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CICS® Transaction Server for OS/390® IBM
CICS Customization Guide
Release 3
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CICS® Transaction Server for OS/390® IBM CICS Customization Guide Release 3 SC33-1683-02
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Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page xvii. Third edition (March 1999) This edition applies to Release 3 of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, program number 5655-147, and to all subsequent versions, releases, and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make sure you are using the correct edition for the level of the product. This edition replaces and makes obsolete the previous edition, S
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Contents Notices ........................... xvii Programming interface information ................. xviii Trademarks.......................... xix Preface ........................... xxi What this book is about ..................... xxi Who this book is for....................... xxi What you need to know to understand this book ............ xxi How to use this book ...................... xxi Notes on terminology ...................... xxi Syntax notation and conventions used in this book ....
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Exit XBMIN......................... 28 Exit XBMOUT........................ 28 The field element table structure................. 29 Programming the XBMIN exit .................. 30 Programming the XBMOUT exit ................. 30 Bridge facility exit ....................... 32 Exit XFAINTU........................ 32 Data tables management exits XDTRD, XDTAD, and XDTLC ....... 33 Exit XDTRD ........................ 33 Exit XDTAD......................... 36 Exit XDTLC......................... 37 DB
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Modifying user arguments ................... 95 File control file state program exits XFCSREQ and XFCSREQC ...... 96 Exit XFCSREQ ....................... 97 Exit XFCSREQC.......................100 File control open/close program exit XFCNREC ............105 Exit XFCNREC .......................106 File control quiesce receive exit, XFCVSDS..............107 Exit XFCVSDS .......................108 File control quiesce send exit XFCQUIS ...............110 File control recovery program exits XFCBFAIL,
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Exit XSTOUT........................180 System recovery program exit XSRAB................182 Exit XSRAB.........................182 System termination program exit XSTERM ..............186 Exit XSTERM........................186 Temporary storage domain exits XTSQRIN, XTSQROUT, XTSPTIN, and XTSPTOUT.........................187 Exit XTSQRIN........................187 Exit XTSQROUT.......................188 Exit XTSPTIN........................190 Exit XTSPTOUT.......................191 Temporary st
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Introduction to the task-related user exit mechanism (the adapter)......249 The stub program .......................250 Returning control to the application program.............251 Task-related user exits and EDF.................252 The task-related user exit program .................252 User exit parameter lists....................253 The schedule flag word ....................265 Register handling in the task-related user exit program.........266 Addressing-mode implications..................26
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The INQUIRE_PARAMETERS call ................329 The SET_PARAMETERS call ..................329 Monitoring functions.......................330 The MONITOR call......................330 The INQUIRE_MONITORING_DATA call..............333 Program management functions ..................334 The INQUIRE_PROGRAM call..................335 The INQUIRE_CURRENT_PROGRAM call .............341 The SET_PROGRAM call ...................343 The START_BROWSE_PROGRAM call ..............346 The GET_NEXT_PROGRAM call...
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Rewriting user-replaceable programs ................401 Assembling and link-editing user-replaceable programs..........402 User-replaceable programs and the storage protection facility .......405 Execution key for user-replaceable programs ............405 Data storage key for user-replaceable programs ...........406 Chapter 6. Writing a program error program.............407 The sample programs and copy books................410 Chapter 7. Writing a transaction restart program...........411 The DF
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The node error program in an XRF environment ...........480 The node error program with persistent session support ........481 Changing the recovery notification ................481 Changing the recovery message.................482 Changing the recovery transaction ................482 Using the node error program with VTAM generic resources........482 Chapter 10. Writing a program to control autoinstall of terminals ....485 Preliminary considerations ....................485 Coding entries in the
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Installing shipped terminals and connections .............523 CICS-generated aliases ....................524 Resetting the terminal identifier .................524 The autoinstall control program at INSTALL..............525 The communications area at INSTALL for shipped terminals.......526 The autoinstall control program at DELETE..............528 Default actions of the sample programs ...............529 Chapter 14. Writing a program to control autoinstall of Client virtual terminals ............
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Changing the transaction ID...................560 Telling CICS whether to route or terminate a DPL request........560 If an error occurs in route selection................561 Invoking the dynamic routing program at end of routed requests .....561 Modifying the application’s input communications area.........561 Monitoring the application’s output communications area ........562 Some processing considerations.................562 Unit of work considerations...................562 Parameters passed
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DFHWOSM FUNC=CLOSE macro ................616 DFHWOSM FUNC=DSECT macro ................616 DFHWOSM FUNC=JJC macro..................616 DFHWOSM FUNC={JJS|QJJS} macro...............617 DFHWOSM FUNC=OPEN macro.................618 DFHWOSM FUNC=OSCMD macro................618 DFHWOSM FUNC=READ macro.................619 DFHWOSM FUNC=TERM macro.................622 Customizing the sample overseer program ..............623 Loop or wait detection.....................624 Assembling and link-editing the overs
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Part 6. Customizing CICS compatibility interfaces...............689 Chapter 26. Using TCAM with CICS................691 CICS with TCAM SNA......................692 Protocol management.....................692 Function management header processing..............693 Batch processing.......................694 Error processing for batch logical units...............694 Error processing.......................694 The TCAM application program interface...............694 The CICS-TCAM interface ...........
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Chapter 29. Writing a “good night” program ............733 The sample “good night” program, DFH0GNIT.............735 What the sample program does .................736 Customizing the sample program.................736 Part 8. Examining and modifying resource attributes .............739 Chapter 30. User programs for the system definition utility program (DFHCSDUP) ........................741 An overview of DFHCSDUP....................741 DFHCSDUP as a batch program..................742 Writing a p
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Index............................823 Sending your comments to IBM .................841 xvi CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide
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Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, o
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The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Programming License Agreement, or any equivalent agreement between us. This book contains sample programs. Permission is hereby granted to copy and store the sample programs into a data processing machine and to use the stored copies for study and instruction only. No permission is granted to use the sample programs for any ot