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Font Name PCL Escape Command Courier ((s1p12v0s0b4099T Courier Bold ((s1p12v0s3b4099T Courier Italic ((s1p12v1s0b4099T Courier Bold Italic ((s1p12v1s3b4099T Garamond Antiqua ((s1p12v0s0b4197T Garamond Halbfett ((s1p12v0s3b4197T Garamond Kursiv ((s1p12v1s0b4197T Garamond Kursiv Halbfett ((s1p12v1s1b4197T Line Printer (Roman-8) (8U(s0p16.67h8.5v0s0b0T Line Printer (Latin-1) (0U(s0p16.67h8.
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Font Name PCL Escape Command ((s1p12v0s-3b24623T ITC Bookman Light ITC Bookman Light Italic ((s1p12v1s-3b24623T ((s1p12v0s2b24623T ITC Bookman Demi ITC Bookman Demi Italic ((s1p12v1s2b24623T ((s1p12v4s0b24580T Helvetica Narrow Helvetica Narrow Oblique ((s1p12v5s0b24580T ((s1p12v4s3b24580T Helvetica Narrow Bold Helvetica Narrow Bold Oblique ((s1p12v5s3b24580T ((s1p12v0s0b24703T New Century Scho
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PostScript This WorkCentre supports PS 3 commands that enable the features listed in the following table. Feature Description Media Size This command specifies the size of media on which to print the job. Media Direction This command specifies the edge of the input medium that will enter the printing engine or imager first and across which data will be imaged. Values reflect positions relative to a canonical page in portrait orientation (width smaller than height): Media Source This co
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Feature Description Stapling This command indicates use and location of staple(s). Punch This command indicates hole punches for a print job on a device with hole punch capability. Booklet This command enables you to print documents as small booklets. If available on your printer, you can also have your job folded or stapled. Interleaving Paper Insert blank sheet between OHP sheets. (Transparency Separator) Process Color Model Select process color model (DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, DeviceC
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PostScript Implementation The following table contains the PostScript commands and shows the syntax required to use the feature. Following the table are examples of commands and a PS file. For more details about PostScript commands, refer to the PostScript Language Reference Manual, Third Edition, ISBN 0-201-37992-8. PostScript Print Features/Implementation In the following table, default values are marked with an asterisk (*). Feature Implementation Values Media Size <
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Feature Implementation Values Media <> Where int is one of the following: Direction setpagedevice 0 = Short Edge; top of canonical page 1 = Long Edge; right side of canonical page 2 = Short Edge; bottom of canonical page 3 = Long Edge; left side of canonical page null* = Auto Media Source <> Where int is one of the following: setpagedevice 0 = Tray1 1 = Tray2 2 = Tray3 3 = Tray4 4 = Tray6 null* = Auto(The values with the asterisk is the def
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Xerox Multifunction Devices
Customer Tips
…for the user
October 23, 2008
PDL Reference Guide for the
WorkCentre 5222/5225/5230
Accessing Extended Features
This document enables you to access the extended features of the WorkCentre
This document applies
5222/5225/5230 in environments that do not have a custom print driver.
to the stated Xerox
Note: The commands and syntax used in this document requires familiarity with either
products. It is assumed
PostScript (
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Using this Guide Search the Feature Table to determine whether the feature you wish to use is supported. Verify that the feature is supported by the platform. For example, the WorkCentre must have an optional finisher installed to use stapling commands. Follow across the table to find the syntax listed for the PDL examples shown. Reference the “Dependencies/Caveats” section when working with PS and/or PCL commands. PCL This WorkCentre supports PCL5e and PCL XL emulations that enable th
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PCL/PJL Implementation The following table contains the PCL feature commands and shows the syntax required to use the feature. After the table are examples of how to use these commands and examples of a PCL file. Feature Implementation Values Job Name @PJL SET JOBNAME = Where jobname-string is a maximum of 32 "jobname-string" characters Custom You have to specify by PCL: Width of Custom Paper is specified by Paper Size – &f#I &l101A available only where # equals decipoints
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Feature Implementation Values Media Size @PJL SET PAPER = value Where value is one of the following: A3: A3 (297 x 420mm) A4: A4 (210 x 297mm) A5: A5 (180 x 210mm) JISB4: B4 (257 x 364mm) JISB5: B5 (182 x 257mm) STATEMENT: Statement (5.5 x 8.5”) † EXECUTIVE: Executive (7.25 x 10.5”) LETTER: Letter (8.5 x 11”) JISEXEC: 8.5 x 13” LEGAL: Legal (8.5 x 14”) LEDGER: Tabloid (11 x 17”) COM10: No. 10 Envelope (4.1 x 9.5”) DL: DL Envelope (110 x 220mm) MONARCH: Monarch Envelope (3.9 x 7.5”
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Feature Implementation Values &l int A Where int is one of the following: 27: A3 (297 x 420mm) 26: A4 (210 x 297mm) 25: A5 (180 x 210mm) 46: B4 (257 x 364mm) 45: B5 (182 x 257mm) 41: Statement (5.5 x 8.5”) † 1: Executive (7.25 x 10.5”) 2: Letter (8.5 x 11”) 18: 8.5 x 13” 3: Legal (8.5 x 14”) 6: Tabloid (11 x 17”) 81: No. 10 Envelope (4.1 x 9.5”) 90: DL Envelope (110 x 220mm) 80: Monarch Envelope (3.9 x 7.5”) 91: C5 Envelope (162 x 229mm) 101: Custom paper †: Whether
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Feature Implementation Values &l int H Where int is one of the following: 0: Feed paper from default tray 4: Tray1 1: Tray2 5: Tray3 8: Tray4 7 or 20 = Auto 2 or 3 or 6 = Tray5 (Bypass) 21: Tray6 Output @PJL SET OUTBIN = value Where value is one of the following: Location UPPER: Center output tray (w/o finisher) MAINTRAY: Center output tray (w/o finisher) CENTERTRAY: Center output tray (w/o finisher) MAINTRAY2: Center output tray (w/ B- Finisher) LOWER: Side Tray (facing
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Feature Implementation Values Media Class <> Where string is one of the following or null*: setpagedevice stationary = Plain used = Plain Reload recycled = Recycled transparency = Transparencies thin = Lightweight (56-63g/m2) label = Labels thick1 = Heavyweight 1 (106-169g/m2) thick2 = Heavyweight 2 (170-216g/m2) user1 = Custom 1 user2 = Custom 2 user3 = Custom 3 user4 = Custom 4 user5 = Custom 5 holed = Punched letterhead = Letterhead preprinted = Pre-Prin
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Feature Implementation Values Image <> 1* = Activate image enhancement >> setpagedevice Toner Save <> 1 = Lighten output density, toner saving >> setpagedevice Halftone <
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Feature Implementation Values Booklet @PJL SET JOBATTR = Where value1 is one of the following: “@BKLT = value1” NONEDIVIDE: Compile a booklet as long as the number of sheet does not exceed the limit MANUALDIVIDE: Divide sheets based on the specified limit manually(The number of sheets is specified with “@BKDN”). OFF: Do not compile a booklet Where value2 is one of the following: @PJL SET JOBATTR = RIGHT = Right / Bottom Bind “@BKSG = value2” LEFT = Left / Top Bind
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Feature Implementation Values &l int O Where int is one of the following: 0: Portrait 1: Landscape 2: Reverse Portrait 3: Reverse Landscape Force short @PJL SET Where value is one of the following: edge feeding PAPERDIRECTION = value SEF: Short Edge Feed LEF: Long Edge Feed Job Mode @PJL JOB MODE = value Where value is one of the following: PRINTER for Printer Job Type @PJL SET HOLD = value1 Where value1 is one of the following: See Example 3,4 PROOF: proof print STORE: conf
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Feature Implementation Values Banner Sheet @PJL SET JOBATTR= Where value is one of the following: "@BANR=value" START: start sheet DEVICE: depend on device setting OFF: no banner sheet @PJL SET JOBATTR= Where string is a maximum of 255 characters "@BCMT=comment string" (ASCII characters in the range 20h - 7Eh are allowed Only) as comment for banner. PJL Template This section illustrates a standard PJL template that is used to access general print features as well as WorkCent
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Example 3 Finishing Options (Punch) %-12345X@PJL JOB MODE=PRINTER @PJL SET OUTBIN=OUTPIN101 @PJL SET FINISH=ON @PJL SET PUNCH=LEFT @PJL SET JOBATTR="@PNHN=TWO" Example 4 Finishing Options (Saddle stapling and folding) It is an example of division in every 5 sheets. %-12345X@PJL JOB MODE=PRINTER @PJL SET OUTBIN=BOOKLETTRAY @PJL SET FINISH=ON @PJL SET STAPLE=SADDLE @PJL SET JOBATTR="@FOLD=BIFOLDMULTIOUT
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Example 8 Confidential (Secure) Print without encryption Password: 1234 %-12345X@PJL JOB MODE=PRINTER @PJL SET HOLD=STORE @PJL SET HOLDKEY="1234" @PJL SET USERNAME="John" @PJL SET JOBNAME="Job1" Example 9 Banner Sheet banner: start sheet @PJL SET JOBATTR="@BANR=START" @PJL SET JOBATTR="@BCMT=Banner Comment String" Example 10 Job Based Accounting & Auditron userID: Patricia, Password: none, accountID: none %-123
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PCL/PJL Feature Dependencies/Caveats All PJL commands must be in the first 2,500 bytes of the job. To combine printer escape commands (not including PJL commands): The first two characters after the MUST be the same. All alpha characters MUST be lowercase, except the final terminating character. The commands are read left to right. Combine commands in the order you wish them to execute. For example, combine print 5 copies (&|5X) and use letter size (&|2A) as &|5x2A