Sony XR-C2200 user manual

User manual for the device Sony XR-C2200

Device: Sony XR-C2200
Category: Car Stereo System
Manufacturer: Sony
Size: 0.23 MB
Added : 4/22/2014
Number of pages: 11
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Sony XR-C2200 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sony XR-C2200. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Car Stereo
Sony Corporation © 2000

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Parts list The numbers in the list are keyed to those in the instructions. O ® @ ® ® ® ® ® ×4 The release key (_) is used for dismounting the unit. See the Operating Instructions manual for details. Cautions * Cautionary notice for handling the bracket O. Handle the bracket carefully to avoid injuring your fingers. ° Remove the protection collar @ before installing. Release the catch lock as illustrated.

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Installation Precautions * CJhoo_ the i_st, m_a_ o_ l_ hOl'Lcm reft;I]y so that the _lt will not intel'ferB wzth tloz1_al dri_blg. • Avoid insta[N ng the urdt i_ ar_as subject to d use, dirt, _slve vibration, or hJ _ temperatures, su_ _s in dirge _u_li_,ht or neBr h_ater duct_. • Use only the _upplt_l mo_n_ J_ardware _F a safe and s_cu_-e instaUatlon. Mounting angle adjustment Adjust the mounhng ang[_ to le_ ban __0_. I How to detach and attach the front panel Before InstaUlng the unit, detach t

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Installation Fin_ wall parol ig nifugl 3 Dashboard Tableau de bord ® With the UP mrklng up Avgc I'inscriptLon UPvmr_ le halt NISSAN max slz_ 5×Emm

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Connections Caution • This unit is designed for negative ground 1- ° V DC operation only. • Be careful not to pinch any wires between a screw and the body of the caz or this u_t or between any moving i_rt_ such as fl_eseat railing, etc. • Before malting connections,di_onnect the ground terminal of the car battery to avoid short drcuits. • Connect _e yellow and red power input teaclsonly after all other leads have been connected. • Be sure to connect the red power input lead to the positive 12 V

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Connection example Supplied Foumi a ! I XR-C2300X XR-C2200 Fuse (10 A) Fusible (10 A) Blue/white striped Ray_ bleu/b_an( White Gauche Gray _ue Bleu Gauche Mauve c_t __ Purple to the +12 V power terminal which is en ergi_ed at all times Yellow Be sum to conned the black ground lead first. _ Jaune Red to a place in the car _. Rouge first connect the black ground lead, then connect the _ Black yellow and _ power input leads, r_ Noir

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Supplied with XA-a0 Foumi av_ le XA-C]0 \ Suppl_-_l with the CD/M D changer Foumi avec le thangeu r de CDIMD ft'ont a (ar alltlL_ln_ de I'antenne de bs voltum RCA gin cord (not supplied) Cordon a broche RCA (non foumi) Blue/white striped AMP REM Pray6bleu/blanc Max, supply ¢uRent 03 A To AMP REMOTE IN of the optional power amplifier Courant ma_ fouml 0,3 A Thisconnection is only for amplifiers. Connecting any other system may damage the unit. to the powlr armmna control kind or power supply kind

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Connection diagram Equipment used in illustrations (not supplied) Appareils utilis#s clans les illustrations (non fournis) power amplifier Fron Hiut-pa t |p#ker dgur frontal Arnpl_ical_ur de puimnce Rear sl_ak_r ¢D/MD changer Hau_pafleurl_imm Chmng_r de CD/MD FOr connecting two Dr mole cha_r_, th_ source Se_r XA-C_O (_o_i_nal) J, n_esx_ry. Pans le ,_s du raccordernent de deux ¢l_n_u_ ou plus. le s_cteur de source XA-C30 _ptionnel) _t indispenxable. Q Q No_e5 - Be sure to conne_: the ground cord

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Sony Corporation Printed in USA SonyOline

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