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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Avery MONARCH 9855. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.
Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1
XML QUICK REFERENCE This Quick Reference lists the XML-enabled tags that the Monarch® 9825®, 9855® or 9860™ printers can interpret. Your printer has one of the following options: ♦ Oracle® WMS (Warehouse Management) print jobs ♦ SAP NetWeaver® Auto-ID (RFID) Infrastructure (AII-DC-RFID) The following table lists the software versions that support the XML options.
XML Options 9825 9855 9860 Oracle® WMS (Warehouse Management) print jobs 2.8 5.0 5.0 SAP NetWeaver® Auto-ID (RFID) 2.8
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Defining the Format Header Use this section with either XML-enabled option. A Format Header begins a format file. Syntax {F,format#,action,device,measure,length, width,"name"¦ F1. F Format Header. F2. format# Number from 1-999 to identify the format. F3. action Enter A to add a new format to the printer. F4. device Format storage device. Use F (Flash). F5. measure Unit of measure: E (English), M (Metric), or G (Graphic Dots). Printer Unit of Measure Length Width 9855/9860 Eng
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
Using Option 21 (Define Extended Field Names) Use this section with either XML-enabled option. Option 21 defines names for each field in a format, which can be longer than eight characters. Syntax R,21,"field_name"¦ R1. R Option Header. R2. 21 Option 21. R3. field_name Specifies the field name. Must be enclosed within quotations. The name can be up to 256 characters, excluding non-printable control characters and the quotation mark ("). This name must match the one specified in
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
When you turn on the printer, you see WMS XML Mode Ready When you print test labels, the model number appears as M9855X, for example. Supported Tags – Oracle WMS Print Jobs There are three supported XML tags for Oracle Warehouse Management print jobs. The printer ignores any other XML tags/attributes not defined in this document and no error is reported. Syntax lab
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
Sample MPCL Format {F,1,A,F,E,400,400,"XML_FORMAT_ONE" ¦ T,1,25,V,20,20,0,1,1,1,B,L,0,0¦ R,21,"TEXT_FIELD_XML"¦ B,2,30,V,100,20,8,8,75,0,L,0¦ R,21,"CODE_128_BARCODE_FIELD_XML"¦} This MPCL format uses: ♦ format – XML_FORMAT_ONE ♦ text field – TEXT_FIELD_XML ♦ bar code field – CODE_128_BARCODE_FIELD_XML. Sample XML Print Job