One for All URC10820N user manual

User manual for the device One for All URC10820N

Device: One for All URC10820N
Category: Universal Remote
Manufacturer: One for All
Size: 0.38 MB
Added : 6/28/2014
Number of pages: 34
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One for All URC10820N User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to One for All URC10820N. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

10-Device Universal
Remote Control
with Learning
Control Remoto Universal
de 10 Dispositivos
con Aprendizaje
URC10820N User’s Guide • Guía del Usuario
Introduction ................................................ 2
Installing Batteries ..................................... 2
Features and Functions .............................. 2
Key Charts ................................................... 3
Setting Up Your Components .................... 5
Using Learning ......................

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Introduction The One For All 10-Device Universal Remote Control with Learning (URC-10820N) is pre-programmed with the latest library of codes, and it is designed to operate up to ten home entertainment devices, including TV, video, DVD, Cable, Satellite and audio components. The remote control requires four (4) new AAA alkaline batteries (not included) and easy programming to control your devices. For best results, please read and perform all instructions listed here. Also, keep these ins

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Key Charts The LED (red light), which is located underneath the POWER Key, blinks to show that the remote control is working and is sending signals. Press TV, CBL, SAT, VCR, DVD, CD, PVR, AUD, AUX1 or AUX2 once to select a desired home entertainment device to control. Press POWER once to turn on or off the selected device. For master power control, see “Programming a Master Power Macro.” Press MENU once to display your selected device’s main menu. Use GUIDE to display your selecte

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Press ENTER once after entering the channel numbers on some TVs. In the CD mode, use ENTER to add 10 to the digit entry (e.g., ENTER and 7 is 17). Use INPUT to switch the TV’s input to view TV or video programs. Use the Transport Keys to control your PVR/DVR, VCR, DVD, or CD player, or VOD (Video On Demand) if available on your cable or satellite service. Press REC to record a DVD or VCR program. After programming, press M1 ~ M3 once to run a desired macro (see “Using Macros”). Use the L1 ~

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

DEVICE CONTROLS THESE DEVICES KEY DVD DVD, VCR, DVD/R, HTiB, DVD/VCR CD CD, Home Automation, CD/R (Recorders) PVR PVR/DVR Only Devices Tuner, Amp, Misc. Audio, HTiB (Home AUD Theater In A Box) Tuner, Amp, Misc. Audio, HTiB (Home AUX1 Theater In A Box) AUX2 Media Center PCs, Satellite, Satellite/ PVR/DVR, Cable, Cable/PVR/DVR, Video Accessories Setting Up Your Components This remote is preprogrammed at the factory to operate a Sony TV, DVD and VCR, an RCA DirecTV Satellite box, a Motorola Ca

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each device you want to control. For future reference, write down each working device code in the following boxes: TV Code: Brand Name:____________________ VCR Code: Brand Name:____________________ CD Code: Brand Name:____________________ AUD Code: Brand Name:____________________ CBL Code: Brand Name:____________________ SAT Code: Brand Name:____________________ DVD Code: Brand Name:____________________ PVR Code: Brand N

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

NOTE: If the LED did not blink twice, repeat steps 2 through 4 and enter the same code again. 5. Aim the remote control at the device and press POWER once. It should turn off. If the device does not respond, repeat steps 2 through 4, trying each code for your brand until you find one that works. If it still does not work, try “Searching for Your Code”. Searching For Your Code If your device does not respond to the remote control after trying all codes listed for your brand, or if your br

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Using Learning This remote includes a Learning feature so you can add functions that are unique to your home entertainment devices (e.g., DVD EJECT) on the L1 ~ L3 keys. However, there are some considerations. Learning Precautions • Your original remote controls must be in working order for learning to work properly. • Learned keys are mode specific, so each one can store a unique function for each mode. • Learned keys can be used in macros (see “Using Macros”). • Do not use the following

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

4. Press the learning key (e.g., L1) to be deleted twice. The LED will blink twice after the second press. 5. To clear additional functions stored on other learning keys, repeat steps 1 through 4 (in this section). Changing Volume Lock This remote is set at the factory for independent volume control of each selected device. However, you may change the Volume Lock setting to Global Volume Lock so that a device’s volume will be locked to one mode (e.g., to control TV volume in all other mo

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Macro keys are ideal for home theater operations, setting a favorite channel, guide steps, or other multiple functions you would like to control with one key press. Moreover, each macro key can hold up to a total of 20 key presses. NOTE: Programming a new macro over an existing one will erase the original macro. Programming A Favorite Channel With so many channels available through your cable or satellite system provider, you can program a macro that directly selects a favorite channel

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

NOTE: When you press POWER for less than 2 seconds, a power command will only be sent to the currently-selected device. This allows you to still individually power devices on or off. 2. Devices will turn on (or off) according to your programmed sequence. NOTE: The currently-selected device will always turn on or off first, followed by the remaining programmed sequence. After the master power sequence has been completed, the remote control will be set to control the first powered-on dev

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Using Channel Scan In the TV, VCR, DVD, CBL and SAT modes, use the FAV key to start a 3-second scan of all favorite channels (if programmed, “Programming Favorite Channel Scan”) and/or all channels for the selected mode. 1. Press TV, VCR, DVD, CBL or SAT once. 2. Press FAV once. • If Favorite Channel Scan has been set up, scanning of favorite channels will start and cycle through stored channels, then proceed to the next channel up and cycle through all channels on the selected devic

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

To Re-Assign Device Perform Sequence AUX1 as 2nd CBL key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2 - CBL - AUX1 AUX1 as 2nd SAT key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2 - SAT - AUX1 AUX1 as 2nd CD key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2 - CD - AUX1 AUX1 as 2nd PVR key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2 - PVR - AUX1 AUX1 as 2nd AUD key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2 - AUD - AUX1 AUX1 as 2nd AUX2 key: SET - 9 - 9 - 2 - AUX2 - AUX1 You can also re-assign another unused device key by substituting an open key for the AUX1 key in the above chart and performing the sequence. For example, to re-

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Restoring All Keymoved Keys in a Single Mode 1. Press and hold SET until the LED (red light) blinks twice. 2. Enter 9 9 4. The LED will blink twice. 3. Press the destination mode twice (where keymoved keys are stored). The LED will blink twice. Restoring Factory Default Settings This remote includes a Setup Code Reset program. You can use it to restore all your programmed codes to factory settings and delete all custom programming. IMPORTANT: Executing this program erases all code settings

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

FCC Compliance This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Limited Lifetime Warranty Audiovox Electronics Corporation (the “Company”) warrants to you the original retail purchaser of this product that should it, under normal use and conditions, be proven defective in material or workmanship during its lifetime while you own it, such defect(s) will be repaired or replaced (at the Company’s option) without charge for parts and repair labor. To obtain repair or replacement within the terms of this Warranty, the product is to be delivered with proof o

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Introducción El Control Remoto Universal de 10 Dispositivos con Aprendizaje viene preprogramado con una biblioteca de códigos extenso y está diseñado para que controle hasta diez dispositivos del entretenimiento en el hogar, incluyendo un televisor, una videograbadora, un reproductor DVD, un receptor de cablevisión, y componentes de satélite y audio. El control remoto necesita cuatro (4) baterías alcalinas AAA nuevas (no vienen incluidas) y programación fácil para controlar sus dispositiv

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Funciones de las Teclas El LED (luz roja), que está debajo de la tecla POWER, parpadea para mostrar que el control remoto está funcionando y enviando señales. Presione TV, CBL, SAT, VCR, DVD, CD, PVR, AUD, AUX1 o AUX2 una vez para seleccionar un dispositivo (aparato) del entretenimiento en el hogar para controlar. Presione POWER una vez para encender o apagar un dispositivo seleccionado. Para la Función de encendido maestro en la tecla POWER, vea “Programación de un Macro de Encen

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Use las teclas numéricas (1 ~ 9 y 0) para seleccionar directamente los canales (v.g., 009 o 031). En el modo AUD, use las teclas numéricas (1 ~ 9 y 0) para seleccionar fuentes de audio 1 a 10. Presione ENTER (seleccionar) una vez después de introducir los números de canales para ciertas televisores. En el modo CD, use ENTER para añadir 10 a la entrada del dígito (v.g., ENTER y el 7 es el 17). Use INPUT para conmutar la entrada del televisor con el fin de ver programas de TV o de Vídeo. U

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

TECLA DE CONTROLA ESTOS DISPOSITIVOS DISPOSITIVO DVD DVD, VCR, DVD/R, HTIB, DVD/VCR Reproductor CD, Automatización del Hogar, CD Grabador de CD PVR Dispositivos PVR/DVR Sintonizador, Amplificador de Sonido, AUD Dispositivos de Audio Diversos, Dispositivo Sistema de Teatro en Casa (HTiB) Sintonizador, Amplificador de Sonido, AUX1 Dispositivos de Audio Diversos, Dispositivo Sistema de Teatro en Casa (HTiB) Computadoras Centro de Entretenimiento AUX2 Multimedia, Receptores de Satélite o Com

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