Shindaiwa AHS2510/EVC user manual

User manual for the device Shindaiwa AHS2510/EVC

Device: Shindaiwa AHS2510/EVC
Category: Trimmer
Manufacturer: Shindaiwa
Size: 2.03 MB
Added : 3/30/2014
Number of pages: 72
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Shindaiwa AHS2510/EVC User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Shindaiwa AHS2510/EVC. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

English ........... 1
Español ....SP_1
Français ... FR_1
Always wear eye and ear protection when operat-
ing this machine! To minimize the risk of injury to
yourself and others, read this manual and familiarize
yourself with its contents.
Part Number 89311 Rev. 06/09

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Introduction IMPORTANT! WARNING! The Shindaiwa C4 series of hand-held The information contained in these instruc- power equipment is designed and built to The engine exhaust from this deliver superior performance and reliabil- tions describes units available at the time product contains chemicals known to ity without compromise to quality, comfort, of publication. the State of California to cause can- safety or durability. Shindaiwa engines cer, birth defects or other reproduc- represe

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Safety WARNING! DANGER! An articulated hedge trimmer has the potential to cause serious personal injury Do not make unauthorized THE ARTICULATED to the operator or bystanders if misused, - HEDGE TRIMMER IS NOT INSULATED abused or mishandled. To reduce the risk ulated hedge trimmer or its components. AGAINST ELECTRICAL SHOCK! of injury, you must maintain control at all Approaching or contacting electrical times, and observe all safety precautions lines with the trimmer could cause du

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Safety (continued) Safety Equipment and Labels Cutter blade cover Handle Ignition (STOP) switch Throttle interlock IMPORTANT! Caution, Danger, Warning, and Operation Information Labels: Make sure all informa- tion labels are undamaged and readable. Immediately replace damaged or missing information labels. New labels are available from your local authorized Shindaiwa dealer. Operator Safety Always wear a hard hat This machine is designed ALWAYS clear your work area to reduce the risk of

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Product Description Spark Plug Hedge Trimmer Cutter Air Filter Assembly Assembly Throttle Ignition interlock Cutter Assembly Adjustment Cutter Lever Blade Cover Fuel Handle Tank Fuel Tank Outer Guard Throttle Trigger Tube Powerhead Assembly Latch Lock Hedge Trimmer Cutter Assembly Using the illustration as a Latch Gearcase guide, familiarize yourself Cutter Bar and Release Cutter Blades with the Shindaiwa AHS2510 articulated hedge trimmer and its various components. Understanding your m

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Assembly Prior To Assembly IMPORTANT! This unit comes fully assembled. You This manual and tool kit for routine The terms “left”, “left-hand”, and “LH”; only need attach the accessory tool of maintenance. “right”, “right-hand”, and “RH”; “front” and your choice to the powerhead. Your unit Cutter blade cover “rear” refer to directions as viewed by the includes: Carefully inspect all components for operator during normal operation. Engine/outer tube assembly damage. Gearcase/cutter ass

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Assembly (continued) Adjusting the Hedge Trimmer Cutter Assembly Latch lock WARNING! Adjustment lever The cutter blades are very sharp. Do not grasp the blades with your hands. Always use gloves when working near the cutter assembly. Do not allow the blades to contact your body. Latch release Do not touch the cutter blades Handle when the engine is running. The blades can oscillate even if the engine is idling. Outer tube 1. With your right hand, grasp the outer tube near the handle

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Assembly (continued) Adjusting cutter assembly for storage or transportation 1. With the engine off, install the scab- WARNING! Transport / storage position bard onto the blade. Never run the engine when 2. Release the latch lock and the latch adjusting the cutter assembly to the release. Make sure the cutter blades, storage position. latch lock, and the latch release return securely to the straight ahead position. 3. Make sure the scabbard is in place on the blade before storing or tran

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Mixing fuel Mixing fuel Examples of 50:1 mixing quantities CAUTION! CAUTION! U.S. METRIC This engine is designed to operate on 2-cycle 2-cycle Never use any type of gasoline con- Gasoline Gasoline mixing oil mixing oil a 50:1 mixture consisting of unleaded taining more than 10% alcohol by vol- US Gallons Fl.oz. Liter cc. gasoline and ISO-L-EGD or JASO FD ume! Some types of gasoline contain 1 2.6 4 80 class 2-cycle mixing oil only. Use of alcohol as an oxygenate. Oxygenated 2 5.2 8 160 non-a

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Starting the Engine IMPORTANT! Engine ignition is controlled by a two position switch mounted on the throttle housing labeled, “I” for ON or START and “O” for OFF or STOP. WARNING! Return Tube Primer Bulb ON Never start the engine from the operating position. 1. Slide the ignition switch to the “ON” Throttle Lock position. Button 2. Set the throttle lever to the “fast idle”: a. Squeeze the throttle lever toward the handgrip on the shaft tube. Slide ignition to ON bulb... b. Depress and hold

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Starting the Engine (continued) Starting A Flooded Engine 1. Disconnect the spark plug lead and use 3. Open the choke and fully depress the 5. Repeat the starting procedure for a the spark plug wrench to remove the throttle lever with your left hand, then warm engine. spark plug (turn counter clockwise to pull the starter handle rapidly with your 6. If the engine still fails to start, refer to remove). right hand to clear excess fuel from the the troubleshooting section near the combustion

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Operation Checking Unit Condition NEVER operate the unit with the protec- ALWAYS make sure the cutting attach- NEVER allow the engine to run at high tive devices removed! ment fits properly into the appropriate speeds without a load. Doing so could attachment holder. If a properly installed damage the engine. Use only authorized Shindaiwa parts and attachment vibrates, replace the attach- accessories with your Shindaiwa hedge NEVER operate a unit with worn or dam- ment with new one and re-che

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Maintenance General maintenancel IMPORTANT! WARNING! WARNING! MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT Before performing any mainte- Non-standard accessories, cut- OR REPAIR OF EMISSION CONTROL nance, repair, or cleaning work on the ting attachment, or replacement parts DEVICES AND SYSTEMS MAY BE PER- unit, make sure the engine and cutting may not operate properly with your unit FORMED BY ANY REPAIR ESTABLISH- attachment are completely stopped. and may cause damage and lead to MENT OR INDIVIDUAL; HOWEVE

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Maintenance (continued) 10-Hour maintenance (more frequently in dusty conditions) Loosen fasteners 1. Remove the air filter cover by loosen- ing the cover screw(s) and lifting. 2. Remove and inspect the pre-filter. If the pre-filter is torn or otherwise dam- aged, replace it with a new one. 3. Clean the pre-filter with soap and water. Let dry before reinstalling. 4. Inspect the air filter element. If the ele- Filter element ment is damaged or distorted, replace it with a new one. 5. Tap filter ge

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Maintenance (continued) 50-hour maintenance Every 50 hours of operation; more fre- quently in dusty conditions:Remove and clean the cylinder cover and clean dirt and debris from the cylinder cooling fins. Remove and replace the fuel filter element. Use a hooked wire to extract the fuel filter from inside the fuel tank. Inspect the fuel filter element. If it shows signs of contam- ination, replace with a genuine Shindaiwa replacement fuel filter element. Hooked wire CAUTION! Make sure you do no

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Maintenance (continued) 139/150-Hour Maintenance Maintenance after first 139-hours, Replace the spark plug annually: Use The valve clearance should be adjusted then every 150-hours thereafter. only the type recommended in the annually or every 135 hours. It is ”Specifications” section or an equivalent highly recommended that this is Combustion chamber should be decar- resistor type spark plug of the correct done by a Shindaiwa-trained service bonized, and the valve clearance should heat

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Maintenance (continued) If the engine becomes sluggish and low on power, check and clean the spark arrester screen. Engine Cover WARNING! Engine Cover Never operate the unit with a Screws arrester! Operating with a missing or and could also damage your hearing. 1. With a 3 mm hex wrench remove the 4 engine cover screws and the engine cover. 2. With a 4 mm hex wrench, remove the 3 muffler bolts and the muffler. 3. With a small flat bladed screwdriver remove the 2 screws holding the

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Troubleshooting Guide ENGINE DOES NOT START What To Check Possible Cause Remedy Faulty recoil starter. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer. NO Fluid in the crankcase. Does the engine crank? Internal damage. YES Loose spark plug. Tighten and re-test. NO Good compression? Excess wear on cylinder, piston, Consult with an authorized servicing rings. dealer. YES Fuel incorrect, stale, or contaminated; Refill with fresh, clean unleaded gasoline mixture incorrect. with a pump octane of 87 or

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Troubleshooting Guide (continued) LOW POWER What To Check Possible Cause Remedy Operator is overworking the unit. Operate at slower rate. Is the engine overheating? Carburetor mixture is too lean. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer. Improper fuel ratio. Refill with clean fresh unleaded gasoline with a pump octane of 87 or higher, mixed with a premium 2-cycle mixing oil at a 50:1 gasoline/oil ratio. Fan, fan cover, cylinder fins dirty or Clean, repair or replace as necessary. damaged C

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Troubleshooting Guide (continued) ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS What To Check Possible Cause Remedy Clean or replace the air filter. Clogged air filter. Replace the fuel filter. Clogged fuel filter. Poor acceleration. Consult with an authorized Lean fuel/air mixture. servicing dealer. Adjust idle. Check Specifications page for Idle speed set too low. correct idle speed. Switch turned off. Reset the switch and re-start. Fuel tank empty. Refuel. See Fuel section of manual. Clogged fuel filter. Replace fuel filte

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