MTX Audio MTX Thunder TA8502 user manual

User manual for the device MTX Audio MTX Thunder TA8502

Device: MTX Audio MTX Thunder TA8502
Category: Car Amplifier
Manufacturer: MTX Audio
Size: 0.07 MB
Added : 8/15/2013
Number of pages: 6
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MTX Audio MTX Thunder TA8502 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to MTX Audio MTX Thunder TA8502. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

TA8502 Owner’s Manual
Thank you for choosing MTX to help reach the ultimate goal with your vehicle. Adding MTX amplifi ers and
matching MTX speakers and subwoofers with StreetWires connections will put you in a better position to
hear, feel, and experience all of the music the artist intended.
Specifi cations
Primary Ratings:
Power Output: 125 watts RMS x 2-channels at 4 ohm and ≤ 1% THD+N
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (1 watt): 74dB
Secondary Ratings:
Power Output: 250 watts RMS x 2-c

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

4. Input Sensitivity – The Input Sensitivity switch is used to set the proper input voltage range: X1 POSITION: 100mV–1V (Typically for RCA Input) X10 POSITION: 1V–10V (Typically for Speaker Level Input) 5. Gain Control – This feature is used to fi ne-tune the input sensitivity of the amplifi er to the source unit’s output level. 6. Variable Hi, 12dB / Low, 24dB Mono @ 40Hz–350Hz X-over – This control allows the user to choose the exact low pass or high pass frequency range the amplifi er will pl

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Installation Mounting Place your Thunder amplifi er at the predetermined mounting location. Use a felt pen to mark the exact position of the mounting holes on the mounting surface. Set the amplifi er aside. Then with a sharp, precise blade cut small circles in the carpet and padding around the four marks denoting your mounting holes to expose the metal underneath. Use a center punch to make an indentation in the metal to ensure that you drill the exact position for the screws. Note: Please u

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

• GND: This is the ground connection for the amplifi er and must be connected directly to the metal chassis of the vehicle for the amplifi er to operate properly. A properly grounded amplifi er can be run harder and longer than a poorly grounded amplifi er. The ground on the amplifi er should be as short as possible and be connected directly to the vehicle’s metal chassis. Do not connect to factory bolts of ANY kind. When attaching the ground to the chassis, sand all the paint away from the cont

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

3. Adjusting the Hi, 12dB / Low, 24dB Mono @ 40Hz–350Hz Variable X-over Frequency Controls – • Setting for Subwoofers: First enable the electronic crossover by selecting the “ON” position of the X-OVER switch, and then select the “L-PASS” (Low pass) position on the L-PASS/H-PASS switch. Next, using “L- PASS FREQ” you have control over what frequency you want your amp to start crossing over your signal. By turning this control all the way counter-clockwise you are crossing the signal over at

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

7. Remote Subwoofer Level Control (Remote Gain) – Let’s say the amplifi er’s gain is set at halfway. When the remote subwoofer level control is plugged in, you have external control of the gain from zero to halfway. The installation of this level control is NOT necessary to get full power from amplifi er. Note: One Remote Subwoofer Level Control can control two or more amplifi ers using a mini plug Y-adapter. 8. Prizm EFX – Now that you have completed adjusting all your amplifi er settings, you

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