Kicker SOLOCLASSIC S15C user manual

User manual for the device Kicker SOLOCLASSIC S15C

Device: Kicker SOLOCLASSIC S15C
Category: Car Speaker
Manufacturer: Kicker
Size: 1.3 MB
Added : 8/8/2014
Number of pages: 12
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Kicker SOLOCLASSIC S15C User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Kicker SOLOCLASSIC S15C. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

S8C / S10C / S12C / S15C
English Version
Versión Español
Subwoofer Solo Classic
Manual del Propietario
Deutsche Version
Solo Classic Subwoofer
Version Française
Haut-parleur d’extrêmes graves Solo Classic
Manuel d’utilisation
2 2009 SC Multilingual d01.indd 1 009 SC Multilingual d01.indd 1 1 11/10/2008 10:41:50 AM 1/10/2008 10:41:50 AM

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

SOLOCLASSICSUBWOOFEROwner’sManual Models: S8C / S10C / S12C / S15C Authorized KICKER Dealer: Purchase Date: Speaker Model Number: Speaker Serial Number: The KICKER Solo Classic subwoofers are built to bring you the best quality bass in a limited space, such as behind the seat of your truck or in the hatchback of your car, leaving you with plenty of storage space while offering high-performance and high-SPLs in smaller, sealed enclosures. WIRING Solo Classic subwoofers are available with dual 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

SPECIFICATIONS Model S8C S10C S12C S15C 3 Equivalent Volume [Vas], ft (L) .46 (13.14) 1.7 (48.20) 3.31 (93.8) 10.1 (285.95) 3 Net Displacement, in (cc) 46.15 (756.3) 82.43 (1350.8) 97.44 (1596.8) 153.45 (2514.6) Outer Frame Dimension, in (cm) 8 1/2 (21.5) 10 5/8 (27) 12 1/2 (31.7) 15 1/2 (39.4) Mounting Depth, in (cm) 4 5/16 (11) 5 3/4 (14.6) 6 5/16 (16) 7 7/8 (20) Hole Cut-Out Diameter 7 1/16 (17.9) 9 1/4 (23.5) 11 1/8 (28.3) 13 7/8 (35.2) SEALED ENCLOSURE APPLICATIONS The Solo Classic is desig

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

NoticeD’utilisationSOLOCLASSICSUBWOOFER Modèles: S8C / S10C / S12C / S15C Revendeur KICKER agréé: Date d’acquisition: Numéro de modèle de haut-parleur: Numéro de série de haut-parleur: Les subwoofers (haut-parleurs de graves) Solo Classic KICKER sont conçus pour apporter la meilleure qualité de graves dans un espace confi né, comme derrière le siège d’un camion ou bien dans le haillon arrière d’une voiture, laissant un grand volume de rangement tout en proposant des hautes performances et des

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

SPECIFICATIONS Modèle S8C S10C S12C S15C 3 Volume équivalent [Vas], pied (L) .46 (13.14) 1.7 (48.20) 3.31 (93.8) 10.1 (285.95) 3 Déplacement net, pouce (cc) 46.15 (756.3) 82.43 (1350.8) 97.44 (1596.8) 153.45 (2514.6) Dimension de cadre extérieur, en (cm) 8 1/2 (21.5) 10 5/8 (27) 12 1/2 (31.7) 15 1/2 (39.4) Profondeur de montage, en (cm) 4 5/16 (11) 5 3/4 (14.6) 6 5/16 (16) 7 7/8 (20) Diamètre de découpe de trou 7 1/16 (17.9) 9 1/4 (23.5) 11 1/8 (28.3) 13 7/8 (35.2) APPLICATIONS POUR ENCEINTES HE

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

SOLOCLASSICSUBWOOFERManualdelPropietario Modelos: S8C / S10C / S12C / S15C Distribuidor autorizado de KICKER: Fecha de compra: Número de modelo del altavoz: Número de serie del altavoz: Los subwoofers KICKER Solo Classic están diseñados para brindarle las frecuencias graves de mejor calidad en espacios pequeños, como por ejemplo detrás del asiento de su camioneta o en la puerta trasera de su automóvil, lo cual le proporcionará más lugar para guardar cosas, además de un elevado rendimiento y a

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

ESPECIFICACIONES Modelo S8C S10C S12C S15C 3 Volumen equivalente [Vas], ft (l) .46 (13.14) 1.7 (48.20) 3.31 (93.8) 10.1 (285.95) Desplazamiento neto, plg³ (cm3) 46.15 (756.3) 82.43 (1350.8) 97.44 (1596.8) 153.45 (2514.6) Dimensiones del marco exterior, plg (cm) 8 1/2 (21.5) 10 5/8 (27) 12 1/2 (31.7) 15 1/2 (39.4) Profundidad de montaje, plg (cm) 4 5/16 (11) 5 3/4 (14.6) 6 5/16 (16) 7 7/8 (20) Diámetro del orifi cio de montaje 7 1/16 (17.9) 9 1/4 (23.5) 11 1/8 (28.3) 13 7/8 (35.2) APLICACIONES EN

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

HandbuchfürdenSOLOCLASSICSUBWOOFER Modelle: S8C / S10C / S12C / S15C Autorisierter KICKER-Händler: Kaufdatum: Lautsprecher-Modellnummer: Lautsprecher-Seriennummer: Der KICKER Solo Classic Subwoofer ist so konzipiert, dass er die beste Bassqualität auf begrenzten Raum, wie beispielsweise hinter dem Sitz eines LKWs oder in der Heckklappe eines PKWs wiedergibt und Ihren dabei jede Menge Ladevolumen übrig lässt. Außerdem bietet er eine hohe Leistung und einen hohen Schalldruckpegel in einem klein

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

TECHNISCHE DATEN Modell S8C S10C S12C S15C Äquivalentes Volumen [Vas], Kubikfuß (l) .46 (13.14) 1.7 (48.20) 3.31 (93.8) 10.1 (285.95) Nettovolumen Kubikzoll 46.15 (756.3) 82.43 (1350.8) 97.44 (1596.8) 153.45 (2514.6) Äußere Rahmenabmessung, Zoll (cm) 8 1/2 (21.5) 10 5/8 (27) 12 1/2 (31.7) 15 1/2 (39.4) Montagetiefe, Zoll (cm) 4 5/16 (11) 5 3/4 (14.6) 6 5/16 (16) 7 7/8 (20) Montageloch-Durchmesser 7 1/16 (17.9) 9 1/4 (23.5) 11 1/8 (28.3) 13 7/8 (35.2) GESCHLOSSENE GEHÄUSE Der Solo Classic ist so

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

AcousticsLimitedWarranty Kicker warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of THREE (3) MONTHS from date of original purchase with receipt. When purchased from an Authorized KICKER Dealer it is warranted for ONE (1) YEAR from date of original purchase with receipt. In all cases you must have the original receipt. Should service be necessary under this warranty for any reason due to manufacturing defect or malfunction during the war

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

InternationalWarranty Contact your International Kicker dealer or distributor concerning specifi c procedures for your country’s warranty policies. WARNING: KICKER products are capable of producing sound levels that can permanently damage your hearing! Turning up a system to a level that has audible distortion is more damaging to your ears than listening to an undistorted system at the same volume level. The threshold of pain is always an indicator that the sound level is too loud and may perma

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

©2008 Stillwater Designs 2 2009 SC Multilingual d01.indd 12 009 SC Multilingual d01.indd 12 1 11/10/2008 10:42:09 AM 1/10/2008 10:42:09 AM

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