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Performance Tests and
Adjustments Manual
HP 8568B Spectrum Analyzer
HP Part No. 08568-90118
Printed in USA September 1993
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@Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1993 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. 1212 Valley House Drive, Rohnert Park, CA 94928-4999, USA
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Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this product met its Certification published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett-Packard further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology, to the extent allowed by the Institute’s calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organization members. This Hewlett-Packard instrument product is warranted aga
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Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance Assistance agreements are available for Hewlett-Rwkard products. Fbr any assistance, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service OJke.
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The following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Safety Symbols Familiarize yourself with each of the symbols and its meaning before operating this instrument. The caution sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure Caution which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of the instrument. Do not proceed beyond a caution sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met. The warning sign denotes a hazard. It calls
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Included with the HP Model Spectrum Analyzer are three HP 8568B manuals: the Installation and Verification Manual, the Operating and Spectrum Analyzer Programming Manual, and the Performance Tests and Adjustments Documentation Outline General information, installation, specifications, characteristics, and HP 8568B Installation operation verification. and Verification Manual HP 8568B Operating Manual and remote operation, including complete syntax and command description. Accompanying this manua
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Contents 1. General Information ..................... l-l Introduction ......... l-l Instruments Covered by this Manual ................ Operation Verification l-2 Option 462 Instruments ............... 1-2 Option 857 Instruments ............... 2. Performance Tests ..................... Introduction ............. Verification of Specifications .................. Calibration Cycle ................ 2-2 Equipment Required .................... 2-2 Test Record 2-3 1. Center Frequency Readout Accurac
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Test 11. Log Scale Switching Uncertainty Test .... 2-82 Test 12. Amplitude Fidelity Test ........... 2-83 Test 13. Average Noise Level Test .......... 2-84 Test 14. Residual Responses Test ........... 2-85 Test 15. Spurious Responses Test .......... 2-86 Test 16. Residual FM Test .............. 2-87 Test 17. Line-Related Sidebands Test ......... 2-88 Test 18. Calibrator Amplitude Accuracy Test ..... 2-89 Test 19. Fast Sweep Time Accuracy Test ms) 2-90 . . Test 20. LO Output Amplitude Test 2-91
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Crystal Filter Bypass Network Configuration . . . . . 3-151 4. Option 462 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 6 Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test . . . . . 4-2 4-4 4. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test . 5. 6 Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test . . . . 4-10 4-13 5. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity Test . 6. Impulse and Resolution Bandwidth Switching 4-16 Uncertainty Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Test 4. 6 Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Te
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Figures l-l. Service Accessories, HP Part Number 08568-60001 . . Center Frequency Accuracy Test Setup ........ 2-3 .... 2-4 2-2. Center Frequency Readout Error Measurement 2-6 2-3. Frequency Span Accuracy Test Setup ........ 2-9 2-4. Sweep Time Accuracy Test Setup .......... 2-11 2-5. Output Signal ................ 2-14 2-6. Resolution Bandwidth Measurement ......... 2-16 2-7. 60 Bandwidth Measurement ........... 2-19 2-8. Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Measurement ... 2-20 2-9. Attenuator S
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3-8. Location of Components ........... 3-34 3-9. CRT Cut-Off Voltage 3-35 3-10. Waveform at AlA3TP5’ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3-36 3-11. Discharging the CRT Post-Accelerator Cable ..... 3-38 3-12. High Voltage Adjustment Setup ........... 3-40 3-13. Location of High Voltage Adjustments ........ 3-41 3-14. Location of Label and Test Point ........ 3-42 3-15. Discharging the CRT Post-Accelerator Cable ..... 3-44 3-16. Preliminary Display Adjustments Setup ....... 3-46 3-17. Location of
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3-56. 20 MHz Reference Adjustments Setup ........ 3-103 3-57. Location of 20 MHz Reference Adjustments ..... 3-104 3-58. Typical Signal at .............. 3-106 3-59. 249 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Adjustments Setup . . 3-107 3-60. Location of 249 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Adjustments 3-108 3-61. 275 MHz Phase Lock Oscillator Adjustment Setup ... 3-110 3-62. Location of 275 MHz PLO Adjustment ........ 3-111 3-63. Second IF Amplifier Adjustments Setup ....... 3-112 3-64. Location of 301.4 MHz BPF a
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6-10 6-7. IF Section, Bottom View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contents-7
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lhbles Performance Test Cross-Reference .......... 2-2 2-2. Center Frequency Readout Error Test Record ..... 2-5 2-3. Wide Span Error .................. 2-7 2-8 2-4. Span Error ..................... 2-11 2-5. Sweep Time Accuracy, Sweep Times 220 ms ..... 2-6. Sweep Time Accuracy, Sweep Times s ...... 2-12 2-7. Sweep Time Accuracy, Sweep Times 220 ms (Alternate Procedure) ................... 2-12 2-8. Bandwidth Accuracy ................ 2-14 2-9. Resolution Bandwidth Selectivity .......... 2-17
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1 General Information This HP Tests and Adjustments Manual contains two sections: Introduction Performance Tests and Adjustments Procedures. The Performance Tests provided should be performed for the following reasons: w If the test equipment for the Operation Verification Program is not n If the instrument does not pass all of the Operation Verification tests. w For complete verification of specifications not covered by the Operation Verification program. The adjustment procedures should be pe
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A high confidence level in the instrument’s operation can be achieved Operation Verification by running only the Operation Verification Program, since it tests most of the instrument’s specifications. It is recommended that the Operation Verification Program be used for incoming inspection and after repairs, since it requires much less time and test equipment. A description of the program can be found in the Installation and Verification manual. Option 462 instruments require that the performanc
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‘Ihble l-l. Recommended Test Equipment (1 of 5) Instrument Critical Specifications for Zecommended 4dj. Perf. Equipment Substitution Model Test SIGNAL SOURCES Synthesized Frequency: 10 MHz to 1500 MHz HP X Sweeper Output Power: + 10 maximum (leveled) Aging Rate: ~1 x Spurious Signals: 135 125 (<20 Amplitude Modulation: dc to 100 Leveling: Internal, External Power Meter Frequency: 20 MHz to 450 MHz HP X Generator SSB Phase Noise: >130 below carrier at 20 away Stability: ppm/lO min. (HP
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‘Ihble l-l. Recommended Test Equipment (2 of 5) Instrument Critical Specifications for Recommended Perf. Adj. Equipment Substitution Model Test ANALYZERS Spectrum Frequency: 100 Hz to 2.5 HP X Analyzer 2 to 22 Preselected Spectrum RF Spectrum Analyzer X Analyzer Frequency: 9 to 1.8 AC Probe High Frequency Probe HP X 10 MHz-l10 HP 8757 E X Scalar Network Analyzer Detector Compatible with HP 8757E HP X (2 required) COUNTERS HP X Frequency Frequency: 10 MHz to 18 Sensitivity: -30 Counter HP-IB
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‘Ihble l-l. Recommended Test Equipment (4 of 5) Instrument Critical Specifications for Recommended Perf. 1dj. Equipment Substitution Model Test ATTENUATORS (Cont’d) 200 Hz to 18 HP Attenuator N Connectors Option 020 TERMINATIONS Termination Impedance: 500; BNC HP X FIWERS ho.25 Filter t-off Frequency: 2400 MHz and ~500 >40 at 1750 MHz X Frequency: 300 MHz HP 0955-0455 Filter Cu t-off Frequency: 50 MHz HP 0955-0306 X Filter MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES X Power 1 MHz to 1500 MHz HP 11667A X Split