Waves PuigTec EQP-1A user manual

User manual for the device Waves PuigTec EQP-1A

Device: Waves PuigTec EQP-1A
Category: Stereo Equalizer
Manufacturer: Waves
Size: 1.32 MB
Added : 5/7/2013
Number of pages: 17
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Waves PuigTec EQP-1A User manual - Online PDF
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Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Waves PuigTec


User Manual

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................3 1.1 WELCOME ..........................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 PRODUCT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Chapter 1 – Introduction 1.1 Welcome Thank you for choosing Waves! In order to get the most out of your Waves processor, please take the time to read through this manual. In conjunction, we also suggest that you become familiar with www.wavesupport.net. There you will find an extensive Answer Base, the latest Tech Specs, detailed Installation guides, new Software Updates, and current information on Authorization and Registration. By signing up at www.wavesupport.net, you will

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

1.2 Product Overview ABOUT PULTEC Custom-engineered and built by hand, the original Pultecs have long been a top choice of leading recording and mastering engineers. Pultecs are known for their ability to bring out individual frequency ranges without significantly altering other frequencies. In 1951, Gene Shenk and Ollie Summerland of Pulse Techniques Inc. introduced the first passive program equalizer, the EQP-1. Using equalization circuit designs licensed from Western Electr

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

1.3 About the Modeling Many different elements contribute to the unique sonic characteristics of analog gear such as the Pultec EQP-1A. Waves painstakingly modeled and incorporated these elements into the PuigTec EQP-1A in order to fully capture and replicate the sound and performance of the original equipment. These are some of the most important elements of analog behavior: • Total Harmonic Distortion Perhaps the most important analog behavior is Total Harmonic Distortion or THD

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Below is a plot of the curve from the original Pultec EQP-1A, with all gains set to 0 and low cutoff set to 20hz (red) and cutoff at 100hz (yellow). Waves PuigTec EQP-1A User Manual 6

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

1.4 Components WaveShell technology enables us to split Waves processors into smaller plug-ins, which we call components. Having a choice of components for a particular processor gives you the flexibility to choose the configuration best suited to your material. The PuigTec EQP-1A has two component processors: • PuigTec EQP-1A Stereo – A 3-band passive stereo equalizer • • PuigTec EQP-1A Mono – A 3- band passive mono equalizer Waves PuigTec EQP-1A User Manual 7

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Chapter 2 – Quickstart Guide • The Low Frequency band offers a low shelf for Boost and/or Attenuation at four cutoff points. While Boost and Attenuation work on the same cutoff frequency, they do not cancel one another out when applied simultaneously; rather, they create a resonant shelf. • Hi Band Boost offers a high bell boost with 7 cutoff points and adjustable Q (bandwidth control). • Hi Band Attenuation offers high shelf attenuation at 3 cutoff points. • Gain

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Chapter 3 – Interface and Controls 3.1 PuigTec EQP-1A Interface Waves PuigTec EQP-1A User Manual 9

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

3.2 PuigTec EQP-1A Controls Low Band Boost Range 0 to 11 (18dB boost, 0.1 steps) Default 0 Low Band Atten Range 0 to 11 (18dB attenuation, 0.1 steps) Default 0 Low Band Frequency Filter type Shelf Cutoff points 20Hz, 30Hz, 60Hz, 100Hz Default 30Hz Hi Bell Boost Range 0-11 (20 dB boost, 0.1 steps) Default 0dB Hi Bell Bandwidth (Q) Range 0-11 (0=sharp, 11=wide) Default 0 Hi Bell Frequency Range 3kHz, 4kHz, 5kHz, 8kHz, 10kHz, 12kHz, 16kHz

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

High Shelf Atten Range 0 to 11 (18dB attenuation, 0.1 steps) Default 0 High Shelf Frequency (Atten Sel) Range 5kHz, 10kHz, 20kHz Default 20kHz In turns the EQ on/off but leaves the analog modeling. Range On/Off Default On Mains controls analog characteristics caused by noise floor and hum, based on the power supplies of the original units. Range Off, 50Hz, 60Hz Default 60 Hz Gain controls the trim level. Range -18dB to +18dB (in 0.1dB st

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Chapter 4 – The WaveSystem 4.1 The WaveSystem Toolbar All Waves processors feature the WaveSystem toolbar which takes care of most administrative functions you will encounter while working with your Waves software. The features of the WaveSystem toolbar are the same on practically all Waves processors, so familiarity with its features will be helpful whichever processor you are using. Toolbar Functions Undo Undoes the last 32 performed action. The PuigTec supports multiple undo

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Loading Presets and Setups Click-and-hold on the Load button to see the Load pop-up menu. The menu is divided into four sections. If a section is not currently available it will not appear in the Load pop-up menu. Open Preset File… Select to open any setup or preset file, whether from the Library or your own creations. ‘Filename.xps’: Displays any currently loaded Setup File and its presets. Factory Presets: Displays the default Factory Presets. User Presets: Displays any loaded U

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Deleting Presets You may delete User Presets and presets within a Setup File. Factory Presets and Setup Library files cannot be deleted or overwritten. 1. Hold the Command (Mac)/Control (PC) key down. 2. Click-and-hold the Load button to see the pop-up menu. 3. While still holding the Command/Control key, select the preset or setup to delete. 4. A confirmation box will appear, allowing you to cancel or ‘OK’ the deletion. A/B Comparison and Copying The Setup A/Setup B button m

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Value Window Buttons Value windows display the value of a control and allow click-and-drag adjustment, or direct control via the keyboard. • Using the mouse, click-and-drag on the value window to adjust. Some value windows support left/right, some up/down (as you hover over a button, arrows will appear to let you know which direction of movement that button supports). • Using the arrow keys, click once with mouse to select the button, and then use up/down – left/right (depending o

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

TAB Functions TAB moves the ‘selected’ status to the next control, with shift-TAB moving in the reverse direction. Additionally, the Mac has an option-TAB function for ‘down’ movement and shift-option-TAB for ‘up’ movement where applicable. If you have several Value Window Buttons selected, TAB functions will take you through the selected controls only. Waves PuigTec EQP-1A User Manual 16

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Appendix A – PuigTec EQP-1A Controls Control Range Default Low Band Boost 0 to 11 (18 dB boost, 0.1 steps) 0 Low Band Atten 0 to 11 (18 dB boost, 0.1 steps) 0 Low Band Frequency 20Hz, 30Hz, 60Hz, 100Hz 30Hz Hi Bell Boost 0 to 11 (18 dB boost, 0.1 steps) 0 Hi Bell Bandwidth (Q) 0 to 11 (0=sharp 11=wide, 0 0.1 steps) Hi Bell Frequency 3kHz, 4kHz, 5kHz, 8kHz, 10kHz 3kHz 12kHz, 16kHz High Shelf Atten 0 to 11 (18 dB boost, 0.1 steps) 0 High Shelf Frequency 5kHz, 10kHz, 20kHz 20kHz (

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