User manual for the device Klipsch REFERENCE SURROUND LOUDSPEAKERS

Category: Portable Speaker
Manufacturer: Klipsch
Size: 1.35 MB
Added : 3/29/2014
Number of pages: 20
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Klipsch REFERENCE SURROUND LOUDSPEAKERS. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1


Summary of the content on the page No. 2

REFERENCE SERIES IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS UNPACKING 1. READ these instructions. The easiest way to remove the speaker from its carton is to turn the open side of the box down so that it is resting on a table or the floor, with the flaps spread out and away. Then 2. KEEP these instructions. pull the box straight up and off.Remove any packing material from the speaker, place it 3. HEED all warnings. back in the carton,and store in case you ever need to ship the loudspeaker. 4. FOLLOW all ins

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

To use the ke y h o l e , all you need is a screw head of the a p p r o p r i ate size protruding slight- SPEAKERS TO AMPLIFIER:KEEPING IT STRAIGHT ly from the wall. If possible, the screw should be driven into a wall stud; if not, be sure to use ap p r o p r i ate anchors in the drywall or plaster. (See Figure 3.) One of the most important things about hooking up your speakers is keeping them in the same polarity, or phase. If they are connected out of phase, bass and sound imag i n g will be d

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

REFERENCE SERIES Please call KLIPSCH at 1-800-KLIPSCH for instructions. You will need to ship this product in either its original packaging or packaging affording an equal degree of protection. Proof of purchase in the form of a bill of sale or receipted invoice, which is evidence that this product is within the Warranty period, must be presented or included to obtain Warranty ser v i c e . This Warranty is invalid if (a) the factory - applied serial number has been altered or removed from this

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

IMPORTANTES CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ D É B A L L A G E 1. LIRE ces instructions. La manière la plus simple de retirer l’enceinte de son carton d’emballage est de retourner celui-ci 2. CONSERVER ces instructions. de façon à avoir le côté ouvert posé sur une table ou le sol, avec les ra b ats bien écartés. P u i s 3. RESPECTER tous les avertissements. enlevez le carton en le tirant vers le haut. Retirez tous les matériaux d’emballage autour de l’en- ceinte et remettez-les dans le carton. C o n s e rv

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

REFERENCE SERIES mural direct. Si vous utilisez des équerres, consultez les instructions qui les accompagnent pour ENCEINTES À A M P L I F I C ATEUR : RESPECT DE LA POLARITÉ connaître les détails de montag e .( Voir la figure 2.) Pour utiliser l’encoche en trou de serrure, il suff i t d’une vis à la tête de taille requise qui dépasse légèrement du mur. Dans la mesure du possible, l a Le respect de la polarité ou phase est primordial pour le raccordement des enceintes. En eff e t ,s i vis doit êt

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Pour tout service entrant dans le cadre de la garantie,veuillez prendre contact avec le con- cessionnaire agr KLIPSCH auprès duquel l'article a été acheté.Si le concessionnaire ne dispose pas des moyens d'effectuer la réparation de l'article KLIPSCH,celui-ci peut être renvoyé à KLIPSCH en port payé pour réparation. Veuillez appeler KLIPSCH au 1-800-KLIP- SCH pour recevoir des instructions à ce propos.L'article devra être expédié dans son emballage d'origine ou dans un emballage offrant le même

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

REFERENCE SERIES WICHTIGER SICHERHEITSHINWEIS A U S PA C K E N 1. LESEN Sie diese Anweisungen durch. Die einfachste Methode, den Lautsprecher aus dem Karton zu bringen, besteht darin, die of f e n e 2. BEHALTEN Sie diese Anweisungen. Seite der Schachtel nach unten zu richten, so dass sie auf einem Tisch oder dem Boden aufsitzt, wobei die Deckellaschen nach außen geklappt sind. Ziehen Sie dann den Karton direkt nach 3. BEACHTEN Sie alle Warnhinweise. o b e n . Entfernen Sie das V e r p a c k u n

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Halterungen montieren wollen. (sSiehe A bbildung 2.). Für das Befestigungsloch brauchen Sie nur ES GIBT ANDERE A RTEN SPEZIELLER V E R B I N D U N G E N , DIE DAS ANSCHLIESSEN IHRER einen Schraubenkopf entsprechender Größe, der etwas aus der Wand herv o r s t e h t .B e i L AUTSPRECHER ERLEICHTERN. SETZEN SIE SICH BITTE MIT IHREM KLIPSCH-FACHHÄNDLER IN Gipskartonwänden sollte die Schraube an einem Ständerprofil befestigt werden, ansonsten sind V E R B I N D U N G , DER IHNEN RATSCHLÄGE UND WEITE

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

REFERENCE SERIES LEGGERE QUESTE ISTRUZIONI D I S I M B A L L A G G I O Il metodo più semplice per disimballare l’altoparlante consiste nel capovolgere la scatola in modo 1. CONSERVARLE. che il lato aperto poggi su un tavolo o sul pavimento con i lembi spiegati; a questo punto estraete 2. RISPETTARE tutte le avvertenze. la scatola tirandola verso l’alto. Rimuovete il materiale d’imballaggio dall’altoparlante e dalla g r i g l i a 3. SEGUIRE tutte le istruzioni. e rimettetelo nella scat o l a ,c o

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

MANTENIMENTO DELLA POLARITÀ TRA ALTOPARLANTI E AMPLIFICATORE basta inserire nella parete una vite con una testa di dimensioni adatte,lasciando sporgere quest’ultima leggermente dalla parete.La vite va inserita nella parte in muratura o in un Uno degli aspetti più importanti,per quanto riguarda il collegamento degli altoparlanti, è montante di legno; se ciò non è possibile,adoperate tasselli per cartongesso adeguati mantenerli alla stessa polarità,ossia in fase.Lo sfasamento può infatti causare u

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

REFERENCE SERIES INSTRUÇÕES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURANÇA D E S E M B A L A G E M A forma mais fácil de remover a caixa acústica da embalagem é colocar a face aberta da caixa 1. LEIA estas instruções. para baixo,de forma que esteja apoiada em uma mesa ou no chão,com as abas viradas para 2. GUARDE estas instruções. fora. Em seguida,puxe a embalagem para cima e retire-a.Retire todos os materiais de embal- 3. SIGA todos os avisos. agem da caixa acústica e da grade e coloque-os de volta na caixa e guarde

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

DA CAIXA ACÚSTICA PARA O AMPLIFICADOR:MANTENDO ALINHADO Para usar o furo de encaixe,tudo que você precisa é uma cabeça de parafuso de tamanho apropriado,ligeiramente saliente em relação à parede.Se possível,o parafuso deve ser fix- Uma das coisas mais importantes sobre a conexão de suas caixas acústicas é mantê-las ado a uma viga da parede (em casas de madeira).Se não,use buchas e parafusos apropri- na mesma polaridade,ou fase.Se elas forem conectadas ados para o tamanho e peso da caixa.(Veja a

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

REFERENCE SERIES IMPIMPORTANTES INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD D E S E M PA Q U E 1. LEA estas instrucciones. La manera más fácil de desempacar el altavoz es invertir la caja sobre una mesa o sobre el piso con las tapas abiertas y dispuestas hacia los lados. Luego se puede tirar de la caja hacia arriba. 2. GUARDE estas instrucciones. Quite el material de empaque del altavoz y de la rejilla, vuelva a poner el material en la caja y 3. RESPETE todas las advertencias. luego guarde caja y material por si

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

DE LOS ALTAVOCES AL AMPLIFICADOR:CONSERVACIÓN DE LA POLARIDAD O FASE En el caso de los agujeros en forma de cerradura,lo único que se necesita es un tornillo cuya cabeza,de tamaño apropiado,sobresalga ligeramente de la pared.Si es posible,el Uno de los aspectos más importantes al conectar los altavoces es mantener la polaridad tornillo debe ir atornillado en uno de los parales internos de la pared; de no ser así,se o fase.Si los altavoces no se conectan en fase,los bajos o la imagen de sonido se

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Figure 1 Figure 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Figure 3 Figure 4

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Register your new Klipsch product now at www.klipsch.com! Cut along dotted line and mail. For multiple speaker purchases, please fill out only one warranty card. Name: Street Address: City/State/Zip: Home Phone: Work Phone: E-mail Address: Would you like to receive the latest product updates and news via e-mail? ❑ Yes ❑ No Product Purchase Model and serial number must be included to honor your warranty card. For multiple speaker purchases,please fill out only one warranty card. Model Serial N

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

3502 Woodview Trace, Suite 200 Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 USA . . • 1 800 KLIPSCH www.klipsch.com Make sure you return your warranty For your records: card so that we may keep you up-to-date on new Klipsch products Model: and promotions. If you have any questions, contact your local Date Purchased: authorized Klipsch dealer. 6M0303 193141

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