AEG 6000BP user manual

User manual for the device AEG 6000BP

Device: AEG 6000BP
Category: Power Supply
Manufacturer: AEG
Size: 3.98 MB
Added : 12/30/2013
Number of pages: 76
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AEG 6000BP User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to AEG 6000BP. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

OPerating instructiOns
Protect D.
Protect D. 6000 (BP)
Protect D. 10000 (BP)

Summary of the content on the page No. 2


Summary of the content on the page No. 3

3 t hank you for purchasing the Protect D. uPs from aeg Power solutions. t he following safety precautions are an important part of these operating instructions. t hey are designed to help you avoid problems caused by operating errors and to protect you against any possible hazards. Please read these instructions carefully before using the product for the first time!

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

4 Contents 1. n otes on these operating instructions ............................................. 6 2. General Information .......................................................................... 8 2.1 technology ........................................................................................................8 2.2 system description ............................................................................................9 2.3 technical data .........................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

5 7.3.2 event log .................................................................................................49 7.3.3 Measurements ........................................................................................50 7.3.4 c ontrol ....................................................................................................50 7.3.5 identification ...........................................................................................51 7.3.6 settings ...................

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

6 1. n otes on these o PeRAt In G Inst RuCt Ions Olb igati ON t O Pr Oiv DE iNstrc u ti ONs t hese operating instructions are designed to help you properly and safely install and operate the following uninterruptible Power supply (uPs) systems: Protect D. 6000 and Protect D. 10000, as well as the corresponding external battery units, Protect D. 6000 BP and Protect D. 10000 BP, hereinafter collectively referred to as Protect D. t his operating instructions contain important information on avo

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

7 h a NDli Ng t he Protect D. is designed and constructed so that all of the steps that need to be taken for its installation and operation can be done without having to open the device. a ny maintenance or repairs are to be performed by qualified technicians only. illustrations are included to make certain steps clearer and easier to understand. if there is any potential danger to personnel or equipment while performing certain work, these activities are accompanied by pictograms, whose m

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

8 2. Gene RAl Info RMAt Ion 2.1 tE ch NOl Ogy Protect D. is an uninterruptible power supply (uPs) for rack mounted loads such as Pc s, workstations, servers, network components and similar devices, consisting of: • n etwork filter with surge protection (device protection / c lass D) and mains back-feed protection • r ectifier with PFc -logic (power factor correction unit) • separate input possibilities for rectifier and bypass (Dua L or sing Le input) • separate intelligent battery charger w

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

9 Fig. 1: Component diagram 2.2 syst Em DEscri Pti ON t he uPs is connected between the public network and the power load segment to be protected. t he rectifier is powered from the mains and converts the ac voltage into a stabilized Dc voltage to feed the inverter. t he circuitry technology used (PFc ), enables sinusoidal current consumption, thus allowing a low circuit feedback operation. a separate, second rectifier (charger) based on switching power supply technology, recharges or main

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

10 in the event of mains problems (e.g. power outages), power is supplied to the load segment without an interruption from the inverter, which now uses the battery. since no switching is required, the load segment experiences no power supply interruption at all. t he automatic bypass provides increased power supply security for single installations in particular by switching the public network, e.g. in the event of an inverter malfunction, through to the load segment directly and without

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

11 2.3 tE ch Nical Data type rating Protect D. 6000 6000 Va (cos ϕ = 0.9 lag) 5400 W Protect D. 10000 10000 Va (cos ϕ = 0.9 lag) 9000 W uPs input 1ph~ / n / Pe (Dua L in Put ) n ominal input voltage 200 / 208 / 220 / 230 / 240 Vac Rectifier voltage range 176 Vac – 276 Vac (without battery operation, 100 % load, cos ϕ = 0.9 lag) Rectifier voltage range 120 Vac – 276 Vac (without battery operation 50 % power reduction) Bypass voltage range 184 Vac – 264 Vac f requency 50 Hz / 60 Hz (autom

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

12 o verload behavior to 102 % continuously; with existing network ≥ 102 % – <130 % for 2 min. ≥ 130 % – <150 % for 30 s a utomatic seamless transfer to bypass mode (sBs) o verload behavior to 130 % continuously; Bypass ≥ 130 % – <180 % for 1 min. o verload behavior to 102 % continuously; when on battery ≥ 102 % – <130 % for 10 s ≥ 130 % for 100 ms short circuit protection 3 x i for 100 ms n Battery Autonomy time Coupled (cos ϕ = 0.9 lag / 100 % charged battery / 25°c ) battery module D. 60

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

13 Battery voltage Visual and audible alarm at 1.90 V / cell type of battery sealed lead-acid battery (Vr La ) spec. type for high-current discharge Protect D. 6000 15 blocks at 12 V 5 a h Protect D. 6000 BP 15 blocks at 12 V 9 a h Protect D. 10000 20 blocks at 12 V 9 a h Protect D. 10000 BP 20 blocks at 12 V 9 a h Recharging times ~ 3h to 90 % for internal battery ~9h / ~15h / ~21h / ~27h with 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 battery extension(s) Communication Interfaces rs 232 (su B-D (9-pin)), us B (DuAl Moni

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

14 humidity 0 - 95 % (non-condensing) Installation height up to 1000 m at nominal power (for use above 1000 m, power loss is equal to 1 % per 100 m) Protection iP20 Connections Mains connections Fixed connection (separate connections for (DuAl or sIn Gle ) gr and bypass (bridged)) Consumer connections Protect D. 6000 2 x iec 320 c 13 with automatic locking 1 x iec 320 c 19 (in addition to standard Protect D. 10000 4 x iec 320 c 19 landline) Display g raphic Lc D display, r esolution: 128 x

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

15 Dimensions Protect D. 6000 W 580 mm x D 800 mm x (gross (packaged)) H 540 mm Protect D. 10000 W 580 mm x D 800 mm x H 675 mm Protect D. 6000 BP W 580 mm x D 800 mm x H 355 mm Protect D. 10000 BP W 580 mm x D 800 mm x H 355 mm Guidelines t he Protect D. complies with the en 62040 product standard. t he ce seal on the device confirms compliance with the eg Low Voltage Directive 2006 / 95 / eg and eMc Directive 2004 / 108 / eg for electromagnetic compatibility, if the installation inst

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

16 3. sAfety Re Gul At Ions 3.1 gENE ral saf Ety i Nstrc u ti ONs r ead these operating instructions carefully before using the uPs Protect D. and its external battery modules (special accessories) for the first time; pay careful attention to the safety precautions! use this device for its intended purpose only and in accordance with the safety instructions and danger warnings in this instruction manual! t he device is to be used only when it is in perfect working condition; correct any prob

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

17 t he uPs is an electrical device that can be dangerous. t he device should only be opened by qualified personnel. r epairs should only be carried out by qualified service personnel! t he output can also be electrically charged, even if the uPs is not connected to the mains power supply. t he uPs has its own internal power supply (battery)! to ensure operator safety, the device must be properly grounded! t he Protect D. must only be connected and operated with a VDe-approved power cord wi

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

18 • ensure that no liquids or foreign objects enter the housing! • Do not block the ventilation openings of the device! Make sure, for example, that children do not insert anything into the ventilation openings! • n ever connect any household appliances, e.g. a hair dryer, to the uPs! a lso be careful when operating the device with power loads. a ny feedback to the inverter, e.g. due to a short-term generator operation of the load, must be avoided at all costs. • t he power outlet should

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

19 Whenever you work with batteries, please take the following precautions: • r emove all watches, rings and any other metallic jewelry! • use only tools with insulated handles! Do not use connecting blocks with central on / off switches to prevent switch-on current peaks. switch the uPs to “OFF” if you don’t want to use it for a longer period of time. if your company switches off the power, then the Protect D. has to be switched off as well. Otherwise, the battery will run down. to prolong

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

20 3.3 c E c Ertiif cat E

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