TANDBERG Codec C90 D14306.01 user manual

User manual for the device TANDBERG Codec C90 D14306.01

Device: TANDBERG Codec C90 D14306.01
Category: Stereo Receiver
Manufacturer: TANDBERG
Size: 6.06 MB
Added : 5/5/2014
Number of pages: 26
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TANDBERG Codec C90 D14306.01 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to TANDBERG Codec C90 D14306.01. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 14

What’s in this guide? Getting started M Ma ak kiin ng c g ca allllss Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing Making calls using the recent calls list If you have called somebody, or somebody has called you, this will be listed in the list of recent calls. To gain access to the Rceent aclls list, just press the key on the remote control. You may also copy entries in the recent calls list to your phone book—see Using the phone book for details. The icons used Select what type

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls U Us sin ing t g th he p e ph ho on ne b e bo oo o kk In-call features Video conferencing Chapter 3 Phone book usage D14306.01 USER GUIDE TANDBERG CODEC C90—NOVEMBER 2008 15

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls U Us sin ing t g th he p e ph ho on ne b e bo oo o kk In-call features Video conferencing Basic phone book features Opening the phone book: Your TANDBERG Codec C90 contains a phone book functionality, which is very similar to what you find in a mobile phone. It contains a section in which you can add your own list of contacts, and most corporate solutions will also include a corporate phone list. This latter list is normally installed and main

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls U Us sin ing t g th he p e ph ho on ne b e bo oo o kk In-call features Video conferencing Searching in the phone book Quick search by letters To search for an entry in the phone book, navigate to where you assume While the My contacts may contain up to 200 entries, the entire phone the entry resides. Any search will be done within the folder your cursor at book (which may include server based corporate directories) can be present is located

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls U Us sin ing t g th he p e ph ho on ne b e bo oo o kk In-call features Video conferencing Adding new contacts to the phone book Adding an entry manually to My contacts: Open the phone book by pressing the key on the remote control. New contacts can be added to My contacts only. Other entries must be entered by you system administrator. Navigate to My contacts: Press the key to show the contents of My contacts. A softkey named New contact wil

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls U Us sin ing t g th he p e ph ho on ne b e bo oo o kk In-call features Video conferencing Editing existing entries in the phone book Editing entries in the phone book Open the phone book. Since only entries in My contacts may be subject You may edit and delete entries in My contacts any time. Since updates to editing, navigate to My contacts and press the key to open it. in the corporate phone book(s) made by your system administrator will no

Summary of the content on the page No. 1

What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing
User Guide

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

W W hh aatt’’s i s in t n th hiis g s gu uid id ee ?? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing What’s in this user guide? Quick search by letters ................................ 17 Getting started Adding new contacts to the phone book ........ 18 Waking up the system ...................................... 4 Adding an entry from recent calls The TRC5 remote control ................................. 5 or the phone book ...............................

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

What’s in this guide? G Ge ettttiin ng s g stta arrtteed d Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing Chapter 1 Getting started D14306.01 USER GUIDE TANDBERG CODEC C90—NOVEMBER 2008 3

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

What’s in this guide? G Ge ettttiin ng s g stta arrtteed d Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing Waking up the system After wake-up, the screen will typically look like this: To make a call you need to wake up the system from standby. However, if someone calls you, the system will wake up by itself. The IP number of your system is Date and • To wake up the system just pick up the remote control or press any the dial-in number of your system. time of day. key.

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

What’s in this guide? G Ge ettttiin ng s g stta arrtteed d Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing The TRC5 remote control The function keys in the upper part of the remote control reflects the softkeys on screen... ... and the middle part of the remote control is used to handle the video part of the call ... while the lower part of the remote control resembles very much the keypad of a cell phone. FUNCTION KEYS: Each key reflects a soft key on screen and repr

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

What’s in this guide? G Ge ettttiin ng s g stta arrtteed d Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing PHONE BOOK: Press Alphanumeric keypad: Use the keypad in the same way LAYOUT: Press the as you would use a cell phone. the key to display key to display the the phone book. Layout menu, then select a view in the menu. 0-9, a-z, period (.), @, space, *: Press a key repeatedly to toggle HOME: Press between the options the key to go displayed on each key

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

What’s in this guide? G Ge ettttiin ng s g stta arrtteed d Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing Navigating in the menus Example showing a submenu produced by pressing the right a RRwo key. Your TANDBERG Codec C90 is operated by means of the remote control. All you need to know to get started are a few basic navigation principles. The little triangle • Press the home key ( ) to show the home menu. indicates that • The a RRwo keys in the center of the upper p

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In In--c ca alll f l fe ea attu urree ss V Vid ideeo c o coonn fe ferr eenn ccin in gg Chapter 4 In-call features D14306.01 USER GUIDE TANDBERG CODEC C90—NOVEMBER 2008 20

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

What’s in this guide? G Ge ettttiin ng s g stta arrtteed d Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing Entering text in text fields Using the number keys in text fields Some menu fields expect text information to be entered. Apart from the Whenever text entries are expected by the system, a small abc or need to enter the number or identity of the person you want to call, you will ABC appears in the right lower corner of the entry field. For entry fields also—among o

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

What’s in this guide? G Ge ettttiin ng s g stta arrtteed d Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing Screen layout options for single screen Layout control outside a call is limited to the choice between showing selfview and showing a wallpaper... The layout of the screen for single screen configurations can be changed as shown here. • To produce display options screen, press the outyla ( ) key • Use the a RRwo keys to move between the alternatives and use to se

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

What’s in this guide? G Ge ettttiin ng s g stta arrtteed d Making calls Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing Screen layout options for dual screen Layout control used during a call will depend on how many participants there are in the call. Note that the use of external infrastructure equipment The layout of the screen for dual screen configurations can be changed as may open up for calls with many participants. The layout of these calls shown here. may be controlled by t

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

What’s in this guide? Getting started M Ma ak kiin ng c g ca allllss Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing Chapter 2 Making calls D14306.01 USER GUIDE TANDBERG CODEC C90—NOVEMBER 2008 11

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

What’s in this guide? Getting started M Ma ak kiin ng c g ca allllss Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing Making calls by dialing the number When someone is calling Observe that the term “number” has a wide definition here; you may use Respond to an incoming call by pressing the key on the remote control to the procedure outlined on this page to call people by their alphanumeric accept it, or press the key to reject it. address as well, for example: “alice.wonderland@my

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

What’s in this guide? Getting started M Ma ak kiin ng c g ca allllss Using the phone book In-call features Video conferencing Making calls using phone book Method 2: Making use of the phone book is time saving and prevents you from Press the key to produce the acll menu, inadvertently calling the wrong number. if needed. Position the cursor at Call and The entries, often referred to as contacts, are sorted alphabetically. press to produce the submenu… Method 1: ...then navigate down to

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