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Operation and Installation Instructions
6. Do not use sealants, tapes, teflon or cement
1. The MICO 691 System is a supplemental safety
compounds on any connections or fittings. These
device which provides additional brake holding
sealants or compounds can contaminate the
action when used with existing vehicle parking
hydraulic brake system and interfere with the
brake. It is not for dynamic servi
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Table of Contents Page SELF ADHESIVE LABELS................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................... 2 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION................................ 2 INSTALLING A 691 SYSTEM................................ 3 IDENTIFY YOUR BRAKE SYSTEM............................ 3-4 DIMENSIONAL DATA ................................... 5 MOUNTING......................................... 6 Actuator.......................................... 6 Power Unit ......................
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SELF ADHESIVE LABELS NOTE All 691 models include the self adhesive labels shown below. Determine which labels are used in your application. THIS NOTICEMUST BE AFFIXED ONDASHINVIEW OF OPERATOR THIS NOTICEMUST BE AFFIXED ONDASHINVIEW OF OPERATOR ! WARNING Operator must read and Serious injury understand Warnings and or death can Operating Instructions before occur if these instructions are PREVENT using vehicle not followed ROLLAWAY (Form no. 81-690-032). This vehicle is equipped with 691 Brake Lo
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The Actuator (Figure 3) INTRODUCTION The actuator is a mechanical device that links the Vehicles today have two separate brake systems. One is hydraulics of the 691 System to the vehicle service the service brake system and the other is the parking brake system. The actuator separates the 691 System brake system. The service brake system is used to slow or fluid from the vehicle service brake system. Various stop a vehicle during normal operation. The parking brake actuators are available for us
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INSTALLING A 691 SYSTEM BEFORE PROCEEDING: 1. Identify your vehicle brake system. See pages There are four steps to installing the 691 System. 3&4. 1. Mounting 2. Be sure you have the correct 691 model number 2. Plumbing and it contains all the parts. Refer to Table 1 (pages 3. Wiring 19 & 20). 4. Bleeding All vehicles currently using automotive brake The 691 System must only be installed by someone with fluid (DOT 3, 4, 5 or 5.1) in the brake system must good working knowledge of automotive bra
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Typical Split System (1 1/2 x 1/2) Two independent braking systems. One system leads to the front and the rear brakes and the other system leads only to the rear brakes. Identifying Feature: 1.Two lines from master cylinder. 2.Single hose to each front wheel. 3.Two hoses to rear axle. 691 Actuator Position: (1) Front axle (2) Rear axle (3) 4-wheel CAUTION: Whether position 2 or 3 is used, both halves of system must be FIGURE 7 locked. Typical Rear Wheel Anti-Lock System (Dual Vertical Split) Two
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DIMENSIONAL DATA 1 1/4" Diameter Bore Dual Actuator 1 1/4" Diameter Bore Single Actuator 1 3/4" Diameter Bore Dual Actuator 1 3/4" Diameter Bore Single Actuator millimeters inches Power Unit User Interface Remote Reservoir - (optional) See 691 Accessories on page 19 Control Module 5
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power unit reservoir. Check the CAUTION label MOUNTING around the power unit reservoir breather/filler plug to verify fluid type, refer to Figure 13. Several self adhesive labels are supplied with each 691 Brake Lock. Determine which labels are used in your Control Module application and affix in the vehicle cab in view of the 1. A mounting bracket is provided with the 691 Control operator. See page 1. Module to mount the control module directly to the Actuator 691 Power Unit. See power unit dim
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5. Connect one end of the new tubing to the single PLUMBING actuator. 6. Connect the other end of the new tubing to the power Determine the type of brake system on your vehicle, refer unit. This connection can be made to either the side to pages3&4.All brake systems in use today require the or top port. Remove the plastic shipping plug from the MICO 691 Actuator(s) be installed after the anti-lock brake top port. To install line in the side port use 3/16" hex valve and combination warning valve
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vibration. Common methods used to absorb this shock 3 Channel Anti-Lock 691 Brake Lock are coiling the brake tubing or using a short length of System purchased brake hose. Follow procedures outlined by the vehicle manufacturer or SAE specifications. 3. Connect the upstream line coming from the master cylinder to the fluid inlet port on one end of the actua- tor. Note that the actuator is not directional and does not have a front and rear. Connect the downstream line going to the rear brakes from
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2. The brown wire in the main 691 Wire Harness. WIRING NOTE: These inputs are connected together internally, so if one is receiving a positive sig- nal, the other will also have a positive signal present. This is commonly used to provide an Power is supplied to the 691 Control Module at all times. external signal (to the brown wire) when the To prevent unintended actuation of the 691 System, be sure the "lock" - "release" switch (if applicable) is in the switch on the 691 User Interface is activ
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Bleeding Procedures BLEEDING NOTE To assure successful brake system bleeding, complete Vehicle Brake System: Always use clean fluid con- all bleeding procedure steps in the order that they are forming to vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations. listed. 691 Power Unit: Check the CAUTION label on the Brake System Brake System 691 Power Unit reservoir for proper fluid type. Refer Bleed Point Bleed Point to Figure 13. All electrical connections must be completed and the power unit reservoir filled wi
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8. Reconnect horn or other warning devices. 6. Pressure Bleed - There are two options for pressure bleeding the brake system, either using a commercial pressurized bladder type bleeder or by activating the HORN WARNING CIRCUIT TEST 691 Power Unit. Using commercial bleeder The 691 Control Module provides two alarm wires: "direct Follow manufacturer's instructions. alarm" and "delayed alarm". The "direct alarm" wire is the Using 691 Power Unit white wire in the User Interface cable. It provides a
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To Deactivate Lock Device 1. Disengage other provided holding devices. 2. Switch the user interface to "release" position. The "locked" indicator lamp will deactivate and the power unit will return brake system to static system pressure. 3. Release mechanical parking brake. Using 691 as an Interlock NOTE The 691 Interlock can be activated by the rocker switch (if applicable) whether the vehicle’s ignition is on or off as long as the battery connection exists. To Activate 1. Bring vehicle to a co
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691 System Installation Checklist NOTE: As you install the 691 System complete this check list. Upon completion of the 691 installation, retain this checklist with the 691 Operation and Installation Manual. Date installed:_______________ Name of person(s) installing: ______________________________________ Vehicle make:______________________________Model: _______________________Year: _______________ Vehicle I.D. number: _________________________________________________________________________ Mod
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Complete this section after Wiring the 691 System 1. Are the wires protected from being hit or kicked and not hanging loose or pulled too Yes No tight? 2. If additional wire was added, is it the correct gauge and color as indicated in the 691 Yes No N/A Operation and Installation Manual? 3. Trace each wire, are all wires either connected to something or properly capped off? Yes No 4. Did the horn sound during the HORN WARNING CIRCUIT TEST as indicated in the Yes No 691 Operatio
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14 BRAKE LOCK APPLICATIONS Horn Relay User Interface Schematic
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15 INTERLOCK APPLICATIONS Horn Relay User Interface Schematic
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Before Troubleshooting Unplug wire harness connectors. Check to be sure contacts are clean and making good contact and re- connect. Check the integrity of all wiring at the connectors. Also check to be sure all unused wires are properly capped. TROUBLESHOOTING LED Display LED Display Explanation On when system is releasing pressure. (Remains on for three seconds after PS2 goes off). Motor Down Motor Up On when system has been activated (proper signal on +Ext or -Ext), until PS1 comes on. + Ext O