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Instruction Manual
Manual de Instrucciones
Manuel d’Instructions
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before
using this product. Failure to do so can result in serious injury.
Lea el manual de instrucciones y siga todas las advertencias e
instrucciones de seguridad. El no hacerlo puede resultar en le-
siones graves.
ments e
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ULCLASSIFIEDPRODUCTNOTICE OnlythefollowingGasolinePoweredCombinationGardeningAppliancepowerheadmodelsand theirrespectiveattachmentshavebeenClassifiedbyUnderwritersLaboratories,Inc.,inaccor- dance with the applicablesafety requirements. Powerheadincludingtrimmer attachment ................................ PPB100E Optional blower attachment............................................ PPB3000B Optional brushcutter attachment........................................ PPB4000C The following attachment
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UNIT/MAINTENANCESAFETY ageinotherwisehealthypeople. Ifsymptoms occur such as numbness, pain, loss of S Disconnectthesparkplug beforeperform- strength, change in skin color or texture, or ingmaintenanceexcept carburetoradjust- loss offeelinginthefingers,hands, orjoints, ments. discontinuetheuseofthistoolandseekmed- S Look for and replace damaged or loose icalattention. Ananti--vibrationsystemdoes parts beforeeachuse. Look for and repair not guarantee the avoidance of these prob- fuelleaksbeforeus
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EDGERSAFETY S Neverplaceanyobjectinairintakeopening as this could restrict proper air flow and cause damage totheunit. WARNING: Inspect the area to be S Neveruseforspreadingchemicals,fertiliz- edged before each use. Remove objects ers,orothersubstanceswhichmaycontain (rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which toxic materials. can be thrown by the blade or can wrap S Toavoidspreadingfire,donotusenearleaf aroundtheshaft. or brush fires, fireplaces, barbecue pits, S Blade rotates momentarily af
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terialwhenthebladeisinmotion. Makesure WARNING: Onlyusebrushcutterat- the switch is in the OFF position, the spark tachments that provide a metal shield with plug wireisdisconnected, andthebladehas proboscis nose. stopped moving before removing jammed materialfromthecuttingblade. Donotgrabor hold the unit by thecutting blade. Proboscis nose Blades move Allow blades tostop momentarily before removing after the themfrom the cut. trigger is released. S Useonlyspecifiedbladeandmakesureitis properly
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WARNING: Never lean over dis- charge chute. Rocks or debris could be thrownintotheeyesandfaceandcauseseri- ous injury or blindness. WARNING: Inspect the area where the unit is to be used. Remove objects that could be thrown or damage the unit. Some WARNING: To prevent serious inju- objects may be hidden by fallen snow -- be ry,donotusemorethanoneboomextension alert for thepossibility. witha polepruner attachment. S Direct material dischargeaway fromglass enclosures, automobiles, etc. WARNING: Ke
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ASSEMBLY WARNING: If received assembled, Secondary Hole repeatallstepstoensureyourunitisproperly assembledand allfasteners aresecure. Examineparts fordamage. Donot usedam- agedparts. NOTE: If you need assistance or find parts missingor damaged, call 1-800-554-6723. It is normal for the fuel filter to rattle in the empty fuel tank. Locking/Release Findingfueloroilresidueonmufflerisnormal Buttonin Primary Hole due to carburetor adjustments and testing For optional attachments, see the AS- doneby t
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OPERATION KNOWYOURTRIMMER READTHISINSTRUCTIONMANUALANDSAFETYRULESBEFOREOPERATINGYOURUNIT. Comparetheillustrationswithyourunittofamiliarizeyourselfwiththelocationofthevariouscontrols and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference. AssistHandle Coupler Shaft Trimmer Head ON/OFFSwitch Starter Handle Shield Primer Bulb Throttle Trigger LineLimiter Blade Start Lever Muffler ON/OFFSWITCH STARTLEVER The ON/OFF switch is located on the trigger The START LEVER helps to supply fuel tothe handleand
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STARTINGAFLOODEDENGINE Flooded engines can be started by placing theON/OFFswitchintheONposition.Move the start lever to the RUN position and fully squeeze throttle trigger. Pull the starter han- dlerepeatedlywhilesqueezingthrottletrigger until engine starts and runs. This could re- quire pulling the starter handle many times, ON/OFFSwitch depending onhow badly theunit is flooded. HOWTOSTARTYOURUNIT If the unit still doesn’t start, refer to TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE or call 1-800-554-6723. WARNING: A
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Coupler Primary Hole Tostopengine: GuideRecess S Release the throttle trigger. S MovetheON/OFFswitchtotheOFFposi- tion. TRIMMERLINEADVANCE Thetrimmerlinewilladvanceapproximately2 Locking/ inches (5 cm) each time the bottom of the Upper Attachment Release trimmerheadistappedonthegroundwiththe Shaft Button engine runningat full throttle. Themostefficientlinelengthisthemaximum lengthallowed by thelinelimiter. Alwayskeeptheshieldinplacewhenthetool WARNING: Make sure the locking/ is being operated. r
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S Formowingorsweeping,usefullthrottlefor MOWING -- Yourtrimmer isideal formowing agoodcleanjob. in places conventional lawn mowers cannot TRIMMING -- Holdthebottomof thetrimmer reach. In the mowing position, keep the line parallel to the ground. Avoid pressing the headabout3inches(8cm)abovetheground head into the ground as this can scalp the andatanangle.Allowonlythetipofthelineto make contact. Do not force trimmer line into ground anddamage the tool. work area. Mowing Trimming 3inches (8cm) SWE
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For normal homeowner use, however, the mufflerandsparkarrestingscreenwillnotre- Button quire any service. After 50 hours of use, we Air Filter recommend that your muffler be serviced or replaced by your authorizedservicedealer. REPLACESPARKPLUG Replacethesparkplugeachyeartoensure theenginestarts easierandruns better. Inspectsparkplugevery25hoursofusage. Air Filter Cover Cleanand/orreplaceasnecessary.Setspark pluggapat 0.025inch(0.6mm). Ignitiontim- MUFFLERANDSPARKARREST- ing is fixed andnonadjus
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Ifyourequirefurtherassistanceorareunsure about performing this procedure, contact an authorized service dealer or call 1--800--554--6723. Air Filter Cover Idle Speed Screw STORAGE HELPFULTIP WARNING: Perform the following Duringstorageofyourgas/ steps after eachuse: oilmixture,theoilwillsepa- S Allowenginetocoolbeforestoringortrans- rate from the gas. porting. We recommend that you S Storeunit and fuelinawell ventilatedarea shake the gas can weekly where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or toinsu
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TROUBLESHOOTINGTABLE WARNING: Alwaysstopunitanddisconnectsparkplugbeforeperformingallofthe recommended remedies below except remedies that requireoperationof the unit. TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY 1.ON/OFF switchin Engine will not 1. MoveON/OFFswitchtotheON OFF position. start. position. 2. Engine flooded. 2. See “Starting aFlooded Engine” in Operation Section. 3. Fueltank empty. 3. Filltank with correct fuel mixture. 4. Spark plugnot firing. 4. Install new spark plug. 5. Fuelnot reaching 5. Check for d
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LIMITEDWARRANTY Poulan PRO warrants to the original pur- THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC chaser that each new Poulan PRO brand LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY HAVE gasoline tool or attachment is free from de- OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM fects in material and workmanship and STATE TO STATE. agrees to repair or replace under this war- NO CLAIMS FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR ranty any defective gasoline product or at- OTHER DAMAGES WILL BE ALLOWED, tachment as follows from theoriginal dateof AND THERE ARE NO OT
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authorizedservicecenterorcallPoulanPRO claim.PoulanPROisnotliabletocoverfailures at1--800--554--6723.WARRANTYPERIOD: ofwarrantedpartscausedbytheuseofadd--on Anywarrantedpartwhichisnotscheduledfor or modified parts. HOWTO FILEA CLAIM: If replacement as required maintenance, or youhaveanyquestionsregardingyourwarran- whichisscheduledonlyforregularinspection tyrightsandresponsibilities,youshouldcontact to the effect of “repair or replace as neces- your nearest authorized servicecenter or call sary”