Sony XE-90MKII user manual

User manual for the device Sony XE-90MKII

Device: Sony XE-90MKII
Category: Car Stereo System
Manufacturer: Sony
Size: 1.69 MB
Added : 7/30/2014
Number of pages: 16
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Sony XE-90MKII User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sony XE-90MKII. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

3-751-541-21 (1)
Stereo Graphic Equalizer
Operating Instructions page 2
Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly and
retain it for future reference.
Mode d'emplol page 10
Avant de faire fonctionner cet appareil, priere de lire attentivement ce
mode d'emploi et de Ie conserver a titre de reference ulterieure.
For installation and connection, see the supplied
installation/connections manual.
Pour les details sur I'installation et les connexions, se reporter

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

mD Table of Contents Features . .. ... .. . ..... .... .. .. ... 2 • 9 frequency-band controls for precise sound Precautions .. . . . . . . . . 2 compensation Parts identification . . . . . . . . . 3 • Bass boosting function for a sub-woofer speaker system Compensating for the sound .. 4 • Fader control for adjusting the volume of front For better sound compensation .......... 5 and rear speakers in 4-speaker system Adjusting the sound balance 6 • Listening position selector for shifting the Boo

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Parts Identification rn EQUALIZERON/OFF button []] FAD (fader) control and indicator [l] FREQ (sub-woofer cut-off ILl LISTENING P. (listening position) frequency) indicators selector and indicator [IJ EQ (adjusting channel) selector 00 SUB WOOFER ON/OFF button and indicator lID FREQUENCY801120(sub-woofer [!] SUB WOOFER (sub-woofer level) cut-off frequency) button control and indicator [[] Equalizer controls and indicators 3

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

W,I 11£1 , \{I I Compensating for the Sound I,\i: 2 3 4 y SUB WOOF£R SOl' OFF r ON r -Q ~w. FRIQUENCY jOUAUlJ ~~~~~~~~ §§ o if r iN ~'Q~ ., 80 r 120 E lUALIZER OFF 1 Operate the car stereo. 2 Press the EQUALIZER ON button. The indicators on the equalizer controls light up. 3 Select the speaker system to be equalized. EQ selector position To equalize only the sound from front speakers F (front) To equalize only the sound from rear speakers R (rear) FR (front To equalize the sound from both front

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

For Better Sound Compensation First set all controls at their center position, and then slide the control of the frequency band to be compensated gradually upwards or downwards until you perceive an apparent improvement. SUB WOOFER SONY OFF r ON r !~f til nl n n ti[~ n 141n ~~ EJ 'If I' II I IJ~ I I If I FfW)UENCY .au••••••• OFF r ON ~ EO:u..=.. - ~ - - - ~ - - - 1 fAD~~ 80 r 12. 50 Hz 12 kHz 100 Hz ~ kHz 200 Hz 3 kHz 400 Hz 1.5 kHz 800 Hz 50 Hz Boosts or cuts heavy bass. By cutting, the resonan

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Adjusting the Sound Balance ,...-LlSTENIN FAD~ G P. sue WOOFER SONY OFF r ON r ~iQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~J~ EOUAUZER FRIOUENCY ~ R .,N - - - - - - - - - t.lth OFF r ON 80 r 120 lQ ""* WOORR 50 100 20CI ~ _ 1.51< l_ Ik 12k 'AD UIT(HlHO. Adjusting the balance between the front and rear speakers FAD control setting To adjust to the same level between the front and rear speakers Center Move toward F. To reduce the volume of the rear speakers To reduce the volume of the front speakers Move toward R. If your

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Boosting the Bass Sound Bass sound from the speakers connected to the SUB W. (sub-woofer) outputs can be boosted by cutting off the frequencies higher than 80 Hz or 120 Hz. SUB WOOFER OFF 2 1 3 s ~ WOOF ~, r Ii FREQUENCY 80 r 120 1 Press the SUB WOOFER ON button. The indicator on the SUB WOOFER control and one of the FREQ indicators light up. 2 Press the FREQUENCY 80/120 button to select the frequency to be boosted. To reinforce the heavy bass sound Press 80. To reinforce the normal bass sound P

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Specifications Fuse Replacement Center frequencies If the fuse blows, check the power connection 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz, and replace the fuse. If the fuse blows again 400 Hz, 800 Hz, 1.5 kHz, after replacement, there may be an internal 3 kHz, 6 kHz, 12 kHz malfunction. In this case, consult your nearest Boost/cut range ± 12 dB Sony dealer. Sub-woofer cut-off frequency 80 Hz, 120 Hz (at -3 dB) Output gain: - 00 to +8 dB Warning (cut-off slope -12 dB/oct) Use the specified ampere fuse. Use of a Fre

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

I 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

IBm lable des matiiues Caracteristiques Caracteristiques .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 • Reglages sur neuf gammes de trequences Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 pour obtenir une compensation precise du Identification des parties 11 son • Accentuation des basses possible pour un Compensation du son 12 systems de haut-parleurs de basses Pour une meilleure compensation du son 13 auxiliaires. Ajustement de l'equilibraqe du son 14 • Reglage d'attenuation pour ajuster l'in

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Identificatipn des parties II]Touche de mise en/hors service [6J Reglage et ternoin d'attenuation de I'egaliseur (EQUALIZER (FAD) ON/OFF) m Selecteur et temoin de la position d'ecoute (LISTENING P.) [gJ Temoins de frequence de coupure de haut-parleurs des [[] Touche de mise en/hors service basses auxiliaires (FREQ) des haut-parleurs des basses 00 Selecteur et temoln de reglage auxiliaires (SUB WOOFER de canal (EQ) ON/OFF) @] Reglages et temoins du niveau []] Touche de frequence de coupure de hau

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

, " ComRensation du son 2 3 4 soro; _0 SUII WOOfER ~ I OFF r ON r ~~- 8 §.~ FREQUENCY ~t .IN ~~~~~~~~F ""- ~ o r ON 80 r 120 ..... EQUALIZER OFF 1 Faire fonctionner I'auto radio. 2 Appuyer sur la touche EQUALIZER ON. Les temoins des reglages de I'egaliseur s'allument 3 Choisir Ie systeme des haut-parleurs a egaliser, Position du selecteur EQ Pour egaliser uniquement Ie son des haut-parleurs avant F (avant) Pour egaliser uniquement Ie son des haut-parleurs arriere R (arriere) FR (avant et Pour eg

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

ROUF une meilleure compensation Cluson Avant tout, placer les reqlaqes sur leur position centrale, puis glisser petit a petit vers Ie haut ou vers Ie bas Ie reglage de la gamme de trequences a compenser, jusqu'a ce que l'on perceive une amelioration sensible. sue WOOFffl SONY , OFF r ON !~... ~ q~b ~ fll fll ~ llilil n ~~ EOUALIZER FRaaUENCY ~ R .,N ~ I ~ - ~ I '~ t ~ WI W t kJ R R OFF r ON SO r 12. EQ sue WOOI'DI I I. I'AD UlnHlNO. 50 Hz 12 kHz 100 Hz s kHz 200 Hz 3 kHz 400 Hz 1.5 kHz 800 Hz Ac

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

r I Ajustement de I'equilibrage du son FAD,--. LISTENING P. .--1 SUII WOOf£A SONY f.l OFF r ON r tlJ[ (OUAUUA FAIQUEHCY i~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ [Ut~ OFF r ON 80 r 120 fQ IWWOOftII 50 100 zoo _ 100 I.SIt )10. ,MlLlln_. 'h " Ajustement de I'equilibrage entre Jes haut-parJeurs avant et arriere Position du reqlaqe FAD Pour ajuster au rneme niveau entre les haut-parleurs avant et arriere Centre Pour redulre l'intensite sonore des haut-parleurs arriere Deplacer vers F. Pour reduire l'lntensite sonore des haut-

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Accentuation des basses ' Le son de basses, des haut-parleurs raccordes aux sorties SUB W. (haut-parleurs des basses auxiliaires), peut €ltre accentue en eoupant les frequences superieures a 80 Hz ou 120 Hz. SUB WOOFER OFF 3 2 1 SONY S 8WOOF r r ~ EOUALIlIIA FRtilUENCY i~e.~:~~~~~~~~~ ~~ OFF r ON 80 r 120 10 ItMWOOl'lUl 10 1110 _ 0100 .00 I.... :III 'AOLlaTlHING. .. ". 1 Appuyer sur la touche SUB WOOFER ON. Le temoin de I'interrupteur et un des temoins FREQ s'allument. 2 Appuyer sur la frequence

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Remplacement du Specifications fusible Si Ie fusible saute, il convient de verifier les Frequences centrales 50 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz, connexions du circuit d'alimentation et de 400 Hz, 800 Hz, 1.5 kHz, remplacer Ie fusible, bien entendu. Si Ie fusible 3 kHz, 6 kHz, 12 kHz saute de nouveau apres Ie rem placement, Plage d'accentuation/coupure I'appareil peut etre sujet a une defaillance ±12 dB interne. Dans ce cas, consulter Ie Frequsnces de coupure des haut-parleurs des concessionnaire Sony Ie plus

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