Summary of the content on the page No. 1
ORDER NO.KM60108623C0
Laser Printer
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Summary of the content on the page No. 2
KX-P7100 2
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
KX-P7100 CONTENTS Page Page 1 Introduction 4 6.5. RelayBoard(B) 86 1.1. Specifications 4 6.6. TonerEmptySensorBoard 87 1.2. Indicators 9 7 ComponentReferenceGuide 88 1.3. PartsIdentification 11 7.1. IC1(MainControlCPU) 88 1.4. ComponentLayoutandPaperPath 12 7.2. IC2(Inverters) 88 1.5. ElectricalComponentsandSensorBoards 13 7.3. IC3(GDIASIC) 89 1.6. SwitchesandSolenoids 14 7.4. IC5(DRAM) 90 1.7. PrintProcess 15 7.5. IC6(ASIC) 91 1.8. PaperFeed 17 7.6. IC8(USBChip) 92 1.9. LaserScanUnit
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KX-P7100 1 Introduction 1.1. Specifications 1.1.1. Printer 4
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KX-P7100 1.1.2. Paper 5
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KX-P7100 1.1.3. Interface,Options,Accessories,andSupplies 6
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KX-P7100 1.1.4. Others AboutMedia AvailableMediaandMediaSize AvailablePaperWeightsandCapacity 7
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KX-P7100 Recommended Media Transparency: · To avoid damaging the printer, do not use ink jet transparency. · Transparencies and adhesive material of labels should be stable at 205°C ( 400°F ), the printer’s maximum temperature. · Re-using transparencies that have been fed through the printer once ( for example, after jams or if the transparency is ejected without being printed ) can reduce the life of the consumables and paper path components. · When using transparencies, if the prin
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KX-P7100 1.2. Indicators 1.2.1. PrinterPanel 1.2.2. Indicators/Button Threeindicatorsshowthefollowingprinter’sstatus. Fordetailedinformationontheprinterstatusandrecovery,seeSection9.1. 9
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KX-P7100 10
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KX-P7100 1.3. PartsIdentification 1.3.1. FrontSideView 1.3.2. RearSideView 11
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KX-P7100 1.4. ComponentLayoutandPaperPath 12
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KX-P7100 1.5. ElectricalComponentsandSensorBoards 13
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KX-P7100 1.6. SwitchesandSolenoids 14
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KX-P7100 1.7. PrintProcess 1.7.1. Charge Thechargecoronaappliesahigh,uniformpositivechargetothesurfaceoftheorganicphotoconductor(OPC)drum.Thecharge levelisapproximately900VDCandremainsbecausetheOPCdrumhasahighelectricalresistancewhenconcealedindarkness. 1.7.2. Exposure Thelaserbeampassesthroughthecollimatorlens,isreflectedbythepolygonmirror,andisfocusedontothedrumafterpassing throughanimage-forming( )lensandareflectionmirror.Whereverthelaserbeamstrikesthedrum,thepositivecharge dissipates.Alatent
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KX-P7100 Cleaning: After transfer, residual toner remains on the drum surface, and for next printing, the residual toner reaches to the development area via charge and exposure. The charge level of the OPC corresponds to the white background is +900VDC, andthe bias voltage of the conductive roller is approx. +350VDC. Therefor the positively charged residual toner on the OPC drum is attracted and collected to the conductive roller. The charge level of OPC after exposure is +100VDC. So,the printin
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KX-P7100 1.8. PaperFeed MediaTray Themainmotordrivesthepickuprollerafterthepickupsolenoidisenergized,whichengagesthepickuprollerclutchandfeedsa sheetofpaper.Thepaperispushedtothepaperfeedroller,whichoverdrivesthepaperslightlycausingabuckletoensurethe paperisalignedwiththestationaryregistrationroller. WhiletriggeringtheregistrationsensornotifyingtheCPUpaperisreadytofeed.Thepaperatthispointisthesameasmanual feed. ManualFeed whenpaperisinserted,itactivatestheregistrationsensor.Attheportertime,theCP
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KX-P7100 1.9. LaserScanUnit(Exposure) 1.9.1. OperationTheory Thelightbeamfromthelaserdiode(lightsource)ismodulatedbythedigitalsignal(nVIDEO)andconvertedtoparallellightwaves bythecollimatorlens.Thebeamisthensenttotherotatingpolygonmirror(polygonscanner),whereitisreflectedthroughthe lensandthenfocusedontotheOPCdrumsurface.Thediameterofthebeamisabout80μm,andthelightmovesacrossthe surfaceoftheOPCdruminthescanningdirectionofrighttoleft.Asthedrumrotates(sub-scans),astaticimageisformedwhere thelaserbea
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KX-P7100 1.9.3. CollimatorLens Thecollimatorlensconvertslightfromthelaserdiodetoparallellight.Thisaidsinscanningandprovidesbetterconvergencetoa dot. 1.9.4. PolygonScanner Thepolygonscannerconsistsofa6-sidedmirrordirectlydrivenbyabrushlessDCmotoratarate20,078.74rpm.Thelaserbeam isreflectedacrosstheOPCdrumbythemirrorfacesandproducesthescan.Onemirrorfaceisequaltoonemainscan.Thisunit featuresstablelinescanningspeed,precisionmirrorsurfacereflectionangle,reflect-freesurfaces,andinstantstart. PolygonSc
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KX-P7100 1.10. FuserUnit A600Wheatlamp(halogenlamp)heatsthesurfaceoftheteflon-coatedheatrollertoapproximately190°C(374°F),athermistor monitorstheheatrollertemperature,andtheCPUcontrolstheON/OFFtimingofthelamp. Thethermostatismounted2.5mmawayfromtheheatroller.Iftheambienttemperaturereaches180°C(356°F),thethermostat isopened,andpowerisremovedfromtheheatlamp.Thesurfaceofthethermostatisnotashotasthatoftheheatroller.When the thermostat opens, the surface of the heat roller mayreach 200°C (382°F ),and