Panasonic HDC-TM300 user manual

User manual for the device Panasonic HDC-TM300

Device: Panasonic HDC-TM300
Category: Camcorder
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Size: 2.03 MB
Added : 8/4/2013
Number of pages: 12
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Panasonic HDC-TM300 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Panasonic HDC-TM300. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1


Summary of the content on the page No. 2

CAMCORDER A S 2009 HDC- H HD DC-T T T TM300 M M3 300 0 “This could well be the the best camcorder released ased all year.” HDC-HS300 – February 09 ★★★★★ ★★ “The TM300’s outdoor shootin tingp ot t te tential e en nt t ti i ia a al l l l is remarkable, with movies full of vivid ivid colour and exceptional detail.” “Stellar images when outdoors and countless manual modes make the TM300 fun to play with.” HDC-TM300 – 6th February 09

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

“So this is a truly stunning ne “ “So thi S s w release from Panasonic, with the best HD image na quality curr qua ently available and a comprehensive set of features for the video making enthusiast. m ” HDC-HS300 – F HD ebruary 09 “Overall, the Panasonic HDC-HS300 offers the best image quality we have yet seen in a consumer HD camcorder, and its enthusiast featur ures ar es are e compr comprehensiv ehensive. e.” ” HDC HDC-HS300 – F HDC-HS300 – F HS30 ebruar ebruary 09

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

HDC HS300 HDC TM300 PANASON C MODEL No & COLOURS BLACK BLACK RECORD NG FORMAT SD Card MEMORY HDD 120GB FORMAT Flash 32GB Sensor 3MOS 3MOS P CTURE Lens Leica Dicomar* Leica Dicomar* QUAL TY Image Processing LSI HD Crystal HD Crystal 5.1 Channel Surround Sound & Zoom Mic YES YES AF Tracking Face Detection O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabiliser Intelligent Scene Selector FUNCT ONAL TY Intelligent Contrast Control Optical Zoom x 12 x 12 YES YES Time Lapse Recording YES YES Colour Night View / Soft Skin M

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

CREATING BEAUTIFUL HD IMAGES Technology that Produces Image Quality You'll Enjoy for Years to Come

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Full-HD images that bring out all the beauty of your memories. High Defi nition vs. Standard Defi nition: What's the Difference? HD images contain 5 times as much info mation as standa d Standar Standar Standard De d De d Defififi nition nition nition High De High De High Defififi nition nition nition images HDTV has 080 ho izontal scan lines SDTV has 576 That t anslates into much highe esolution and much fine detail With HD images on an HDTV pictu es a e so clea and sha p that you can see textu e

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

xpress ve performance w th deta ed mages and fe- ke co our ng HS300 HS200 TM300 SD200 3MOS Sensor deve oped for use n profess ona broadcast The HS300 TM300 HS200 and SD200 feature three of Panason c s equ pment W th a Panason c 3MOS new 1/4 1- nch 3 050 000-p xe MOS sensors One sensor s used camcorder you can capture prec ous events for each of the three pr mary co ours (red green and b ue) w th n beaut fu mages that you enjoy v ew ng each sensor conta n ng an effect ve 2 070 000 mot on-

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

A powerfu new ens for u tra fi ne mage render ng All HD Camcorders New Leica Dicomar Lens The HD camcorders a so ntroduce a new h gh-performance e ca ens n wh ch both reso ut on and contrast have been mproved by refi nements to our ow-d spers on ens and aspher ca ens A mu t -coat ng process app ed to a ens surfaces he ps suppress ghosts and f ar ng so you get sharp cr sp mages even n strong outdoor ght ng The superb render ng ab ty of th s advanced camcorder ens makes t dea for captur ng expr

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Craft mages w th ntu t ve ease HS300 TM300 Manual Ring The manual r ng g ves you easy fi ngert p control over Zoom Just rotate the r ng to zoom n and out You have fu contro of the zoom ng speed and can the focus zoom and exposure sett ngs. You ll fi nd us ng zoom n or out to the prec se degree you want the r ng a much more ntu t ve comfortable user fr endly process than Focus access ng a menu screen. W th the manual r ng and manual operat on the Just rotate the r ng to focus HS300 and TM300 a

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

A prec se way to check the ght ng Accessor ze your camcorder system HS300 HS300 TM300 TM300 On-Screen Assist Handy Functions and Interfaces • Mic Input and Headphone Jack: Zebra Pattern There s a m c nput term na and a A "zebra pattern" s d sp ayed n areas of the headphone jack on the s de of the camcorder frame where the ght ng s excess ve and the P ug n an externa m c or headphones (both mage s over-exposed opt ona ) f des red Br ghtness Level • Electronic Viewfi nder: The ght eve s me

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Camcorder Range from Panasonic 09 HDC-HS300 HDC-TM300 HDC-HS20 HDC-HS200 HDC-SD200 HDC-SD20 WWW.PANASONIC.CO.UK T22594 CC Award Leaflet.indd 12 T22594 CC Award Leaflet.indd 12 16/03/2009 14:21 16/03/2009 14:21 High Defi nition

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