One for All URC-6532 user manual

User manual for the device One for All URC-6532

Device: One for All URC-6532
Category: Universal Remote
Manufacturer: One for All
Size: 0.22 MB
Added : 10/10/2014
Number of pages: 28
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One for All URC-6532 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to One for All URC-6532. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Universal remote

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

UK Table of Contents PICTURE OF THE ONE FOR ALL REMOTE 3 INSTALLING THE BATTERIES 4 FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS 4 SETTING UP THE ZAPPER Direct Set-Up 6 Search Method 8 Code Blink Out 9 CODELIST Television 66 Videorecorders 73 Satellite Receivers 76 Cable Converters 80 ADVANCED OPERATION Controlling Colour & Brightness 10 Scan 10 TROUBLE-SHOOTING Helpful Hints 11 About Your ZAPPER Thank you for purchasing the ZAPPER 3 universal remote control (URC-6532). Your ZAPPER package contains: • The ZAPPER Rem

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

2 3 1 4 5 7 6 8 WWW.ONEFORALL.COM 3

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Installing The Batteries The ZAPPER needs 2 new “AAA/LRO3” alkaline batteries. 1 Remove the battery cover from the back of the ZAPPER by pressing down on the tab. 2 Match the batteries to the +/- marks inside the battery case, then insert the batteries. 3 Press the battery cover back into place. Important notes: - In order to avoid having to reprogram your ZAPPER after you remove the batteries, you will need to insert new batteries within 5 minutes. - Also, it is best that you do not use rechar

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

5 Menu Key (for SAT only) When in SAT operation, the Menu key controls the same function as it did on your original remote. 6 Mute/OK The Mute key operates the same function it did on your orginal remote. It is also used to activate the Scan feature (page 10). When in SAT operation, whilst in Menu mode, the Mute key will operate the OK function. 7 Volume+/-, Programme +/- The Volume and Programme keys operate just as on your original remote control. These keys are also used to program the ZAPPER

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Setting Up The ZAPPER Direct Set-Up To set up the ZAPPER for your Television, Video and Satellite Receiver (or Cable Converter) follow the instructions below. To set up your Television: 1 Find your Television code in the Set-Up Code section (page 66-80). Codes are listed by brand name. The most popular codes are listed first. Make sure that your Television is switched on (not in standby). 2 Press and release the TV key to select the device. TV 3 Press and hold down MAGIC until the red light bli

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Important notes: - To set up your Video Recorder, Satellite Receiver or Cable Converter, follow the same instructions above, only press the VCR or SAT key during step 2. - Some codes are quite similar. If your device does not respond or is not functioning properly with one of the codes, follow steps 1-6 with each code listed for your brand. - If none of the codes listed for your brand operate your device, follow the Search Method described in the next section. The Search Method can be used ev

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Search Method If your Television, VCR, Satellite or Cable Converter does not respond to the ZAPPER after trying all the codes listed for your brand, try searching for your code. The Searching Method allows you to find the code of your devi- ce by scanning through all the codes contained in the memory of the ONE FOR ALL remote control. To search for your TV code: 1 Make sure that your Television is switched on (not in standby). 2 TV Press the TV key on the ZAPPER. 3 Press and hold down MAGIC unt

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Code Blink Out After you have used the Search Method, you can find out which code the ZAPPER responded to by blinking back the code. It’s useful to know your Television, Video, Satellite Receiver or Cable Converter code for future refe- rence. Remember, you can only blink back your code after the ZAP- PER is operating your device. To blink out your TV code: 1 Press the TV key on the ZAPPER. TV 2 Press and hold the MAGIC key until the red light blinks twice (it will blink once then twice). 3 Nex

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Advanced Operation Controlling Colour & Brightness Depending on the functions of your original remote control, the ZAPPER may operate the colour and brightness settings of your Television. Colour up = Press then hold Colour down = Press then hold Brightness up = Press then hold Brightness down = Press then hold Note: You have 5 seconds to press the Volume or Channel keys for colour or brightness adjustment after pressing MAGIC. Scan Your ZAPPER comes with a special Scan function which lets you “

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Trouble-Shooting Helpful Hints Problem: Solution: Your brand is not listed in the Try the search method. ONE FOR ALL code section? The ONE FOR ALL does not A) Try all the codes listed for your operate your device? brand. B) Try the search method. The ONE FOR ALL is not You may be using the wrong code. performing commands Try Direct Set-Up again trying each properly? code listed under your brand or start the search method over again to locate the proper code. Your TV switches to Press TV, then pr

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

4710044 Anglo 11132 21131 4710045 Anitech 11132 12141 21131 31341 Televisions 4710047 Ansonic 22413 21321 12323 11132 22423 13314 23234 21114 14424 11141 23341 31341 Fernseher 4710050 Apollo 24232 4710053 Arc en Ciel 23144 12342 14121 31431 22142 14123 Téléviseurs 4710054 Arcam 14231 23144 14232 4710057 Aristona 31341 11141 4710059 Arthur Martin 13314 23211 4710060 ASA 12332 22233 12123 12331 12224 Televisores 4710062 Asberg 31341 12141 4711095

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

4711030 Brionvega 31341 12224 22333 4711102 Datsura 14211 4710128 Britannia 14231 14232 4710209 Dawa 31341 4711444 Brother 21131 4710210 Daytron 11132 22423 31341 4710133 Bruns 12224 21332 4710216 de Graaf 14211 11341 13314 4710134 BSR 13314 21323 4710214 Decca 12131 31121 14232 31341 4710138 BTC 14233 4711459 Deitron 31341 4710139 Bush 14233 14334 13314 11132 11321 4710999 Denko 21131 21233 22314 22414 22423 21131 4710217 Denon 13212 22332 24324

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

4710302 Finlux 12332 12331 31341 22233 14232 4710355 Grundig 31224 14114 24324 12123 12141 12131 13314 12141 31121 12123 14342 31341 12224 12323 23234 32424 24341 4710359 Halifax 21131 14231 14232 24311 4710360 Hampton 14231 14232 4710304 Firstline 21323 22112 14231 31341 22423 4711108 Hanimex 21323 23112 14424 11132 13314 12323 4710362 Hanseatic 31341 21321 21233 13314 22332 14232 23234 14343 12131 14334 23133 14222 22111 11432 23341 33241

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

4710410 Irradio 11132 31341 14233 14424 21313 4711009 Lumatron 14143 22333 13314 31341 21114 12141 22332 14232 21131 12132 4710412 Isukai 14233 31341 21233 4710481 Lux May 31341 11132 4710413 ITC 14232 4710485 Luxor 14342 21313 24311 24341 22332 4710414 ITS 31341 22414 14233 21233 21131 14211 13314 22233 24232 14231 4711241 LXI 13413 4710415 ITT 13314 24311 22332 24232 14112 4711316 Madison 31341 22233 22214 14211 4710490 Magnadyne 12224 14

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

4710547 Multitech 14232 11132 14231 14424 12323 4710610 Otto Versand 24432 11321 12242 31341 31224 22413 31341 14114 22332 14334 12342 14222 4710551 Murphy 12331 14231 12131 13314 21323 14313 14424 21344 22111 4711791 Musikland 14233 14232 4710553 NAD 22332 13413 4710614 Pael 14231 4711124 Naiko 31341 4710616 Palladium 22413 24432 14131 23313 31341 4711125 Nakimura 22423 31341 14424 22124 12224 13314 14222 4712099 NAT 14313 22221 14232 23234

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

4710677 Quasar 14424 14433 4710746 Schneider 31341 11141 11432 21344 23133 4710678 Quelle 31341 24432 11134 12342 31224 22311 21114 22224 14232 14424 22332 11311 11321 14232 14424 22414 14233 22332 13314 33241 12133 22124 12123 12331 12332 33131 13242 14114 14131 14222 21131 4710750 Scott 13413 21313 33241 4711324 Sears 13334 13413 4710679 Questa 11321 11311 4710753 SEG 21332 14232 21131 11132 14424 4710682 Radialva 12342 14233 13314 31341

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

4710835 Superla 31121 14231 4710900 Tokai 12131 31341 24111 22212 13314 4710838 Supertech 11132 14231 31341 14233 14232 22423 11132 4710839 Supra 22423 11132 4710901 Tokyo 14231 11314 24111 4710840 Susumu 22144 4710902 Tomashi 21233 14233 4710841 Sutron 11132 4710905 Toshiba 11314 24441 14414 11321 12123 4711319 Swissline 14424 12323 14232 4710842 Sydney 14231 14232 4710906 Towada 12323 14232 4710843 Symphonic 13334 4712109 Toyoda 11132 4711

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

4711027 Windstar 21233 4720091 Baird 12333 21223 12331 12334 11332 4710976 Xrypton 31341 11111 4710979 Yamishi 21233 24124 14233 14232 31341 4720093 Bang & Olufsen 24414 4710980 Yokan 31341 4720097 Basic Line 21223 14212 11221 12131 4710981 Yoko 14232 31341 14233 21131 11132 4720107 Bestar 21223 11221 23322 22413 22214 14231 14424 4720109 Black Panther 21223 4710983 Yorx 14233 4720113 Blaupunkt 14313 12212 13233 14314 13313 4710984 Zanussi 14143 14232

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

4720307 Flint 14212 4720471 Leyco 12131 12231 4720319 Frontech 11221 22113 4721072 LG 11322 11111 21223 4720322 Fujitsu 11111 4720473 Lifetec 14212 4720323 Funai 11111 4720472 Loewe 12212 11123 11322 12332 11121 4720326 Galaxi 11111 13313 4720331 GBC 11221 4720474 Logik 11121 14411 12131 12333 14212 4720335 GEC 12212 4721009 Lumatron 21223 4720337 General 11221 4720485 Luxor 12333 11343 12131 11443 12331 4720339 Genexxa 12331 11344 11411 4720345 Goldhand 1

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