Casio TE-2400 user manual

User manual for the device Casio TE-2400

Device: Casio TE-2400
Category: Cash Register
Manufacturer: Casio
Size: 0.93 MB
Added : 7/21/2014
Number of pages: 240
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Casio TE-2400 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Casio TE-2400. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Version 1.0 August 2005
Eu Di U.K.
CI Canada

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Introduction & Contents This manual is intended to be used as a reference to the TE-2200 and TE-2400 system. It provides details to allow whole understanding of the system capabilities, its operation, and how it can be used to solve many problems within the retail outlet. This manual consists of the following chapters: 1. Hardware configuration (for installation) This chapter describes the hardware of these models and their network systems. 2. IPL (initial program loading) This chapter describes

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

System configuration ........................................................................................11 Hardware configuration .............................................................................................. 11 General configuration ...................................................................................................................... 11 Hardware diagram ..........................................................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Introduction & Contents Address code 17 (print control)................................................................................................................. 44 Address code 18 (print control for guest receipt and slip) ........................................................................ 45 Address code 19 (order control) ............................................................................................................... 45 Address code 21 (message control) ............

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Programming item/key descriptors.......................................................................... 114 Programming procedure ................................................................................................................ 114 Programming data ......................................................................................................................... 114 Programming item/clerk descriptors by range ....................................................... 116 Pro

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Introduction & Contents Clerk detail link ..............................................................................................................................134 Receipt message ...........................................................................................................................134 Check endorsement.......................................................................................................................134 Slip/external printer message ...............

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Report sample ...............................................................................................................................160 Financial report ..............................................................................................................................160 Individual item/key report ...............................................................................................................160 Fixed total report ...............................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Introduction & Contents Appendix: Peripheral device configuration ...................................................191 UP-360......................................................................................................................... 191 SP-1300 ....................................................................................................................... 191 Quick scan 6000....................................................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Report header file ...................................................................................................... 202 Report header ................................................................................................................................202 Tax table file ............................................................................................................... 202 Tax table .......................................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Introduction & Contents 10

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

System configuration Hardware configuration General configuration 1 Operator display 2 Customer display (Popup display) 3 Stroke keyboard (TE-2200) 4 Touch keyboard (TE-2400) 5 CF card slot cover 6 Printer cover 7 Mode switch 8 Connector cover (opposite side) 2 6 2 6 1 1 8 8 7 7 3 5 4 5 TE-2200/2400 Dealer's Manual 11 System configuration

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Keyboard System configuration CF card Hardware diagram drawer external printer slip printer multi drawer scanner Main Display HHS-15 UP-360 Popup SP-1300 display Journal printer Receipt printer Power supply Flash CPU RAM Memory Popup RS- RS- Drawer Drawer disp. 232C 232C 1 i/f 2 i/f i/f COM1 COM2 CF card MODEM or Drawer PC Slip External printer Drawer printer Scanner SP-1300 UP-360 HHS-15 Power Power supply supply 31AD-U/E Note: Shadowed device and dot line indicate option devices. 12 Multi dr

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Display Contrast control (Except for U.S. model) DATE/ RECEIPT HELP TIME ON/OFF LIGHT DARK CONTRAST Input/output connectors Input /output connectors COM ports are located in the leftside connector cover. SCANNER PC/MODEM COM2 COM1 TE-2200/2400 Dealer's Manual 13 System configuration

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

System configuration Online configuration Peripheral ports and their connectable devices COM port Drawer Model Device port COM1 COM2 MODEM/PC ✔ External printer ✔✔ (Max. 2 printers) TE-2200 Slip printer ✔ TE-2400 Scanner ✔ Drawer 1 (Max 2) ✔ : can connect Available device/cable list External printer: UP-360 Printer cable: PRT-CB-8A(3m) or PRT-CB-8B(5m) Slip printer: SP-1300 Printer cable: PRT-CB-8C Power supply: AD31U or AD31E Scanner (Hand-held): HHS-15 Scanner (LASER): PSC Quick Scan 6000 Scan

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

IPL (Initial program loading) IPL should be made before initializing when the application program has been modified. Memory map of the terminal The application programs are downloaded from PC (via COM port)/other terminal (via inline or COM port)/CF card to the internal flash memory. CF card backup data program data RAM totalizer/counter, work area Flash memory Application program Application program 5 ROM IPL bios, program loader some diagnosis System configuration and procedure Via COM1 port (

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

IPL (Initial Program Loading) Via CF card (to send the IPL data to CF card) Operation 1. Set the mode switch to OFF position. 2. Open the CF card slot cover and insert the CF card securely. (Please check that the CF card is vacant. Refer to the “System utility section in PGM7”.) 3. Turn the mode switch to PGM position. 4. Enter “7” and press . 5. Enter “170” and press . 6. Enter “49” and press . (In case of quitting, press instead of .) 7. Turn OFF the

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Initialization Machine initialization procedure 1. Plug the power cord into an AC outlet. RECEIPT FEED 2. Hold down . REG2 X1 REG1 Z1 OFF X2/Z2 3. Turn the mode switch to PGM position. RF PGM 4. Release . You should see “0000000000” on the display. If 10 zeros are not shown or another character are shown, RECEIPT JOURNAL FEED FEED immediately set the mode switch to OFF and restart from the beginning of this procedure. 5. Enter 11-digit program code from the worksheet.

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Initialization Worksheet (Initialize) Description Choice Program code Yes = 0 : Print password of PGM mode, when flag clear operation is performed. No = 4 D 11 Significant :::: Password in PGM3 ~ 7 mode numbers D D D D 10 9 8 7 Messages and descriptors are written in Significant : English = 0, French = 1, Spanish = 2, German = 4 number D 6 Model for Significant U.S. or Canada (Date order: month/day/year) = 2, : Other area (~00, Date order: day/month/year) = 1, number D 5 Other area (0, Date ord

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Flag clear operation 1. Plug the power cord into an AC outlet. JOURNAL FEED 2. Hold down . REG2 X1 REG1 Z1 OFF X2/Z2 3. Turn the mode switch to PGM position. RF PGM 4. Release . You should see “FFFFFFFFFF” on the display. If 10 Fs are not shown or another character are shown, RECEIPT JOURNAL FEED FEED immediately set the mode switch to OFF and restart from the beginning of this procedure. 5. Press to complete. After completion of flag clear, receipt is issu

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Initialization Entering diag mode 1. Plug the power cord into an AC outlet. RECEIPT FEED 2. Hold down . REG2 X1 REG1 Z1 OFF X2/Z2 3. Turn the mode switch to PGM position. RF PGM 4. Release . 5. Enter “99990000” and press to enter the diagnosis. RECEIPT JOURNAL FEED FEED Password During initialize operation, you can program the password for PGM 3 ~ 7. If it is set, every time you enter PGM 3 ~ 7 mode, you must input this password by the following procedure.

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