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Defintion_DC8i_Data_Sheet_DJ_amends:Layout 1 16/01/2008 11:11 Page 1
Definition Install DC8i
Product Description Features
• 200mm (8.00”) high sensitivity, point source and
The Definition Install DC8i has been designed around the unique Tannoy Dual Concentric™
constant directivity Dual Concentric™ drive unit
drive unit to bring audiophile performance to a wide range of installation applications;
from media rooms to home theatre and boardrooms through to high end marine interiors
• Constant time
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Defintion_DC8i_Data_Sheet_DJ_amends:Layout 1 16/01/2008 11:11 Page 2 Definition Install DC8i TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS System Definition Install DC8i Construction (1) Frequency Range 62Hz - 45kHz Enclosure MDF, vented and internally braced (2) System Sensitivity (1W @1m) 92dB (1W = 2.83V for 8 Ohms) Finish Textured black paint Dispersion (-6dB) 90 degrees conical Connectors 2 x 4mm gold plated binding posts Driver Complement 1 x 200mm (8.00”) point Fittings 8 x M10 bracket inserts, 4 wall plate s
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Defintion_DC8i_Data_Sheet_DJ_amends:Layout 1 16/01/2008 11:11 Page 3 Definition Install DC8i PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS 1m on-axis frequency response 100 90 80 70 60 50 10 100 1000 10000 100000 ANECHOIC frequency (Hz) FREQUENCY RESPONSE Impedance vs frequency 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 10 100 1000 10000 frequency (Hz) IMPEDANCE Horizontal off-axispresponse 100 90 80 0 deg 10 deg 70 20deg 30deg 40deg 60 50 10 100 1000 10000 100000 OFF AXIS frequency (Hz) RESPONSE Tannoy United Kingdom T: 00 44 (0) 1236 420
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Defintion_DC8i_Data_Sheet_DJ_amends:Layout 1 16/01/2008 11:11 Page 4 Definition Install DC8i PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS Vertical off-axis response 100 90 80 0 deg 10 deg 70 20deg 30deg 40deg 60 50 10 100 1000 10000 100000 OFF AXIS frequency (Hz) RESPONSE Beamwidth vs Frequency 360 330 300 270 240 210 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 100 1000 10000 frequency (Hz) BEAMWIDTH DI vs Frequency 100 10 Q 1 100 1000 10000 frequency (Hz) DIRECTIVITY INDEX Tannoy United Kingdom T: 00 44 (0) 1236 420199 E: enquiries@ta
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Defintion_DC8i_Data_Sheet_DJ_amends:Layout 1 16/01/2008 11:11 Page 5 Definition Install DC8i PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS POLAR PLOTS (1/3 OCTAVE) 10 Hz 250Hz 125Hz 315Hz 0 0 160Hz 400Hz 20 Hz 500Hz 330 0 30 330 0 30 -12 -12 300 60 300 60 -24 -24 -36 -36 -48 -48 270 90 270 90 6 63 30 0H Hzz 1 1..6 6 k kH Hz z 8 80 00 0H Hzz 2 2.k 0H kH zz 0 0 1 1.0 kH kH zz 2 2..5 5 k kH Hz z 1 1..2 25 5kk H H zz 3 3..1 15 5 k kH Hz z 330 0 30 330 0 30 -12 -12 300 60 300 60 -24 -24 -36 -36 -48 -48 270 90 270 90 4.0k
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Defintion_DC8i_Data_Sheet_DJ_amends:Layout 1 16/01/2008 11:12 Page 6 Definition Install DC8i PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS POLAR PLOTS (1/3 OCTAVE) 10 Hz 100Hz 2 25 50 0H Hz z 1 12 25 5H Hz z 315Hz 315Hz 0 0 160Hz 160Hz 4 40 00 0H Hz z 2 20 00H Hzz 500Hz 500Hz 330 0 30 330 0 30 -12 -12 300 60 300 60 -24 -24 -36 -36 -48 -48 270 90 270 90 630Hz 1.6 kHz 800Hz 2.0kHz 0 0 1.0kHz 2.5 kHz 1.25kHz 3.15 kHz 330 0 30 330 30 0 -12 -12 300 60 300 60 -24 -24 -36 -36 -48 -48 270 90 270 90 4.0kHz 1.0kHz 5.0kHz 12.5
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Defintion_DC8i_Data_Sheet_DJ_amends:Layout 1 16/01/2008 11:12 Page 7 Definition Install DC8i DIMENSIONAL SKETCHES 22 994.0 4.0mm 215.0 215.0mm 11.57” 8.46” [11.57"] [8.46"] 394.0 394.0mm 15.51” [15.51"] SUPPLIED WALL MOUNTING PLATE 12 10 20.0 .0mm 150.0mm 150.0 150.0 [4.72"] 4.72” 5.91” [5.91"] [5.91"] 909 .0 0m .0m 11 55 00.0 .0mm [3.54"] [5.91"] 3.54” 5.91” Ø5 Ø5.0 .0mm [Ø0.20"] Ø0.20” Fixing hole dimensions Tannoy United Kingdom T: 00 44 (0) 1236 420199 E: Tannoy North A
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Defintion_DC8i_Data_Sheet_DJ_amends:Layout 1 16/01/2008 11:12 Page 8 Definition Install DC8i Architectural specifications The loudspeaker shall consist of a 200mm (8.00”) full range, point source Dual Concentric™ transducer. The low and high frequency elements shall be combined by an internal passive crossover network operating at 1.7kHz with dynamic HF protection. Performance of the loudspeaker, without any electronic control, shall meet or exceed the following criteria: Frequency range measure