for a i := ni*eiy daya {i_oirtillii .rHatrie Eiltenainment inc. {SC} progBn xil#are is i{flrmnt}r danages of any !ld. and Mi6wy!rt&! toia'iilosses ar damages of any *rd rsuning tronrthq Inc. agrees fof period : of ninety (90) ! ce, at its option, free of charge, any postage paid, proo{ \lidsay Home Ent€rtail mailed with ol purchase, t$ ils Facloli Tlis mrra