Heat Controller Inc.CD-121J user manual

User manual for the device Heat Controller Inc.CD-121J

Device: Heat Controller Inc.CD-121J
Category: Air Conditioner
Manufacturer: Heat Controller
Size: 8.11 MB
Added : 7/24/2013
Number of pages: 23
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Heat Controller Inc.CD-121J User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Heat Controller Inc.CD-121J. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1


Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Owner’s Manual Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Heat Controller, Inc. CONTENTS 1.SAFETYPRECAUTIONS..................................................................2 2.IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS..........................................4 3.NORMALSOUNDS...........................................................................5 4.AIRCONDITIONERFEATURES.......................................................5 5.INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS....................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

,, Heat Controller, Inc. Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Owner’s Manual IMPORT IMPORTANTSAFETY ANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS WARNING WARNING FFoory ryoouurs rsaaffeettyy NOTE NOTEThepowersupplycordwith Forsomemodels,thepower Donotstoreorusegasolineorotherflammablevaporsandliquidsin Donotstoreorusegasolineorotherflammablevaporsandliquidsin thisairconditionercontainsacurrent supplycordwiththisairconditioner thevicinityofthisoranyotherap

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

F CIH LT EC EK R E SNA EV R EG RY S EXHAUST Closed Open SLEEP DOWN UP CLEAN MODE t C l D t w M H i N OFF ON/OFF FAN TI MER ll w m Au o oo ry F an Au o Lo ed gh O F o o e Owner’s Manual Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Heat Controller, Inc. NORMALSOUNDS - WINDOW/WALL TYPE AIR CONDITIONER FEATURES HighPitchedChatter ROOMAIRCONDITIONER Highefficiencycompressors mayhaveahighpitchedchatter Normal sounds Vibration duringthecoolingcycle. Unit may vibrate and make noise Unitmayv

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Owner’s Manual Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Heat Controller, Inc. AIRCONDITIONERFEATURES(CONTINUED) AIR CONDITIONER FEATURES NOTE: TO SELECT THE TOSELECTTHE NOTE: AIRCONDITIONERFEATURES(CONTINUED) Tochooseoperatingmode,presstheMode OPERATING MODE: OPERATINGMODE: To choose operating mode, press the Mode button.Eachtimeyoupressthebutton,amode NOTE: button. Each time you press the button, a mode AIRCONDITIONERFEATURES(CONTINUED) isselectedinasequencethatgoesfromA

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Heat Controller, Inc. Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Owner’s Manual AIR CONDITIONER FEATURES (CONTINUED) AIR CONDITIONER FEATURES AIRCONDITIONERFEATURES(CONTINUED) AIRCONDITIONERFEATURES(CONTINUED) TIMER:AUTOSTART/ TIMER: AUTO START/ TIMER:AUTOSTART/ NOTE: STOPFEATURE: NOTE: STOP FEATURE: NOTE: Firstpressthe Timerbutton,the Timeronindicator STOPFEATURE: Press the Timer button, the indicator light Firstpressthe Timerbutton,theindicatorlight lightilluminates.Itindicate

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Owner’s Manual Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Heat Controller, Inc. AIR CONDITIONER FEATURES AIR CONDITIONER FEATURES (CONTINUED) DO THIS: Press Check NOTE: Filter button Press the Clean Air button, the ion generator is e en ne errg g izie zd ed and will help to remove pollen and CHECK FILTER impurities from the air, and trap them in the filter. DOWN UP CLEAN Auto Low Med High ON OFF ON/OFF FAN TIMER Follow me Additional things you should know Now that you have mastered the operating pro

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Heat Controller, Inc. Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Owner’s Manual INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS NOTE: TheseinstructionsdescribeinstallationinatypicalwoodframedwindowwithawoodSLIDE -BY sash,orinstallationinametalCASEMENT window.Modificationmaybenecessarywheninstalling inwindowsmadedifferentlythanthoseshownintheseinstructions. ,, Ahighwidowaccessorykitisavailableforwindowheightsupto62(1575mm). MeetingElectricalRequirements Observe all national and

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Owner’s Manual Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Heat Controller, Inc. 1.Makesureyouhaveallthenecessaryparts. Installationkitcontents: 1.Platform(1) 2.Supportbrace(1) 3. Adjustmentbolt(1) 4.Hexflangenut-1/4(1) 1/4” (1) 5. Trackseal(1) 6.Sidechannelseal(1) 7.Foamsealstrip/Sashseal 8.Safetybracket(1) 9. 9-11.Screw-2-1/2(2),or 10. Screw-1-3/4(2),or 11. Screw-1(2) 12.Screw-3/4(6) 13.Screw-3/4self-threading(7) 14.Windowlocki

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Heat Controller, Inc. Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Owner’s Manual 1 4 11 16 Alternatescrewlocation sill depth) (dependingonthestooldepth) sill. Platformtab Windowtrack Windowseal 12 12

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Owner’s Manual Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Heat Controller, Inc. 13 13

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Heat Controller, Inc. Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Owner’s Manual Removethetwofrontretainingscrewsfrom 1 thefrontframe. 2.Gentlypullthefrontoutandliftuptorelease itfromthecase. 3. Thenreleasethecouplerplugs. 14 14

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Owner’s Manual Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Heat Controller, Inc. Insert 20.Toreplacethefront Firstreconnectthecouplerplugs,makethe Exhaustcontrolpositionedthroughthefront intheproperlocation. Thenreplacethe retainingscrewsthatholdsthepanelinplace. Donot pushorpullthefrontpanellouvers. or 3 3 4 or1 4 or1 15 15

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Heat Controller, Inc. Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Owner’s Manual glass panels must be removed before installation. 16 16

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Owner’s Manual Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Heat Controller, Inc. 17 17

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Heat Controller, Inc. Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Owner’s Manual Removethetwofrontretainingscrewsfrom 1 thefrontframe. 2.Gentlypullthefrontoutandliftuptorelease itfromthecase. 3. Thenreleasethecouplerplugs. 16.Toreplacethefront Firstreconnectthecouplerplugs,makethe Exhaustcontrolpositionedthroughthefront intheproperlocation. Thenreplacethe retainingscrewsthatholdsthepanelinplace. Donot pushorpullthefrontpanellouvers. 18 18

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Owner’s Manual Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Heat Controller, Inc. CAREANDCLEANING CAREANDCLEANING CAUTION WARNING! CAUTION Cleanyourairconditioneroccasionallytokeepitlookingnew. Besuretounplugtheunit Cleanyourairconditioneroccasionallytokeepitlookingnew. Besuretounplugtheunit beforecleaningtopreventshockorfirehazards. beforecleaningtopreventchockorfirehazards. shock AirFilterCleaning AirFilterCleaning Theairfiltershouldbecheckedatleasto

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