Summary of the content on the page No. 1
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Number Phone Company Service
Date Purchase
Number Serial
Parts Replacement
Service Assistance. Need You
Number Model
Service Call You Before
light oven The
chart Cleaning
oven standard-cleaning the Using
place. handy in together slip sales
oven removable The
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
for to of fire, to or follow l FOR l OF FOR l WINDOWS. FOR l l FOR or if a or on a It of fat a a a l not to for of of l if not or if to to of l or l for or on room. or or a fire from fl+!?d*~ $+iF[ l for a or for a on fire. l or l to if for on l of of a of or l for if or of to a of hot l or to or or for further l . or hot to of of to or hot to For a l a of to fat It door to l to or to a of to food 2 age immediately. spill-
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
l l on or l on or a on a l or l of l door It or, if or on for a a not to or l or or l to A or on of l or of or l a or to l off to a for a l l off l door. hot or l or food. l WOW c - R number 3 Page shown) (not burner Oven I V-I door oven Removable drawer Broiler cooktop) (under p/ate serial and Model bracket Anti-tip seal Heat guide rack Oven burners Surface confrols oven and burner Surface pan reflector Chrome Timer ClocWMinute TGR51 Model
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
WOW , turn to 1. turn In of a of 2. out. a a turn on to OFF. turn if to Timer l not of to l to OFF not turn to a or a fire if a 9 If out OFF. not or or if a It a odor, turn OFF. Wait to hour. a dot for odor to on not If odor to on 2. a For to follow 1. Without turn turn or fire. to l not to to a 2. Without turn turn to a to to of When a to foods to turn to a to OFF. a to or to fry or for to of a to food to not 4 Page position. LITE the
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
oven vent oven door. door from a 1. for on 1. not out to front door lift out. of food 1 to 2 (4-5 cm) of When 2. to hot to to 50-60 to or or of 2. of 3. for 10 food not food on 3. on, food on of to a for 4. to 50-60 5. When turn to OFF. not 4. turn on off to 5. When turn to OFF. 5 Page Control Temperature Oven the done, is baking setting. temperature the maintain and broiling. during will burner oven the baking, During drawer broiler the close Co
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
removable reflector l OFF l not or rust l not or or to or 1. l from 1. off 2. Lift front of to front of of 2. Lift off l not flow of com- lift forward to 3. 3. Wash to follow a or a on a fire or for 4. of 4. 1. to OFF 2. off. 3. or a soft to a soft 4. Wash a soft l not to not first. 5. l not When to or finish. to OFF 6 Page position. the point knobs control all sure make cleaning, After the damage may which cleaners frame. cooktop oven commercia
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
removable oven oven door to to or a on 8 for further 1. on 6. 2. off a soft foil a for foods. or from a of 3. If a OFF foil or a on or a to door. to do or 1. door to first 2. door lift 3. fit of door of l OFF door door foil. on to do or l not foil to floor or to a for 4. for to to If lift off or off, to or a 1. off for 2. foil or 5. foil to 7 Page overs. spill- any catch enough large and centered is the sure Make container. cooktop. Replace
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
OFF to do or WHAT TO HOW TO l off Warm, a soft l not food for or to on finish. not or . Wash Warm, a non- l l not or Warm, a soft l 6). l off Warm, a For food: l from l Wash a l . If a not or not a l not Warm, soft l Wash, l not trim Warm, or l Wash, a soft l Warm, or a l . Wash, l For a Warm, or a . Wash, a for door or l l a l Wash, l Warm, or a l door for . or . door for . on floor to floor l . 9 room. l not to or of foil or l of foil or on to 6
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
oven light on on to turn off l 2. from 1. or to a off or to do or l not to 9 Page injury. cause could glass Broken bulb. the drop careful Be burns. shock electrical in result could supply. power main so Failure bulb. light the the at reconnect appliance in Plug replacing before turned been supply. power main bulb. appliance 40-watt with Replace has oven the power and cool the at disconnect appliance Unplug socket. its bulb light the Remove are bulb light and oven sur
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
If to for WHAT TO DO IF l to l to l or l or In of 4). l if . l to flow to . flow of lor to l to not l to if a . to to l to l or l or In of 4). . a 7 . 8). l l a 7 8). If a for l to lift off or Off l from l on not turn l to l turn. l l If l fits l to fit . for l l a from l or find a a l l fit l When l to for. l When 1 l for to 2 (4-5 cm) on of for l When . 10 Page drawer. broiler the closed drawer. broiler close Completely completely have you
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
If to to 2. If If first Whirlpool Whirlpool a For of of For to 2 or found Whirlpool our 1. Whirlpool to fulfill 4. If not 1. If Whirlpool . Whirlpool from a our of 1-800-253-l 301 1) or of our of to from l or, if or Whirlpool a to If to: 20 Mr. IL 60606 of l turn inform of Whirlpool 2000 M-63 49022 a 3. If a of Whirlpool of a for for of of a to for Whirlpool to fit , OF WILL to or From of WILL to: 1. of 2. to 3. or or 4. to to f