Pioneer DEH-15MP user manual

User manual for the device Pioneer DEH-15MP

Device: Pioneer DEH-15MP
Category: Car Stereo System
Manufacturer: Pioneer
Size: 1.79 MB
Added : 3/17/2013
Number of pages: 44
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Pioneer DEH-15MP User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Pioneer DEH-15MP. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

English Français Español

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Section Beforeyoustart Beforeyoustart 01 ThankyouforpurchasingthisPIONEER ESTABLISHASAFELEVEL: CAUTION: Note product ! Setyour volumecontrolatalowsetting. USEOFCONTROLORADJUSTMENTOR Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfound Toensureproperuse,pleasereadthroughthis ! Slowlyincreasethesounduntilyoucanhear PERFORMANCEOFPROCEDURES tocomplywiththelimitsfor aClassBdigital manualbeforeusingthisproduct.Itisespecially itcomfortablyandclearly,withoutdistortion. OTHERTHANTHOSESPECIFIEDHEREIN device,pursuanttoPart1

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

English Section Beforeyoustart Operatingthisunit 01 02 After-salesservicefor Headunit Remotecontrol ! Learnaboutproductupdates(suchasfirm- Pioneerproducts Remotecontrollerbuttonsmarkedwiththe wareupdates)for yourproduct. 1 2 34 5 6 samenumbersasontheunitoperateinthe Pleasecontactthedealerordistributor from ! Register yourproducttoreceivenotices samewayasthecorrespondingunitbuttonre- whereyoupurchasedthisunitforafter-sales aboutproductupdatesandtosafeguardpur- gar

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 5 Tofinishyoursettings,turnM.C.toselect Part Operation Indicator State Removingthefrontpaneltoprotectyourunitfrom YES. theft # Ifyouprefertochangeyour settingagain,turn FUNC- ! Tuner:bandandfre- 1 Pressthedetachbuttontoreleasethefront k Presstoselectfunctions. TION M.C.toswitchtoNO.Press toselect. Maininfor- quency panel. 7 mationsec- Presstodisplaythedisctitle, ! CDplayer:elapsedplay- 2 Pushthefrontpanelupward(M)andthenpull 6 PressM.C.toselect. tio

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

English Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 Storingandrecallingstations Frequentlyusedmenu Selectingasource WARNING foreachband 1 PressSRC/OFFtocyclebetween: operations ! Keepthebatteryoutof thereachofchildren. TUNER(tuner)—CD(CDplayer)—AUX(AUX) Shouldthebatterybeswallowed,consulta Usingpresettuningbuttons doctorimmediately. Returningtothepreviousdisplay Adjustingthevolume 1 Whenyoufindastationthatyouwant ! Batteries(batterypackorbatteriesinstalled) Returningtothepreviouslist(thefolde

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 ! Textinformationitemsthatcanbechanged BSM(beststationsmemory) Fastforwardingorreversing Pausingplayback dependonthemedia. 1 Pressandholdcord. 1 Press4/PAUSEtopauseorresume. BSM(beststationsmemory)automaticallystores ! Whenplayingcompressedaudio,thereisno thesixstrongeststationsintheorderof theirsig- Selectingandplayingfiles/ Enhancingcompressedaudioandrestoringrich soundduringfastforwardorreverse. nalstrength. sound(soundretriever) tracksfromthenam

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

English Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 ! SUB.W,SUB.WCTRLandHPFSETTINGare Onlyfrequencieslowerthanthoseintheselected SLA(sourceleveladjustment) notavailablewhenREAR/REARisselectedin 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. rangeareoutputtedfromthesubwoofer. 2 TurnM.C.toselecttheequalizer. SP-P/OMODE.Fordetails,refer to SLA(Sourceleveladjustment)letsyouadjustthe 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. SP-P/OMODE (rear output and preout set- POWERFUL—NATURAL—VOCAL—CUS- volumelevelofeachsourc

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 Fordetails,referto System menuonthepre- AUX(auxiliaryinput) SP-P/OMODE(rearoutputandpreoutsetting) viouspage. Activatethissettingwhenusinganauxiliaryde- TherearspeakerleadsoutputandtheRCAoutput viceconnectedtothisunit. of thisunitcanbeusedtoconnectafull-range UsinganAUXsource 1 PressM.C.toturnAUXonoroff. speakerorsubwoofer.Selectasuitableoptionfor yourconnection. 1 InsertthestereominiplugintotheAUX 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. inputjack. 2 Tu

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

          T R A T English S N O a a a Section Installation Installation 03 ! Usethisunitwitha 12-voltbatteryandnega- Performtheseconnectionswhenusingasub- Thisunit Connections tivegroundingonly.Failuretodosomayre- woofer withouttheoptionalamplifier. 1 2 sultinafireormalfunction. WARNING ! Topreventashort-circuit,overheatingormal- 1 LR ! Usespeakersover50W(outputvalue)and function,besuretofollowthedirections 2 3 between4Wto8W(impedancevalue).Do below.  4 notuse1Wto3Wspeakersforthisunit

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

    Section Installation Installation 03 j Whenusingasubwooferof70W(2W),be ! Consultyourdealerifinstallationrequires 2 Tightentwoscrewsoneachside. DINFront-mount suretoconnectthesubwoofertotheviolet drillingofholesorothermodificationstothe 1 Insertthemountingsleeveintothedash- andviolet/blackleadsof thisunit.Donot vehicle. board. 3 connectanythingtothegreenandgreen/ ! Donotinstallthisunitwhere: 1 Forinstallationinshallowspaces,usethesup- blackleads. — itmay interferewithoperationof thevehicl

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

English Section Installation Additionalinformation 03 3 Pulltheunitoutofthedashboard. Troubleshooting Errormessages Whenyoucontactyourdealeror yournearest PioneerServiceCenter,besuretonotetheerror Symptom Cause Action message. Thedisplay Youdidnotper- Performoperation automatically formanyopera- again. Common returnstothe tionwithin ordinarydis- about30sec- Message Cause Action play. onds. Removingandre-attachingthe AMPERROR Unitfailstoop- Checkthespeak- Therepeat Dependingon Selecttherepeat fro

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Appendix Additionalinformation Additionalinformation Useonlyconventional,fullycirculardiscs.Donot Whenusingdiscsthat canbeprintedonlabelsur- Samplingfrequency:32kHz,44.1kHz,48kHz Message Cause Action useshapeddiscs. faces,checktheinstructionsandthewarningsof WindowsMediaAudioProfessional,Lossless, FORMAT Sometimes Waituntilthe thediscs.Dependingonthediscs,insertingand Voice/DRMStream/Streamwithvideo:Notcom- READ thereisadelay messagedisap- ejectingmaynotbepossible.Usingsuchdiscs patible betweent

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

English Appendix Additionalinformation Additionalinformation CDplayer Disc Copyrightandtrademark Specifications System ............................ Compact disc audio system Usablediscs .................... Compact disc General iTunes Playablefolderhierarchy:uptoeighttiers(Aprac- Signal-to-noiseratio ......... 94dB(1kHz) (IHF-A network) Powersource ................... 14.4VDC (10.8 Vto 15.1Val- ticalhierarchyislessthantwotiers.) AppleandiTunesaretrademarksofAppleInc., Number ofchannels ........

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Section Avantdecommencer Avantdecommencer 01 Nousvousremercionsd’avoirachetécetap- N’OUBLIEZPASDERESPECTERLES Serviceaprès-ventedes VisiteznotresiteWeb pareilPIONEER. DIRECTIVESSUIVANTES: produitsPioneer Pourgarantiruneutilisationcorrecte,lisezbien ! Lorsquevousmontezlevolume,assurez- auCanada cemoded’emploiavantd’utilisercetappareil.Il Veuillezcontacterlerevendeurouledistributeur vousdepouvoirquandmêmeentendrece estparticulièrem

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Français Section Utilisationdel’appareil Utilisationdel’appareil 02 Appareilcentral Télécommande Partie Utilisation Indicateur État Lestouchesdelatélécommandeportantles Appuyezsurcettetouchepour (répéti- Lafonctionderépétition 1 2 34 5 6 mêmesnumérosquel’appareilfonctionnent j e mettreenpauseoureprendre 5 tiondela d’uneplageoud’undossier commelatouchecorrespondantedel’appareil, lalecture. lecture) estactivée. quelquesoitlenomdelatouche. FUNC- Appuyezsurcettetouchepour (lecture Lalecturealéatoire

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Section Utilisationdel’appareil Utilisationdel’appareil 02 4 Terminezlaprocédureindiquéeci-des- Retraitdelafaceavantpourprotégerl’appareil Choixd’unesource ATTENTION souspourconfigurerlemenu. contrelevol 1 AppuyezsurSRC/OFFpourparcourirlesop- ! Conservezlapilehorsdeportéedesenfants. Pourpasseràlaprochaineoptiondemenu, 1 Appuyezsurlatouchederetraitpourlibérerla tionsdisponibles: Aucasoùlapileseraitavalée,consultezim- vousdevezconfirmer votresélection. faceavant. TUNER(syntoniseur)—CD(lecteurdeCD)

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Français Section Utilisationdel’appareil Utilisationdel’appareil 02 Remarques Opérationsdemenu Accordmanuel(pasàpas) L’accordautomatiquesurunestationlocalene ! LesinformationstextuellesBRDCSTINFO 1 Appuyezsurcoud. s’intéressequ’auxstationsderadiodontlesignal fréquemmentutilisées changentautomatiquement. ! SélectionnezMAN(accordmanuel)sous reçuestsuffisammentpuissantpourgarantirune ! Enfonctiondelagammesélectionnée,les SEEKpourutilisercettefonction.Pourdesdé- réceptiondebonnequalité. Retouràl’aff

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Section Utilisationdel’appareil Utilisationdel’appareil 02 ! SelonlaversiondeiTunesutiliséepourenre- Opérationsàl’aidedetouches Avanceouretourrapide S.RTRV(soundretriever) gistrerlesfichiersMP3surundisqueoules spéciales 1 Appuyezdemanièreprolongéesurcoud. typesdefichiersmédia,desinformationstex- Amélioreautomatiquementl’audiocompresséet ! Lorsdelalectured’undisqued’audio restaureunsonriche. tuellesincompatiblesenregistréesdanslefi- compressé,aucunsonn’estémispendant l’a- Sélectiond’uneétendueder

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Français Section Utilisationdel’appareil Utilisationdel’appareil 02 3 TournezM.C.poursélectionnerlafonc- BALANCE(réglaged’équilibresonore) SUB.W(réglageenservice/horsserviceduhaut- Quandvousnevoulezpasquelessonsgravesde tiondumenusystème. parleurd’extrêmesgraves) lagammedefréquencedelasortiehaut-parleur Unefoissélectionnées,lesfonctionsdumenu 1 AppuyezsurM.C.pourafficherlemodederé- d’extrêmesgravessoientémisparleshaut-par- systèmesuivantespeuventêtreajustées. Cetappareilestéquipéd’unesortiehaut-

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Section Utilisationdel’appareil Utilisationdel’appareil 02 4 TournezM.C.poursélectionnerlafonc- Menuinitial SP-P/OMODE(réglagedelasortiearrièreetdu tiondumenusystème. préamp) 1 MaintenezlapressionsurSRC/OFFjus- Unefoissélectionnées,lesfonctionsdumenu qu’àcequel’appareilsoitmishorstension. systèmesuivantespeuventêtreajustées. Lasortiedesbornesduhaut-parleurarrièreetla Pourlesdétails,reportez-vousà lapageprécé- sortieRCAdecetappareilpeuventêtreutilisées 2 AppuyezdefaçonprolongéesurM.C.jus- dente,

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