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Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet
Switch Modules for the IBM BladeCenter
Software Configuration Guide
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(22)EA6
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Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information in Appendix C, “Getting Help and Technical Assistance” and Appendix D, “Notices.” First Edition (October 2005) © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
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CONTENTS Preface xxiii Audience xxiii Purpose xxiii Conventions xxiv Related Publications xxv CHAPTER 1 Overview 1-1 Features 1-1 Ease of Use and Ease of Deployment 1-1 Performance 1-1 Manageability 1-2 Redundancy 1-3 VLAN Support 1-4 Security 1-4 Quality of Service and Class of Service 1-5 Monitoring 1-5 Management Options 1-6 Management Interface Options 1-6 Network Configuration Examples 1-7 Where to Go Next 1-8 CHAPTER 2 Using the Command-Line Interface 2-1 Cisco IOS Command Modes 2-1 Gett
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Contents Using Editing Features 2-6 Enabling and Disabling Editing Features 2-6 Editing Commands through Keystrokes 2-7 Editing Command Lines that Wrap 2-8 Searching and Filtering Output of show and more Commands 2-9 Accessing the CLI 2-9 CHAPTER 3 Assigning the Switch IP Address and Default Gateway 3-1 Understanding the Boot Process 3-1 Assigning Switch Information 3-2 Default Switch Information 3-2 Manually Assigning IP Information 3-3 Checking and Saving the Running Configuration 3-4 Modify
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Contents Configuring a System Name and Prompt 4-13 Default System Name and Prompt Configuration 4-14 Configuring a System Name 4-14 Understanding DNS 4-14 Default DNS Configuration 4-15 Setting Up DNS 4-15 Displaying the DNS Configuration 4-16 Creating a Banner 4-16 Default Banner Configuration 4-16 Configuring a Message-of-the-Day Login Banner 4-16 Configuring a Login Banner 4-18 Managing the MAC Address Table 4-18 Building the Address Table 4-19 MAC Addresses and VLANs 4-19 Default MAC Addre
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Contents Identifying the TACACS+ Server Host and Setting the Authentication Key 5-12 Configuring TACACS+ Login Authentication 5-13 Configuring TACACS+ Authorization for Privileged EXEC Access and Network Services 5-15 Starting TACACS+ Accounting 5-16 Displaying the TACACS+ Configuration 5-16 Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS 5-16 Understanding RADIUS 5-17 RADIUS Operation 5-18 Configuring RADIUS 5-19 Default RADIUS Configuration 5-19 Identifying the RADIUS Server Host 5-19 Configuring RADI
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Contents Using IEEE 802.1x with Port Security 6-7 Using IEEE 802.1x with Voice VLAN Ports 6-8 Using IEEE 802.1x with VLAN Assignment 6-8 Using IEEE 802.1x with Guest VLAN 6-9 Using IEEE 802.1x with Wake-on-LAN 6-10 Unidirectional State 6-10 Bidirectional State 6-10 Configuring IEEE 802.1x Authentication 6-11 Default IEEE 802.1x Configuration 6-11 IEEE 802.1x Configuration Guidelines 6-12 Enabling IEEE 802.1x Authentication 6-13 Configuring the Switch-to-RADIUS-Server Communication 6-14 Configu
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Contents Configuration Guidelines 7-11 Setting the Interface Speed and Duplex Parameters 7-11 Adding a Description for an Interface 7-12 Monitoring and Maintaining the Interfaces 7-13 Monitoring Interface and Controller Status 7-13 Clearing and Resetting Interfaces and Counters 7-15 Shutting Down and Restarting the Interface 7-15 CHAPTER 8 Configuring Smartports Macros 8-1 Understanding Smartports Macros 8-1 Configuring Smartports Macros 8-2 Default Smartports Macro Configuration 8-2 Smartport
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Contents Configuring Spanning-Tree Features 9-11 Default Spanning-Tree Configuration 9-12 Spanning-Tree Configuration Guidelines 9-12 Changing the Spanning-Tree Mode 9-13 Disabling Spanning Tree 9-14 Configuring the Root Switch 9-15 Configuring a Secondary Root Switch 9-17 Configuring the Port Priority 9-17 Configuring the Path Cost 9-19 Configuring the Switch Priority of a VLAN 9-20 Configuring Spanning-Tree Timers 9-21 Configuring the Hello Time 9-21 Configuring the Forwarding-Delay Time for
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Contents Configuring the Switch Priority 10-18 Configuring the Hello Time 10-18 Configuring the Forwarding-Delay Time 10-19 Configuring the Maximum-Aging Time 10-20 Configuring the Maximum-Hop Count 10-20 Specifying the Link Type to Ensure Rapid Transitions 10-21 Restarting the Protocol Migration Process 10-21 Displaying the MST Configuration and Status 10-22 CHAPTER 11 Configuring Optional Spanning-Tree Features 11-1 Understanding Optional Spanning-Tree Features 11-1 Understanding Port Fast 1
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Contents VLAN Configuration Mode Options 12-6 VLAN Configuration in config-vlan Mode 12-6 VLAN Configuration in VLAN Configuration Mode 12-6 Saving VLAN Configuration 12-7 Default Ethernet VLAN Configuration 12-7 Creating or Modifying an Ethernet VLAN 12-8 Deleting a VLAN 12-10 Assigning Static-Access Ports to a VLAN 12-10 Configuring Extended-Range VLANs 12-11 Default VLAN Configuration 12-12 Extended-Range VLAN Configuration Guidelines 12-12 Creating an Extended-Range VLAN 12-12 Displaying V
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Contents Monitoring the VMPS 12-30 Troubleshooting Dynamic Port VLAN Membership 12-31 VMPS Configuration Example 12-31 CHAPTER 13 Configuring VTP 13-1 Understanding VTP 13-1 The VTP Domain 13-2 VTP Modes 13-3 VTP Advertisements 13-3 VTP Version 2 13-4 VTP Pruning 13-4 Configuring VTP 13-6 Default VTP Configuration 13-6 VTP Configuration Options 13-7 VTP Configuration in Global Configuration Mode 13-7 VTP Configuration in VLAN Configuration Mode 13-7 VTP Configuration Guidelines 13-8 Domain Nam
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Contents Configuring IGMP Snooping 14-7 Default IGMP Snooping Configuration 14-8 Enabling or Disabling IGMP Snooping 14-8 Setting the Snooping Method 14-9 Configuring a Multicast Router Port 14-10 Configuring a Host Statically to Join a Group 14-10 Enabling IGMP Immediate-Leave Processing 14-11 Configuring the IGMP Leave Timer 14-12 Disabling IGMP Report Suppression 14-12 Disabling IP Multicast-Source-Only Learning 14-13 Configuring the Aging Time 14-14 Displaying IGMP Snooping Information 14-
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Contents Default Port Security Configuration 15-6 Port Security Configuration Guidelines 15-6 Enabling and Configuring Port Security 15-7 Enabling and Configuring Port Security Aging 15-9 Displaying Port-Based Traffic Control Settings 15-11 CHAPTER 16 Configuring UDLD 16-1 Understanding UDLD 16-1 Modes of Operation 16-1 Methods to Detect Unidirectional Links 16-2 Configuring UDLD 16-4 Default UDLD Configuration 16-4 Configuration Guidelines 16-4 Enabling UDLD Globally 16-5 Enabling UDLD on an
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Contents SPAN and RSPAN Session Limits 18-7 Default SPAN and RSPAN Configuration 18-7 Configuring SPAN 18-7 SPAN Configuration Guidelines 18-7 Creating a SPAN Session and Specifying Ports to Monitor 18-8 Creating a SPAN Session and Enabling Ingress Traffic 18-9 Removing Ports from a SPAN Session 18-11 Configuring RSPAN 18-12 RSPAN Configuration Guidelines 18-12 Configuring a VLAN as an RSPAN VLAN 18-13 Creating an RSPAN Source Session 18-14 Creating an RSPAN Destination Session 18-15 Removing
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Contents Configuring UNIX Syslog Servers 20-10 Logging Messages to a UNIX Syslog Daemon 20-11 Configuring the UNIX System Logging Facility 20-11 Displaying the Logging Configuration 20-12 CHAPTER 21 Configuring SNMP 21-1 Understanding SNMP 21-1 SNMP Versions 21-2 SNMP Manager Functions 21-3 SNMP Agent Functions 21-3 SNMP Community Strings 21-4 Using SNMP to Access MIB Variables 21-4 SNMP Notifications 21-4 Configuring SNMP 21-5 Default SNMP Configuration 21-5 SNMP Configuration Guidelines 21-6
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Contents Creating Named MAC Extended ACLs 22-17 Creating MAC Access Groups 22-18 Applying ACLs to Terminal Lines or Physical Interfaces 22-18 Applying ACLs to a Terminal Line 22-19 Applying ACLs to a Physical Interface 22-19 Displaying ACL Information 22-20 Displaying ACLs 22-20 Displaying Access Groups 22-21 Examples for Compiling ACLs 22-22 Numbered ACL Examples 22-23 Extended ACL Examples 22-23 Named ACL Example 22-23 Commented IP ACL Entry Examples 22-23 CHAPTER 23 Configuring QoS 23-1 Und
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Contents Configuring the CoS Value for an Interface 23-19 Configuring Trusted Boundary 23-20 Enabling Pass-Through Mode 23-22 Configuring a QoS Policy 23-23 Classifying Traffic by Using ACLs 23-23 Classifying Traffic by Using Class Maps 23-27 Classifying, Policing, and Marking Traffic by Using Policy Maps 23-28 Configuring CoS Maps 23-31 Configuring the CoS-to-DSCP Map 23-32 Configuring the DSCP-to-CoS Map 23-33 Configuring the Egress Queues 23-34 Configuring CoS Priority Queues 23-34 Configur
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Contents Configuring Layer 2 Trunk Failover 24-16 Default Layer 2 Trunk Failover Configuration 24-16 Layer 2 Trunk Failover Configuration Guidelines 24-17 Configuring Layer 2 Trunk Failover 24-17 Displaying Layer 2 Trunk Failover Status 24-18 CHAPTER 25 Troubleshooting 25-1 Using Recovery Procedures 25-1 Recovering from a Software Failure 25-1 Recovering from Lost or Forgotten Passwords 25-2 Password Recovery with Password Recovery Enabled 25-4 Procedure with Password Recovery Disabled 25-5 Pr
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Contents Changing Directories and Displaying the Working Directory B-4 Creating and Removing Directories B-4 Copying Files B-5 Deleting Files B-6 Creating, Displaying, and Extracting tar Files B-6 Creating a tar File B-6 Displaying the Contents of a tar File B-7 Extracting a tar File B-7 Displaying the Contents of a File B-8 Working with Configuration Files B-8 Guidelines for Creating and Using Configuration Files B-9 Configuration File Types and Location B-10 Creating a Configuration File By