Sony infoLITHIUM NP-FR1 user manual

User manual for the device Sony infoLITHIUM NP-FR1

Device: Sony infoLITHIUM NP-FR1
Category: Camera Accessories
Manufacturer: Sony
Size: 0.58 MB
Added : 6/21/2014
Number of pages: 2
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Sony infoLITHIUM NP-FR1 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sony infoLITHIUM NP-FR1. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

* L’indication peut manquer de précision en fonction * Je nach Zustand und Umgebungsbedingungen, in •Para evitar accidentes causados por cortocircuitos, • Om schade door kortsluiting te voorkomen, dient u • Utsätt aldrig batteriet för temperaturer över 60 °C,
3-091-885-13 (1)
Uso efficace del blocco batteria
des conditions et de l’environnement d’utilisation de denen das Gerät eingesetzt wird, ist die Anzeige evite que objetos metálicos, como un collar, entren te zorgen dat er geen metal

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

•A vida útil da bateria varia de acordo com a forma Specifikationer  NP-FT1 Pусский 한국어 de armazenamento, as condições de operação e o NP-FT1 ambiente para cada bateria recarregável. Max. udgangsspænding: 4,2 V jævnstrøm / Middel Благодарим за покупку перезаряжающегося          ! "#  Sony 충전식 배터리 팩을 구입해 주셔서 눀단히 감사합니 udgangsspænding: 3,6 V jævnstrøm / Kapacitet: 2,4 батарейного блока фирмы Sony. 다.      " ! $ % &!  ' ( )*+ ,- ./ ,0 Nã

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