JVC PROHD Gy-hm700 user manual

User manual for the device JVC PROHD Gy-hm700

Device: JVC PROHD Gy-hm700
Category: Camcorder
Manufacturer: JVC
Size: 0.35 MB
Added : 6/15/2013
Number of pages: 6
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JVC PROHD Gy-hm700 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to JVC PROHD Gy-hm700. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Smooth Integration into Existing ng Facility's System and Devices e feature ProHD memory card camcorders are designed to integrate seamlessly into the majority of existing post-production uction. infrastructure, and into existing workflows based on the file systems and codecs in common use in today’s ness. broadcasting industry. Migrating to ProHD requires little additional infrastructure investment or restructuring. Native MOV/MP4 File Recording ™ Native support for QuickTime MOV and File sy

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Eco Reasons for Memory Card Workflow Moving from tape-based to memory card-based production results not only in efficiency gains and cost savings — there are ecological benefits too. Maintenance-Free Mechanism Flash memory recording media has several ecological Periodical inspection and replacement of mechanical parts advantages over tape. With no moving parts card are more robust than cassettes, require less power in Video tape ProHD memory camcorder camcorder use, and fewer resources in m

Summary of the content on the page No. 1

HD Memory Card Camcorder
A Guide to the Most Efficient
Workflow with ProHD
Native File

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

E Why Choose ProHD Memory Camcorders? Flash memory The professional video industry is moving toward a tapeless, flash memory-based workflow. advantages ov JVC ProHD leads the way using SDHC recording media, offering advantages in terms of media cost more robust th and reliability, and Native File Recording to realize a faster, simpler and more efficient workflow. use, and fewer What’s more, ProHD integrates seamlessly into your existing systems and production infrastructure. also highly reu

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

✐✍☛☞✎ Non-Proprietary, Affordable & Reliable Recording Media The combination of ProHD and SDHC recording media confer significant advantages in terms of cost savings, shooting Nat flexibility and reliability. The provision of twin card slots on the GY-HM700/HM100 models allows operators to record th seamlessly over multiple cards. Widely Used, Available Anywhere Among the many types of flash media on Professional video tape/flash media sales trend ProH the market today, SDHC stand out as the (M

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Native File Recording No File Re-Wrapping, No Re-Encoding and No Waiting Native File Recording — the ability to record directly to the native file formats of non-linear editing systems — is the feature ProHD that will accelerate and streamline your production teams’ workflow both in the area of ENG and in the post production. in Needless to say, these gains in production efficiency translate directly into significant cost savings for your business. bro ™ ™ Common File Wrapper with QuickTime MOV

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