Summary of the content on the page No. 1
S wIT Ch
StorA ge AreA An Industry-Leading Switch for
Virtualized Data Centers
As the v alue and v olume of business data en vir onments. The e v olutionar y design
continue t o rise, organizations need mak es it v er y efficient in po w er , cooling, and
• Deliv er s full 8 Gbit/sec 1:1 per f ormance
t echnology solutions that are easy t o rack density t o help enable medium- and
f or up t o 80 por ts in a single-domain,
im plement and
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
ha v e deplo y ed vir tual ser v er en vir onments ADAPtiVE NEt WORKiNg sERViCEs OPEN sAN MANAgEMENt req uire higher le v els of connectivity f or The Br ocade 5300 utilizes Br ocade A daptiv e By ne tw or king Fibre Channel switches such consolidation and higher le v els of Ne tw or king ser vices, a suit e of t ools f or as the Br ocade 5300 under a common per f ormance t o cost-ef f ectiv ely mee t the optimizing f abric beha vior and ensuring platf orm, F abric OS sim plifies m
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
Figure 1. Sim plified SAN deplo yments suppor t great er consolidation. Servers Servers 16-port switches fully licensed 16-port switches 80-port Brocade 5300 Switches fully licensed 64 ports licensed 16-port switches 8 ports licensed Storage 14 Links Storage 2 Links Total Switches: 12 Total Switches: 2 Ports for Devices: 100 Ports for Devices: 100 Ports for ISLs: 56 Ports for ISLs: 0 Licensed Ports Free: 4 Licensed Ports Free: 28 Unlicensed Ports: 32 Unlicensed Ports: 32 BROCADE 5300 sPECiF
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
D A T A ShEET BROCADE 5300 sPECiFiCAti ONs (CONti NUED) F abric ser vices Sim ple Name Ser v er (SNS); R egist ered Stat e Mechanicals Change No tification (RSCN); NTP v3; R eliable Enclosure Non-por t t o por t side airflo w ; 2U , 1 9-inch Commit Ser vice (R CS); Dynamic P ath Selection EIA -com pliant, po w er fr om non-por t side (DPS); Br ocade A dv anced Zoning (def ault zoning, por t/wwN zoning, br oadcast zoning); NPIV ; N_P or t Size width: 42.88 cm (1 6.88 in) T runking; FDMI